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Gardenworks Inc

Gardenworks is recognized as one of the most trusted local landscaping companies in Sonoma County. Call today to speak with an experienced designer!

Weed Prevention Tips. Weeds are unsightly.

Weed Prevention Tips

In addition to affecting your lawn’s aesthetics, weeds compete with healthy grass for air, water, and nutrients. When fertilizer is applied, weeds soak up the nutrients before plants and grasses. A lack of nutrients can lead to stunted plant growth and make your lawn prone to various issues such as insect infestation, drought, and disease.

Weeds are intrusive in your garden space. Certain soil conditions can exacerbate weed introduction and growth as well. Here are some tips for a healthy, weed-free lawn from Gardenworks Inc., Sonoma County landscapers. Apply Pre-Emergent Treatment There are two types of weeds: grassy (monocots)and broadleaf. They say that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Fertilize Properly in Spring As lawns age, they lose their natural shine and thickness. Popular “weed and feed“ products may be of help in situations where weeds abound in a lawn area. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. The professional Sonoma County landscape design services team at Gardenworks strives to maintain the delicate balance between nature and man.

Landscape Designer in Sonoma County

Our attractive garden designs encourage birds and beneficial insects to thrive and we are conscientiously trying to minimize the risk of environmental problems associated with the installation of our fine gardens. Sustainable landscaping requires fewer resource inputs such as pesticides and fertilizer to create a more environmentally friendly and beautiful landscape, while reducing maintainability. Sustainable landscaping is both cost efficient and functional in saving on water usage and creating a more self-sufficient garden for years to come.

The harmful effects of non-sustainable landscape practices are many and include harm to native flora and animal habitats by invasive plants and species, harm to humans from drinking water polluted by runoff from chemicals in toxic pesticides, and harm to all life by over-use of limited natural resources. What Affects the Cost of My Landscape Design? A well-executed landscape design project can transform your outdoor area into an oasis.

What Affects the Cost of My Landscape Design?

A professional landscape designer will help you dream up your ideal landscaping and then manage the installation/construction of your project from start to finish. Price is one of the most important factors to consider when hiring a landscape design service in Sonoma County. Here are some factors that affect the cost of a landscape design from our team at Gardenworks. Your Designer’s Experience and Credentials Accreditations and certifications are an indicator of a professional’s level of experience and skill. Getting Your Yard Ready For Spring. Winters can take a toll on your backyard.

Getting Your Yard Ready For Spring

The cold temperatures and rain can damage lawns and destroy the grass, shrubs, and trees. Once winter is over, you need to come up with a plan to return your yard to its former glory. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. Maintenance vs. Management. Maintenance; the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained.Management; the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Maintenance vs. Management

So, okay, is it time with the current drought and outdoor water use concerns to change the term for what we call the caring for landscapes and gardens? We have all become very comfortable with the term landscape maintenance for many years and justly so. But is it time to look at that term and really understand what professional landscaping has become? Terms such as “sustainable”, “green”, “low impact”, “organic” are now common lexicons in describing land use and land care. The State of California Department of Water Resources is directing landscapes and landscaping in the State toward a “New Normal” in design, installation and care. Low-Maintenance Backyard Landscaping Ideas Without Grass. Grass needs at least ½ to 1½ inches of water every week.

Low-Maintenance Backyard Landscaping Ideas Without Grass

Successfully growing lush, green grass can be challenging, especially in areas without an irrigation system. Mowing and other maintenance tasks are highly labor-intensive and performing them regularly can prove to be an uphill battle. The good news is that there are several other landscaping options, without including grass or high-maintenance plants. These ideas will transform your landscape into a relaxing oasis. You will spend less time maintaining your yard and more time appreciating its beauty. Landscape Contractor in Sonoma County. Should I Water My Lawn During Winter? Should I water my lawn during winter?

Should I Water My Lawn During Winter?

This is one of the most common questions lawn owners find themselves wondering when temperatures fall. The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Watering grass even during colder seasons is necessary. Even when the grass is dormant, the roots still need water to stay hydrated during the colder months. Plants cannot survive periods of drought without water. The Best Sonoma County Landscapers. Gardenworks Inc., Sonoma County landscapers in Healdsburg, emphasizes sustainable gardens and water conservation.

The Best Sonoma County Landscapers

Drought conditions in Northern California have influenced landscape design by incorporating more native plants that require less water. This concept also highlights native plants and other climate appropriate plants used to create dramatic landscapes and gardens for homes, apartment communities and commercial buildings. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are limited to provide healthy yards and grounds. Natural bug repellents. The Best Landscaping Ideas for Front Yards. Creating a landscape design can seem overwhelming as there are various factors at play.

