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Tim Cook: The iPhone 5c Was Never Intended To Be Our Entry-Level Phone. During this afternoon’s earning call, Tim Cook was asked about the iPhone 5c and whether the company is disappointed with sales after customers were expecting Apple’s plastic iPhone to be significantly cheaper than its $99 price tag on-contract.

Tim Cook: The iPhone 5c Was Never Intended To Be Our Entry-Level Phone

Before diving into iPhone 5c expectations, Cook clarified that even though customers may have expected the iPhone 5c to be Apple’s entry level phone, the company has never considered it to be its cheapest model. That honor goes to Apple’s other cheap phone – the iPhone 4s. Tim stated that the iPhone 4s is priced as a entry-level offering to giving customers full-access to iOS at a cheap price, while the iPhone 5c is being sold as a mid-tier offer with the 5s of course at the top. How Do You Use Hashtags? If you use social media, there’s a good chance you use hashtags or you’ve seen hashtags used to increase visibility and categorize posts.

How Do You Use Hashtags?

But you’ve probably also seen people use hashtags excessively and without any real purpose or value. In fact, the hashtag has become so much a part of pop culture that comedian Jimmy Fallon and singer Justin Timberlake recently created a comedy skit mocking their overuse. Here’s a clip: