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Brand Journalism

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Top Five Social Media Predictions for 2013 - Autumn Truong - Voices. With the New Year comes new predictions, and the same is true for social media in the business world.

Top Five Social Media Predictions for 2013 - Autumn Truong - Voices

Many brands, both big and small, pour time and resources into the implementation of social media strategy to connect with audiences and manage communities. For example, at Cisco, we have more than 100 communities on social media channels. When looking to invest in social media, it is important to look ahead at upcoming trends as opposed to what networks are “hot” right now. What’s Next for Brand Journalism (and Content Marketing)? Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles At the end of each year there’s a surge of consideration for the future and how best to move forward.

What’s Next for Brand Journalism (and Content Marketing)?

For me — and many other corporate writers types, I’m sure — that’s particularly true when it comes to content. For example, what kind of number has brand journalism done on the world of business? Has it met expectations? Today, some are calling it a social fad while others think it’s the next step in the evolution of PR. There was an interesting discussion at this year’s Global PR Summit in Miami in which John Earnhardt, head of the corporate and social media team over at Cisco, did a nice job of hitting the realistic middle ground: “The media has been in transition for a while. The Key to All is Authenticity As we head into 2013 I think John’s way of thinking about brand journalism and the content marketing umbrella in general is a healthy point of view. The more pressing question then becomes: how do we communicate authentically? 7 règles pour réussir son 'journalisme' de marque.

Aujourd’hui, 70 % des internautes visiteraient plus souvent un site proposant des informations de fond et pas seulement des contenus commerciaux et publicitaires. Conscients de ces attentes, les marketeurs ont pris en compte l’importance du brand content, qui a récemment connu une montée en puissance avec l’arrivée des réseaux sociaux. Mais au-delà du contenu, l’attente des consommateurs se focalise sur de l’information riche et qualitative : 81 % des internautes aimeraient que des experts indépendants, non associés aux marques, prennent la parole sur leurs sites. La Fabrique de Contenus. Le brand content bien plus crédible que la publicité en ligne!

La Fabrique de Contenus

Publié le Mis à jour le On le dira jamais assez et les études récentes ne le démontreront non plus jamais assez: le brand content, le marketing éditorial, le brand journalisme bref…le contenu éditorial gagne ses lettres de noblesse face à des stratégies publicitaires inefficaces. Pourquoi? Sans aucun doute parce que nous voulons de la valeur ajoutée, nous voulons donner du sens à nos achats, à nos choix et qu’il n’y a rien de tel que de travailler l’ADN d’une marque en BtoC ou BtoB, que le contenu éditorial dans tous ses formats. source: Le journalisme de marque ou marketing de contenu en BtoB. Quand les entreprises deviennent des médias… Tout d’abord, qu’est-ce que le journalisme de marque ?

Le journalisme de marque ou marketing de contenu en BtoB

Tout simplement du journalisme au service d'une marque. Concrètement, cela se traduit par la production de contenu régulièrement pour intéresser, fidéliser, fédérer, augmenter votre audience (journalistes, blogueurs, clients, prospects…). Ce qui implique deux choses :


Can public relations become 'brand journalism'? What is it? I'm in Miami this week taking part in the Holmes Report's Global PR Summit and the topic of "Brand Journalism.

Can public relations become 'brand journalism'? What is it?

" I know nothing about the subject but no one else does either because it's a made up term that is in the early stages of being defined. Nothing wrong in that, I do it all the time but I try to think of concepts that make sense and this one doesn't make any sense at all. Flacks that want to be hacks... "Brand Journalism" is hot in the PR community and I can see why.

PR people are hoping that they can re-brand themselves as Brand Journalists and the world will be a better place for it, and they'll feel better too. "Hi, I'm a brand journalist, what do you do? " But it makes little sense. "Hi, I'm a journalist from the Wall Street Journal" "Hi, I'm a journalist from Hugo Boss. " It sounds ridiculous.

Will the Hugo Boss journalist announce a new line with a fair and balanced perspective, with comments from Zegna, Ralph Lauren, etc? Inside Forbes: The Birth of Brand Journalism and Why It's Good for the News Business. Check out the image to the right.

Inside Forbes: The Birth of Brand Journalism and Why It's Good for the News Business

It’s our Most Popular module from a day in September 2011. Now look at the fifth headline, the one about CRM +0.04% and its CEO, Marc Benioff. Labeled AdVoice, it was written and published by SAP SAP, a global enterprise software company.