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DeSmuME. Mevius Final Fantasy: primo trailer del nuovo JRPG in arrivo su Android. Come potrete vedere sotto, durante le ultime ore, in occasione del GDC 2015, è stato mostrato un primo video di Mevius Final Fantasy, un nuovo JRPG da Square Enix in arrivo su Android.

Mevius Final Fantasy: primo trailer del nuovo JRPG in arrivo su Android

Purtroppo il primo video è lungo solo 13 secondi, durante i quali vengono mostrate le reali potenzialità del titolo. Ecco alcuni screen ed un video: Il nuovo titolo di Square Enix mostra sicuramente le proprie potenzialità grafiche e purtroppo oltre questi piccoli fotogrammi non sono stati rivelati ulteriori dettagli. Mevius Final Fantasy arriverà sicuramente in Giappone ma ancora oggi non sono state rilasciate conferme circa un suo debutto sul mercato occidentale. Vi terremo aggiornati. Play retro games online. Machinarium. Gameplay[edit] A screenshot from Machinarium, demonstrating the hand-drawn backgrounds and the communication of objectives through pictorial thought bubbles.


The goal of Machinarium is to solve a series of puzzles and brain teasers. The puzzles are linked together by an overworld consisting of a traditional "point and click" adventure story. The overworld's most radical departure is that only objects within the player character's reach can be clicked on. The game employs a two-tier hint system. Plot summary[edit] Machinarium opens with an overview of the eponymous city as a disposal flier launches from its highest tower. Development[edit] Machinarium was developed over a period of three years, by seven Czech developers, who financed the project with their own savings. The game was in development for the Xbox 360 platform for a period of six months; however, Microsoft, whom the developers had approached to publish the title on Xbox Live Arcade, ultimately decided not to do so.

La nuova missione di Lightning: 13 giorni per salvare Final Fantasy. La serie Final Fantasy XIII, lo sappiamo, non è particolarmente gradita dai fan storici di Final Fantasy.

La nuova missione di Lightning: 13 giorni per salvare Final Fantasy

A free, open-source game of ancient warfare - Vimperator. Community per il Niantic Project. Ingress: in arrivo ben 5 nuove “Portal Mod”! Può un gioco stupire fino a tal punto?

Ingress: in arrivo ben 5 nuove “Portal Mod”!

Io pensavo di no o, meglio, che comunque una volta che le dinamiche di gioco fossero state completamente definite tutto poteva cadere in una sorta di ripetitività ricorsiva delle azioni dei giocatori, ma per Ingress non è così! Sono un appassionato di questo gioco e, quando riesco a trovare un po’ di tempo, devo ammettere che anche io gioco e mi diverto, ma le costanti novità di quest’ultimo mese sono state davvero interessanti. Iniziamo con l’antipasto: gli scudi adesso hanno una mitigazione completamente rinnovata. Quelli che otterremo adesso dai portali avranno i seguenti valori rispetto alla vecchia versione degli stessi (tra parentesi trovate il vecchio valore): Ingress. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.


Ingress è un videogioco di realtà aumentata creato da NianticLabs, sviluppato per piattaforma Android, e in un futuro anche per iOS.[1] Il gioco vede due fazioni contrapposte che combattono tra loro: gli Illuminati (rappresentati in verde) e la Resistenza (rappresentati in blu). Ingress. Friends & links, minor. Friends & links. Anime. Game system requirements. Benchmark online utilities. Online utilities, utilità online. Myst. Not to be confused with mist.


The game puts the player in the role of the Stranger, who uses a special book to travel to the island of Myst. There, the player solves puzzles and travels to other worlds known as "Ages". Clues found in each of these Ages help to reveal the back-story of the game's characters. The game has several endings, depending on the course of action the player takes. After producing several interactive games aimed at children, the Miller brothers decided to create an adult-targeted game with a non-linear story, believable characters, and an ethical dilemma. Gameplay[edit] Screenshot of Myst, showing the island's library in the background and a puzzle involving a ship in the foreground The gameplay of Myst consists of a first-person journey through an interactive world.

Apart from its predominantly nonverbal storytelling,[9] Myst's gameplay is unusual among adventuring computer games in several ways. RealMyst on the App Store. Myst on the App Store. RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition - Cyan, Inc. - Makers of Myst, Riven, and More. NEW – realMyst: Masterpiece Edition Available through Steam, GoG, the Humble Store, and the Mac App Store realMyst: Masterpiece Edition is a beautifully updated version of realMYST for today’s Mac and Windows computers – celebrating the 20th anniversary of Myst!

realMyst: Masterpiece Edition - Cyan, Inc. - Makers of Myst, Riven, and More

The worlds have been reconstructed and enhanced to provide realistic water, changing weather, dynamic lighting, life-like foliage, bloom and other camera effects, and more. We’ve even redesigned the interface to provide an enjoyable way to explore for both novices and gamers. realMyst: Masterpiece Edition – this is not your father’s Myst! It’s been 20 years since Myst became your world, and there’s never been a better time to revisit the Ages. And If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by realtime 3D – too many controls or too much motion – realMyst has something for you! We’ve added plenty of new features to enhance and assist you on your journey. Features… Screenshots… Copyright © 2014 by Cyan, Inc. RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition on Steam.

This is a wonderful game.

realMyst: Masterpiece Edition on Steam

This was my first game I ever owned back when I was a child, so I have a nostalgic bias. To the review; this game from the get-go is aesthetically 200% better. It looks like any indie FPS you can buy nowadays minus a tutorial and immediate plot. I put countless hours into this game as a child and never beat it. That was back before there was internet walkthroughs and developers who thought that you (the gamer) barely passed the second grade.