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Two Harvard Professors Reveal Why We Procrastinate. Sometime around 2006, two Harvard professors began to study why we procrastinate.

Two Harvard Professors Reveal Why We Procrastinate

Why do we avoid doing the things we know we should do, even when it’s clear that they are good for us? To answer this question, the two professors — Todd Rogers and Max Bazerman — conducted a study where participants were asked whether they would agree to enroll in a savings plan that automatically placed two percent of their paycheck in a savings account.

Nearly every participant agreed that saving money was a good idea, but their behavior said otherwise: One version of the question asked participants to enroll in the savings plan as soon as possible. In this scenario, only 30 percent of people said they would agree to enroll in the plan.In another version of the question, participants were asked to enroll in a savings plan in the distant future (like a year from today). These Illustrations Show The Sad Reality Of Today's World. Art through the ages has acted as a catalyst for change.

These Illustrations Show The Sad Reality Of Today's World

It’s not always Bob Ross-style mountain portraits. Steve Cutts believes that the world shouldn’t be like this, so he set to work on soul-crushingly accurate illustrations of our world today. Cutts is an illustrator from London. He had the opportunity to study Fine Arts or work at McDonalds, and he chose the former. Cutts now specializes in videos and images that criticize modern life. To learn more, visit, like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. What an Introvert Sounds Like. The World Well-Being Project uses Facebook updates to correlate language with personality traits.

What an Introvert Sounds Like

Do our Facebook posts reflect our true personalities? Incrementally, probably not. But in aggregate, the things we say on social media paint a fairly accurate portrait of our inner selves. A team of University of Pennsylvania scientists is using Facebook status updates to find commonalities in the words used by different ages, genders, and even psyches. Don’t believe everything you see on TV: hypnosis is less far fetched and far more important.

Channel Nine’s new game show You’re Back in the Room debuted to high ratings on Sunday night.

Don’t believe everything you see on TV: hypnosis is less far fetched and far more important

Based on the British show, the contestants work together to complete challenges for cash. But to make it interesting, they are hypnotised and given increasingly outrageous suggestions to thwart their attempts to complete the challenges. During a musical challenge, for instance, the hypnotist suggests one contestant is a pop star, another is Elvis, a third is an air guitar champion and the fourth loves the show’s host. Goodbye to MBTI, the Fad That Won't Die. My name is Adam Grant, and I am an INTJ.

Goodbye to MBTI, the Fad That Won't Die

That’s what I learned from a wildly popular personality test, which is taken by more than 2.5 million people a year, and used by 89 of the Fortune 100 companies. It’s called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and my score means that I’m more introverted than extraverted, intuiting than sensing, thinking than feeling, and judging than perceiving.

As I reflected on the results, I experienced flashes of insight. Although I spend much of my time teaching and speaking on stage, I am more of an introvert — I’ve always preferred a good book to a wild party. Cognitive Functions. Type A Personality. By Saul McLeod published 2008, updated 2014 This type of personality concerns how people respond to stress.

Type A Personality

Friedman & Rosenman (both cardiologists) developed their theory based on an observation of the patients with heart conditions in their waiting room. Introvert Awkward Moments. When you’re an INTJ or introvert, life can be filled with awkward moments.

Introvert Awkward Moments

INTP (Engineer) Personality Type - Jungian. INTJ Type dynamics. INTP. Jung Type Descriptions enfp | enfj | entp | entj | estj | esfj | estp | esfp | infp | infj | intp | intj | istj | isfj | istp | isfp back to personality types favored careers: disfavored careers:


The INTP "Architect" Personality Type. We have a philosophy at Personality Hacker that each of the Myers-Briggs types is imperative to the social ecosystem.

The INTP "Architect" Personality Type

Like an orchestra that requires every musician, we all bring something that the world needs. Depending upon the time period in history and the culture of any particular location, the niche our personality type fills may be celebrated or demonized. INTP Careers, Jobs, & Majors. By Dr.

INTP Careers, Jobs, & Majors

A.J. Drenth As is often true for ENTP career-seekers, the road to a satisfying career can be a rough and rocky one for INTPs. INTPs feel they must understand themselves and their place in the world before settling into a career. Interests: Investigative, Social, Artistic. 19-3031.02 - Clinical Psychologists. Diagnose or evaluate mental and emotional disorders of individuals through observation, interview, and psychological tests, and formulate and administer programs of treatment. Sample of reported job titles: Child Psychologist, Clinical Director, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Therapist, Forensic Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Psychologist Manager, Pediatric Psychologist, Psychologist Tasks | Tools & Technology | Knowledge | Skills | Abilities | Work Activities | Detailed Work Activities | Work Context | Job Zone | Education | Credentials | Interests | Work Styles | Work Values | Related Occupations | Wages & Employment | Job Openings | Additional Information Tasks Save Table (XLS/CSV) 10 of 21 displayed (20 important) All 21 displayed (20 important) Find occupations related to multiple tasks back to top Tools & Technology Save Table (XLS/CSV) All 14 displayed.

INFP Careers, Jobs, & Majors. By Dr. A.J. Drenth INFPs do not want just any job or career. E Buie -> INFP Musings. Up to the top of the Personal Section As a long-time member of the INFP email list (since early 1994, almost the beginning), I've noticed over the years some very interesting things about INFPs and about how others see us. INFP Personality Type: The Creative Seeker. By Dr. A.J. INFP - The Dreamer. INFP - The Dreamer Profile by Sandra Krebs Hirsch and Jean Kummerow INFPs focus deeply on their values, and they devote their lives to pursuing the ideal. They often draw people together around a common purpose and work to find a place for each person within the group.

They are creative, and they seek new ideas and possibilities. INFP. INFP (Dreamer) Personality Type - Jungian. What Do Sneakers on Telephone Wires Really Mean? - Paul Rosenfeld. It’s the little things, Pt. 1: How small conundrums make many hate computers. It’s the little things, part 2: The importance of automation. Every system administrator deals with repetition. It’s the little things, Pt. 3: Time to eliminate geek strongman competitions. There's something I've noticed about networking software. By "networking software," I don't mean LinkedIn or Facebook; I mean the actual software that runs networks: SSL, IOS (the Cisco version), whatever OS runs on HP switches, many e-mail servers, and Apache.

In other words, this is the software that makes the LinkedIn kind of networking possible. And it's all inexcusably hard to use. Even for someone who is experienced, this kind of software makes the most basic tasks difficult to do.