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Improving the Yeoman Generator Gulp Angular ← David Barreto. The Yeoman generator generator-gulp-angular is a great tool for building AngularJS and in my opinion is much better than the official Yeoman generator for AngularJS (generator-angular), because it uses Gulp and not Grunt as the task runner, it has a component-like folder structure for the code instead of the “drawer” style, it uses libsass instead of compass (ruby), it supports Typescript and has a lot of options for configuration.

Improving the Yeoman Generator Gulp Angular ← David Barreto

But there is a thing that I don’t like: how it handles bootstrap-sass. The problem is that when dealing with styles, the generator creates two separate files, one with all the styles from the libraries installed using bower and one with all the styles created by us. This means that our sass files can’t use Bootstrap variables and mixins and that we can’t override Bootstrap internals to have complete control over the framework.

The process of the sass files are done in the file “gulp/styles.js”. How the “styles” task works Step 1: Getting the files. 10 Best Tutorials To Learn AngularJS. AngularJS is an awesome Javascript framework that can be used to create powerful and dynamic web apps.

10 Best Tutorials To Learn AngularJS

It also covers the building of complex client-side applications. Since its release in 2009, AngularJS has been widely used by many developers for its convenient extending of custom HTML tags and attributes, known as ‘directives’. For some people, learning Angular through its official documentation is not enough. They prefer a video-based tutorial instead, or a more sophisticated learning site with specific discussions, a demo, the try it yourself feature and the like. JHipster home page.

Angular 2

Tim Kindberg on Angular UI-Router. Most Common Mistakes AngularJS Developer Make. Single page apps demand the front-end developers to become better software engineers.

Most Common Mistakes AngularJS Developer Make

CSS and HTML are not the biggest concern anymore, in fact, there is no longer just a single concern. The front-end developer needs to handle XHRs, application logic (models, views, controllers), performance, animations, styles, structure, SEO, and integration with external services. The result which emerges from all those combined is the User Experience (UX) which should always be prioritized. AngularJS is a very powerful framework. It is the third most starred repository on GitHub. Common Mistake #1: Accessing The Scope Through The DOM. Sahat/satellizer. 10 Best Bootstrap AngularJS Admin Themes Collec... - Angularjs Themes,Templates and Components - Quora. AngularJS Bootstrap Admin theme is an open source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of individual developers and corporation to address of the challenges encountered Developing single page application.

10 Best Bootstrap AngularJS Admin Themes Collec... - Angularjs Themes,Templates and Components - Quora

The admin theme user interface can be an important part of the project in terms of usability, so you’ll want to be careful to select a quality template that is well suited to the needs of your project. Here is list of Best Bootstrap Angularjs Admin Themes Collection for you. 1) Singular Bootstrap Admin Theme + AngularJSSingular is an AngularJS Single Page Application based on the Bootstrap 3 framework. 2) Monarch Bootstrap Admin Frontend Theme With AngularJSMonarch is an all-in-one solution for creating both extensive dashboard panels for web, mobile and tablet applications, and also presentation websites which area very easy to compose because of the modular components architecture. The Many Ways To Use ngClass. Using ngClass For our examples and tutorials here, we’ll be using input boxes (text and checkbox) to dynamically/conditionally add classes to our HTML elements. ngClass Using String Syntax This is the simplest way to use ngClass.

The Many Ways To Use ngClass

AngularJS - Manipulating the DOM after ng-repeat is finished. AngularJS. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for dynamic web apps.


It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. The integration between AngularJS and jQWidgets is implemented through a plug-in which we called jqxAngular. This plug-in includes AngularJS directives for all widgets.

Getting Started Add references to jQuery, AngularJS and jQWidgets files. In the AngularJS app definition, pass the jqwidgets module dependency: var app = angular.module("app", ["jqwidgets"]); How do I "think in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background? Part II: ng-grid and a Real REST API. jQuery inputmask plugin + AngularJS - valve's. The plugin I was going to use was jquery inputmask by Robin Herbots.

jQuery inputmask plugin + AngularJS - valve's

I was working on a small angularjs application and needed a text input masking to force users to enter their telephone numbers in a certain format. “So, what’s the problem?” – I thought. I added the neccessary code: … only to find out that $scope.application was undefined and no phone value never made it to controller. Examples. Build AngularJS Grid with server side paging, sorting & filtering.

I will be showing how to build a grid that supports server side paging, sorting & filtering My goal with this is that i didn’t want to implement a more complex approach that will be hard to customize later, so what i ended up doing is implementing a solution that will show a list of data in a table like structure and implement a reusable solution for paging, sorting & filtering Our result will look like this: There are three major parts in this Pagination, Sorting & filtering First lets look at the html that construct this grid.

Build AngularJS Grid with server side paging, sorting & filtering

Rainbow - Responsive Admin App with AngularJS. Intro “Rainbow” is a fully responsive multi-layout admin App built with AngularJS.

Rainbow - Responsive Admin App with AngularJS

It use Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify. (The latest version is 1.3) AngularJS – Single Page App with RESTful APIs & Spring MVC. AngularJS – Role based access on GUI. Sharebar These days we are busy in coding for frontend in our application and we are primarily using angular for that.

