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Henry Gustav Molaison: The Basis for 'Memento' and the World’s Most Celebrated Amnesiac. In the movie “Groundhog Day,” the TV weatherman Phil Connors finds himself living the same day again and again.

Henry Gustav Molaison: The Basis for 'Memento' and the World’s Most Celebrated Amnesiac

This has its advantages, as he has hundreds of chances to get things right. He can learn to speak French, to sculpt ice, to play jazz piano, and to become the kind of person with whom his beautiful colleague Rita might fall in love. But it’s a torment, too. An awful solitude flows from the fact that he’s the only one in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, who knows that something has gone terribly wrong with time. Nobody else seems to have any memory of all the previous iterations of the day. Amnesia comes in distinct varieties. Blog Titles that Work. Soshable | Social Media Blog Social Media Commentary Blog Blog Titles that Work October 10, 2013 by JD Rucker 5 Comments.

Blog Titles that Work

Sheet-for-Emotions.jpg (JPEG Image, 1700x2200 pixels) - Scaled (26%) A Survivor's Guide To Life's Kicks In The Teeth And How To Kick Back. Google Authorship - are we there yet? Around and around we go.

Google Authorship - are we there yet?

Google’s changed the rules again. In the last week we’ve been introduced to the new Hummingbird algorithm, and then John Mueller (Google Webmaster Tools Analyst) dropped this bomb: “Well, we don’t use Authorship for ranking.” Hold your horses and don’t jump to conclusions because this gets interesting. It all went down in a Google hangout which you can watch yourself here: In fact, as Google’s algorithm basically controls the future of website rankings moving forward, I would suggest everyone watch the video. Perceived Credibility/Authority & Ranking Signals. 23-Point Web Content Litmus Test: Is It Truly Unique, Engaging & High Quality?

Creating unique, high quality content for company websites, blogs or social is one of the biggest challenges businesses face.

23-Point Web Content Litmus Test: Is It Truly Unique, Engaging & High Quality?

Each piece you publish must accurately reflect your business and be unique, engaging, and relevant to have any positive effect with your readers – and with search engines. Home. Social Media Editorial Calendar with Content Recommendations. Sqworl. The Writer as Meme Machine: How Has the Internet Altered Poetry?

When do you call yourself a writer? Some days, it seems as if everybody thinks they’re a writer.

When do you call yourself a writer?

A few years back I was visiting my mother-in-law in Cherry Valley, California, where I spent the mornings writing at a local Starbucks. As I sat outside sipping my latte and working on my laptop, at least five people a day approached me to ask what I was doing. The Dash. Use a dash [ — ] (or two hyphens [ -- ] on old-fashioned typewriters) or dashes as a super-comma or set of super-commas to set off parenthetical elements, especially when those elements contain internal forms of punctuation: All four of them—Bob, Jeffrey, Jason, and Brett—did well in college.

The Dash

In most word-processors, the dash is created by holding down the option key and hitting the key that has the underline mark above the hyphen. This can vary, though, from program to program. Usually, you get an en dash (see below) with the option + hyphen key, and you get the larger em dash (used more frequently) with option + shift + hyphen keys. The Secret to Writing Incredible Blog Posts — Career Pathing. People always ask me what they should blog about.

The Secret to Writing Incredible Blog Posts — Career Pathing

Should they write about this fancy topic? This complicated process? This trendy thing that they don’t really know much about but everyone is talking about it? No. No. At this point in the conversation I have to stop whoever I am talking to and tell them that they are making a huge mistake. “Well, Matt, what am I supposed to write about then!? I’m going to tell you the secret to writing great blog posts right now. Write about what you know. That’s it. Why do I want you to start writing incredible blog posts? Do you need someone to look over your blog post draft, tell you if your blog post idea is good, or give you more tips? Mind Your En And Em Dashes: Typographic Etiquette. Advertisement An understanding of typographic etiquette separates the master designers from the novices.

Mind Your En And Em Dashes: Typographic Etiquette

A well-trained designer can tell within moments of viewing a design whether its creator knows how to work with typography. Typographic details aren’t just inside jokes among designers. They have been built up from thousands of years of written language, and applying them holds in place long-established principles that enable typography to communicate with efficiency and beauty. Handling these typographic details on the Web brings new challenges and restrictions that need to be considered. Setting Body Copy Good typography comes down to communicating information, and the basis of information is good old-fashioned body copy – simple blocks of text.

Indentation or Space After a Paragraph? When signalling the end of a paragraph and the beginning of another, you can generally either indent or insert a space between the paragraphs. But there is no hyphenation control in CSS. Xomba.