The Best Landscaping Ideas for Front Yards

You need to determine your needs and wants, find a focal point, and consider your location. Once you have developed an in-depth understanding of different dynamics at play, you can start exploring landscaping ideas. Here are some trending landscaping ideas. High-Style Hacienda Courtyard. Why Do I Need a Landscape Designer? Designing a landscape plan is a job best left to the experts.

Why Do I Need a Landscape Designer?

There are several factors at play. An experienced landscape designer is well-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage projects successfully. What Are the Best Ways to Save Water When Maintaining a Lawn? Water is essential for plant growth. Watering the plants in your lawn should be a top priority. However, be careful not to overdo it. Overwatering a lawn is as detrimental to its health as underwatering it. An overwatered plant may thin out and develop wilted leaves.

Landscaping Services in Healdsburg. The Best Landscaping Ideas for Front Yards. Should I Water My Lawn During Winter? Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. A Watershed Movement. Wa·ter·shed (noun) 1. an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas.2. an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs. What is a watershed approach to landscaping?

Simply put, a watershed approach considers every landscape should hold on to or clean all of the water that falls on it and nurture a diverse habitat of plants and insects. The landscape’s owner(s) then acts as a steward of this defined area to manage the area sustainably for their benefit and their communities benefit. The Watershed approach builds upon sustainable practices with a focus on retaining water on site and percolating into the aquifer below. The result is that any contaminants, pollution or chemicals picked up in this journey are filtered out during the movement into the aquifer. As you can imagine, soil health and knowledge is a critical component of the watershed approach.

Here are some suggestions when you plan your next garden: Finding the Right Landscape Designers in Sonoma County. A garden can be a sanctuary. It’s a place where, if many natural features are brought together by an organic and harmonious landscape design, you can relax and have peace of mind. As such, you should consider having landscaped areas within your property filled with artistically placed landscape boulders, colorful plants, meandering paths, breathtaking water features and perhaps a fire pit. Overhead Or Drip Irrigation: What Offers the Most Value? One of the most common questions homeowners ask themselves when selecting the components of their automatic irrigation system is whether drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation is better for their yard.

If you too are seeking the answer to this question, you have come to the right place. To help you make an informed decision, we discuss the differences between these two systems. Drip Irrigation: An Overview Drip irrigation is also known as micro-irrigation and low volume irrigation. A drip irrigation system utilizes a network of pipes, emitters, and tubing to supply water at a progressive rate directly to the soil. Drip irrigation is almost 90 percent efficient. Known for its versatility, drip irrigation is suitable for most soils.

How Can I Create a Low-maintenance Yard? An aesthetically pleasing landscape can do wonders for your home. It can help create a serene and relaxed environment in your backyard. Landscapes require maintenance. Many homeowners would love to have a beautiful backyard where they can relax and unwind, but do not have enough time to regularly perform proper maintenance. Tips for Better Landscaping Maintenance in Sonoma County. Gardenworks – A Leading Residential Landscape Company in Healdsburg. Healdsburg is a charming city of 11,500 people in Northern California about 70 miles north of San Francisco. A Complete Guide to our Services as Trusted Healdsburg Landscapers. Local landscapers know the weather and soil conditions for their area. Gardenworks Inc., a leading Healdsburglandscapers landscaper, is familiar with the unique requirements in Sonoma County and plants adapted to meet them.

How to Locate Quality Landscaping Services in Sonoma County. Finding the best landscaping services in Sonoma County requires interviews with professional local companies. You should have some idea of what you need or would like and be looking for further input especially creativity from the landscapers. Landscape Design Services Near Me Sonoma County. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. How Does Using a Professional Landscape Design Benefit My Project? Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. How to Make Your Landscape Wildlife-Friendly. Want to get closer to nature? Come up with a plan to make your garden a safe haven for wildlife. There are several benefits of a wildlife-friendly garden. The sound of birds chirping is music to the ears. Beneficial worms can help increase the amount of air and water that gets into the soil which helps improve the soil quality in your garden.

Tips to Save Water in Your Landscape. If done correctly, landscaping can increase the value of homes. How to Select a Good Landscape Contractor. An exquisitely landscaped yard adds value to your home and can create a Zen-like atmosphere perfect for unwinding from stressful days. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Residential Landscape Maintenance Services. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Should I Hire a Landscaper, Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer? Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. Gardenworks, A Leading Landscape Designer in Sonoma County.

