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Twitter for Education. Published-Twitter_Guide_Sept_2011.pdf. Cory Booker, Twitter Visionary. AUSTIN, Tex. — Cory Booker — the mayor of Newark and a virtual Twitter superhero for his chronicle of the city — made the trip to the annual South by Southwest conference here on Sunday to impart his tips and perspective on why Twitter is a valuable tool for governing and civic engagement. Mr. Booker (@CoryBooker on Twitter) credited a phone call from the actor Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk on Twitter) for turning him on to the reach of social media — “I thought I was getting ‘Punk’d,’ ” he joked, referring to the MTV hidden-camera show produced by Mr. Kutcher — and said he agreed to try the service for three months. After a month, Mr. “The future of government has to be getting to 2.0,” Mr. Mr. Mr. His Twitter good deeds have even prompted a gently mocking hashtag — #CoryBookerStories. To hear Mr. Social media, he said, can also empower citizens to take more of an active role in government: “Our voices are really more amplified.”

Publications. Hildebrandt, K., & Couros, A. (2016). Digital selves, digital scholars: Theorising academic identity in online spaces. Journal of Applied Social Theory, 1(1). Retrieved from Hildebrandt, K., Lewis, P., Kreuger, C., Naytowhow, J., Tupper, J., Couros, A., and Montgomery, K. (2016). Digital Storytelling for Historical Understanding: Treaty Education for Reconciliation, Journal of Social Science Education, 15(1), pp. 17-26. Couros, A., and Hildebrandt, K. (2016). Couros, A., Lewis, P., Montgomery, K., Tupper, J., Hildebrandt, K., and Naytowhow, J. Couros, A. (2014). Couros, A. (2013).

Couros, A., Jarrett, K. (2011). Couros, A. (2010). Couros, A. (2010). Couros, A. Couros, A. (2009). Friesen, D., Couros, A. (2008). Brogden, L. Brogden, L. Couros, A., & Brogden, L. (2006). Nolan, K., Friesen, D., Maeers, M. & Couros, A. (2005) A case study of pre-service teachers learning to teach with technology during internship. R.A. 140 Character Conference. Twitter in Education – Barriers and possible solutions? After a wry commentary on the ‘10 Stages of Twitter‘ many educators have commented on the barriers that exist to twitter use. As a proposed channel of communication for iPad use in school, it is important to investigate these barriers and address them for staff. ACCESS – It is all very well popping onto twitter if you have a smartphone that allows you access with one tap of an icon.

It is a very different experience if you are logging in via the website just to scroll through a timeline you don’t engage withUNDERSTANDING – Twitter fans have countless tales to tell about colleagues who ‘don’t get twitter’. It is a difficult medium to explain sometimes, even though its simplicity is its strength. A virtual chat with people you have never met is alien to some, particularly those who use Facebook as a measuring tool. Friends on Facebook have a link that suggests a reason for communication. How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators. In the three years that I’ve been building up Edutopia’s presence on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, I’ve noticed a significant shift in how our audience of education changemakers interact and collaborate. In particular, I’ve seen Twitter reinvent the way educators collaborate to create change in education. Twitter Transforms Educators Before the advent of Twitter, most educators I know had limited opportunities to collaborate with colleagues outside their building.

Some subscribed to listservs or participated in online forums, but these outlets lacked critical mass; teachers also networked at in-person conferences and training sessions, but these isolated events didn’t provide ongoing support. Enter Twitter. I’ve heard many educators say that Twitter is the most effective way to collaborate and that they’ve learned more with Twitter than they have from years of formal professional development. Hashtags: Educators use a lot of hashtags. Profiles in Collaboration. Social Media Monitoring and Analysis Made Easy | RowFeeder.