AngularJS – Role based access on GUI

A recent requirement was for role based access on GUI. A person can have multiple roles assigned to him and it was needed that a he should be able to access only that portions of GUI for which he is authorized. We approached to solve the issue by restricting the access of the application's GUI at mainly 2 levels: AngularJS Interview Questions - Set 4 - Bytes Cravings. The article represents another set of 10 interview questions primarily related with dependency injection. Following are another set of questions that have already been published earlier. Question:Describe what happens when Angular compiler comes across “ng-controller” directive? Ans: As the Angular compiles the HTML and come across the “ng-controller” directive (e.g. ,<body ng-controller=”HelloCtrl”>), it asks the injector to create an instance of controller and its dependencies. Injector then looks out for any mechanism that has been specified by the user for creating the controller.

AngularJS: A Detailed Guide for Beginners. If you’ve not got your hands on AngularJS yet, you’re missing awesome features that can really make the most of HTML for web apps. Unlike Backbone.js and Ember.js, AngularJS is a next generation JavaScript framework where each component works with every other component in an interconnected way to make your web applications stand out. 5. AngularJS Fundamentals in 60 Minutes - Modules, Routes and Factories. AngularJS Best Practices: I’ve Been Doing It Wrong! Part 1 of 3. Three sanity-preserving ideas that will make me and you 10x more productive with real-world AngularJS applications. This is the first in a three-part series on practical large-scale development with AngularJS. The TL;DR version is at the end of the article. Common Problems (And Solutions) When Using Select Elements With Angular.JS « GuruStop (.NET & web-dev tips by @Meligy)

I have been doing Angular.JS in production projects for months, that it did surprise me recently how I haven’t used drop-downs in it. Well, I mean how I haven’t used them enough to get into several problems I had in my current project, and other friends at the same office had in their project as well. To save you the pain I went through, I’ll list some problems and solutions here, and then give you a video that shows going through all of them ans the thought process that led to the solutions. Initial selection Assuming someObject in the model has the same properties and values as someObject in the objectList, it will still not be selected. It’ll only be selected if someObject was actually one of the objects in objectList, like objectList[0] or whatever. Gik's notes » Application configuration in AngularJS. Resolve - AngularJS Video Tutorial #free. John Lindquist: The resolve property is basically a list of promises, of things that need to happen before your controller will instantiate, and your template will load and everything will set up.

So, it's a way of routing to say, "Hang on. I've got some stuff to do first. " AngularJS Critique. Over the years I have looked at Java Swing, SWT, Flex, GWT, jQuery, SmartClient, JSP, Wicket, Struts, Spring MVC and now AngularJS, in my long search for the "perfect" GUI toolkit for web apps. I hoped AngularJS would be the end of my search, but right from the beginning something in AngularJS smelled wrong to me. A Better Way to Learn AngularJS. Congratulations on taking the plunge! This AngularJS course is built with the intent of exposing you to the best available resources on each Angular topic. Our desire is to present these topics richly, and from a variety of vantage points, in order to afford you a more complete perspective on them.

Angularjs - how to access the angular $scope variable in browsers console. Angularjs - how to debug angular services in browser. AngularJS disable partial caching on dev machine. DOM Nodes Leaking · Issue #4864 · angular/angular.js. Introduction to AngularJS. DOM Nodes Leaking · Issue #4864 · angular/angular.js. Google cloud endpoints - AngularJS Load controllers only when parent controller finishes async call. A Practical Guide to AngularJS Directives (Part Two) The first part of this tutorial provided a basic overview of AngularJS directives.

In the end of the tutorial we also learned how to isolate the scope of a directive. This article will pick up exactly where part one ended. First, we will see how you can access parent scope’s properties inside your directive while maintaining an isolated scope. Next, we will discuss how to choose the correct scope for a directive by exploring concepts such as controller functions and transclusions. The article wraps up with a walkthrough of a note taking application. Binding Between Isolated and Parent Scope Properties Often, it’s convenient to isolate a directive’s scope, especially if you are manipulating many scope models.

Assume that the variable app is initialized and refers to the Angular module. The markup, with utilizes the directive is shown in the following code sample. This code is not currently functional. AngularJS Directives, Using Isolated Scope with Attributes. Directives in AngularJS are very powerful, but it takes some time to understand what processes lie behind them. While creating directives, AngularJS allows you to create an isolated scope with some custom bindings to the parent scope. These bindings are specified by the attribute defined in HTML and the definition of the scope property in the directive definition object. There are 3 types of binding options which are defined as prefixes in the scope property. AngularJS eBook for .NET Developers - Understanding AngularJS Directives Part 2: ngView - Liam Kaufman. Understanding Directives · angular/angular.js Wiki.

Generously reshared from AngularUI. DOM Nodes Leaking · Issue #4864 · angular/angular.js. Banging Your Head Against an AngularJS Issue? Try This — nathan leclaire. Pseudobry. This post came out of my presentation at a UtahJS meetup. You can even go see my slides. Developer Guide: Bootstrap. Loading... Handling Oauth2 with Node.js and Angular.js - Passport to the rescue! : The Personal Blog of Matthew Tyler. Angularjs found great solution to display AJAX spinner loading widget. Videogular - An HTML5 video player for AngularJS. AngularJS IndexedDB Demo.


AngularJS Compile Process. AngularJS. AngularJS Cheat Sheet by ProLoser.