The Basic Principles of Landscape Design. Landscaping Services in Sonoma County. Gardenworks Landscapers Proudly Serves Healdsburg. Winter Pruning Basics. The dead of winter is the ideal time to prune dormant plants in and around Sonoma County. It is this time of year when sap is flowing the slowest or not at all. There are no leaves on the plants to prevent seeing where to make pruning cuts. Making the proper cuts now will lead to better performance during the growing season including better growth patterns, better flowers and fruit production.

Here around Healdsburg, the Gardenworks crews are hard at it – working on roses, fruit trees and other dormant shrubs and trees. Tools of the Trade for pruning this winter: By-pass pruners (the cutting blade slides by the holding blade)Pruning saw for large cutsLong handled loppers for larger canes, stems, branchesPole pruner/pole sawOrchard ladderThick gloves and eye protectionDisinfectant for tools to use between cuts or at least between plantsPlant ID method to research fruiting and flowering wood to know where to make cuts. Advantages of Hiring a Professional Landscaping Service in Sonoma County. Landscaping Services in Healdsburg. Gardenworks Inc. Provides Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. Gardenworks Inc. is a Landscape Contractor in Sonoma County. Elements of Landscape Design in Sonoma County: Hardscape Design and Hardscaping? A Quick Guide to Gardenworks’ Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County.

Often, first time homeowners are overwhelmed by the amount of maintenance their landscape needs to remain lush and thriving. This can lead to neglected yards and decreased home values. Proper maintenance, however, can keep that yard looking great. The following landscape maintenance services in Sonoma County as offered by the team here at Gardenworks, are a cost-effective way to maintain a beautiful yard all-year long. Sonoma County Landscapers. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. 6 Tips for Property Curb Appeal.

How often when taking a walk through neighborhoods have you noticed unappealing and unattractive or down right neglected yards? Do you find yourself walking a bit faster or looking away or do you stare wondering how something like that can happen? One of the most important components in evaluating property value is curb appeal. Regardless of a for sale sign or not, how a property looks on the outside makes the first impression and can be a determination in appraisals and or bringing interested buyers. A nicely landscaped property is important in making that first impression positive. Trendy Landscaping Options & Services in Sonoma County. From Design to Maintenance and Everything In Between: The Landscaping Services in Healdsburg By Gardenworks. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County.

Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Transform Your Landscape with Our Healdsburg Landscaping Services. Understanding Landscape Design in Sonoma County. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Storage Units Santa Rosa. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. What Is the Best Time of the Year for Landscaping? Basic Principles of Landscape Design. Tips for Better Landscaping Maintenance in Sonoma County. Landscaping Companies in Sonoma County. Residential Landscape Maintenance Services. Should I Hire a Landscaper, Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer? The Basic Principles of Landscape Design. Advantages of Hiring a Professional Landscaping Service in Sonoma County. Elements of Landscape Design in Sonoma County: Hardscape Design and Hardscaping? Trendy Landscaping Options & Services in Sonoma County. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Understanding Landscape Design in Sonoma County.

Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Landscaping Services in Sonoma County: Cold Weather Protection. How to Choose a Landscaping Company in Sonoma County. Stunning Plant Combinations for Low-Water Gardens in Sonoma County. Look at Your Landscaping in Healdsburg as an Investment. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. How Partnering with a Landscape Designer/Consultant in Sonoma County Can Prevent Invasive Fungi. When Should You Water Plants and Trees in Summer? How Much Does Landscape Design Cost? Landscape Maintenance Sonoma County Ca.

The Beautiful Styles of Slate Walkways Provided by Landscaping Services in Healdsburg. Landscape Design in Sonoma County. 5 Ways to Landscape Your Sonoma County’s Home Small Yard. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County. Landscape Maintenance Tips for Sonoma County – How to Repel Mosquitos from Your Garden. Fall Cleanup: What to do with all the leaves? Landscape Contractor in Sonoma County. 5 Secrets to a Low-maintenance Yard. Choose the Right Plant for the Right Place in Your Landscape. How Does Climate Change Impact Landscaping? 3 Landscape Design Ideas from the Experts. Landscape Designer in Sonoma County. Three Tips to Transform Your Property with a Luxury Pool and Landscape. How to Manage Your Landscape in Late Summer. Three Ways Professional Landscaping Helps to Sell a Home Faster. Landscape Maintenance Services in Sonoma County.