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WhatsApp non condividerà più dati personali con Facebook (per adesso) WhatsApp, in questi mesi, ha fatto parecchio discutere in merito ad una particolare opzione rintracciabile nelle ultime versioni del software, per effetto di cui Facebook sarebbe stato in grado di ricevere dati sensibili riguardanti gli utilizzatori della chat.

WhatsApp non condividerà più dati personali con Facebook (per adesso)

Com’era prevedibile, numerose perplessità sono maturate in riferimento a possibili violazioni della privacy, aspetto sul quale hanno deciso di esprimersi anche diversi enti governativi che non hanno visto di buon occhio questa iniziativa presa a beneficio del tanto discusso “limbo d’oro” di Mark Zuckerberg. Per tale causa, Facebook ha smesso di raccogliere informazioni relative agli utenti che, in tutta Europa, utilizzano la celebre app di messaggistica istantanea. Ad annunciare la novità è il Financial Times, che riconduce i motivi di una simile scelta alle forti pressioni ricevute dalle autorità, finalizzate all’osservanza delle normative statali in tema di riservatezza. Indianexpress. AdBlock Plus STEP 1 – Click on the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser STEP 2 – A drop-down menu will appear with a check mark followed by Enabled on this site STEP 3 – Click the button to until the text reads Disabled on this site STEP 4 – Refresh the page or click Continue to site, to access Chrome Adblock Extension STEP 1 – Click on the hand icon for adblock extension, on the top right corner of your browser STEP 2 – A drop-down menu will appear STEP 3 – Click the Don’t run on pages on this domain option on the drop down STEP 4 – Once clicked a settings popup will appear.


WhatsApp users – have you opted out of Facebook data share? Over a billion people use the app for free messaging. Follow. Alternatives to WhatsApp, with automatic backups, End-to-End encryption, and not on other people's servers? : privacy. Hyperlink. Social & messaggistica. 5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies – Marketing and Entrepreneurship – Medium. You can target audiences on Facebook with a dozen different ad formats and thousands of possible ad targeting parameters.

5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies – Marketing and Entrepreneurship – Medium

Mastering your Facebook targeting strategy gets you in front of very specific and often motivated segments of your audience, on the network where Americans religiously spend an average of 40 minutes of their day. Here are a few ridiculously powerful Facebook ad targeting strategies you probably haven’t heard of. 1. Tap Into Recent Purchasing Behavior Among Facebook Users Early on, Facebook was criticized by advertising analysts as a fun place to hang out, but a network with little commercial intent or potential for consumer insight. These companies have access to trillions of data transactions each year. Suddenly, Facebook knew a whole lot more than whether you spent more time in Farmville or Candy Crush Saga. Here’s one that I use: People who buy Business Marketing Services (which is relevant to my company, as we sell business software and services). 2. 3. 4. 5. New program lets Facebook follow you anywhere you go.

Concerned about your personal data being shared?

New program lets Facebook follow you anywhere you go

Well, the latest news out of Facebook headquarters probably isn't going to make you feel any better. Starting today, Facebook is using the data it captures from you (and all of its other users) for its brand-new ad network, Atlas. It does so by serving up ads (even across non-Facebook sites) based upon what the company knows about you - which is considerable, to say the least. The technology is called, "people-based marketing," and it allows Facebook to track every one of its 1.3 billion users on any communication gadget including desktop computers, phones and tablets along with other websites.

And now, their advertisers will be able to do the same. H2' 2014, SN news. Social networks, Curiosità & News. Chat e social network: come ci spiano. Facebook, Windows Messenger, Skype, Yahoo!

Chat e social network: come ci spiano

, WhatsApp, sono solo alcune delle maggiori piattaforme di comunicazione digitale molto in voga sia da computer sia da smartphone e tablet. Ma quanto sono sicure le conversazioni? Seppur esistano basi di crittografia e di autenticazione, può capitare che un messaggio esca dalla finestra di chat per entrare in un’altra; le conseguenze di chat troppo “private” e delicate potrebbero essere disastrose se non irreparabili. Il problema è che più la tecnologia esce fuori di casa e più i nostri dati (così come le conversazioni di chat) sono ipoteticamente in pericolo, con hacker pronti a scavalcare le reti di protezione delle app, intrufolandosi nelle conversazioni. How to Set Admin Roles for your Facebook Page & Why You Should. A Facebook Page is often the lifeblood of a business’s social media presence.

How to Set Admin Roles for your Facebook Page & Why You Should

Companies need to be very careful who has “Admin” access to their page(s). Countless pages have been lost due to poor or non-existent controls. Facebook allows for multiple roles for page administrators, and it’s important to understand the difference between them. This allows you to have people in your organization assigned to them accordingly. In the old days, giving someone admin access to a Facebook page was an all or nothing thing. Now all of that has changed and page owners can breathe a sigh of relief. AdminEditorModeratorAdvertiserAnalyst. Facebook, FB. Social networks, HOME Pearltree.