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Alain Gall

Ruby Classes and Objects. Ruby is a perfect Object Oriented Programming Language. The features of the object-oriented programming language include: Data Encapsulation: Data Abstraction:Polymorphism:Inheritance: These features have been discussed in Object Oriented Ruby. An object-oriented program involves classes and objects. Take the example of any vehicle. A vehicle can also have certain functions, such as halting, driving, and speeding. A class Vehicle can be defined as: Class Vehicle{ Number no_of_wheels Number horsepower Characters type_of_tank Number Capacity Function speeding { } Function driving { } Function halting { }} By assigning different values to these data members, you can form several instances of the class Vehicle.

Defining a Class in Ruby: To implement object-oriented programming by using Ruby, you need to first learn how to create objects and classes in Ruby. A class in Ruby always starts with the keyword class followed by the name of the class. Class Customerend Variables in a Ruby Class: Example: #! Code School - TryRuby. Ltd - empowering connections - Company.

Nandimobile Limited is a software company registered in June 2010 in Ghana. The company is focused on building technologies which simply communications between organisations and consumers in Ghana by leveraging the mobile phone. Since 2010, Nandimobile has been recognised and awarded both locally and internationally for the impact made with their software. Contact Information Mobile: 0302984693/ 0244709575 Email: admin@nandimobile.comAddress: PMB CA 13 Cantonments. 19 Banana Street Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon Accra Nandimobile wins Best Business at Launch Conference Co-founder of Nandimobile invited to attend Women's Forum Conference in Paris and voted Rising Star 2012 Nandimobile 1st runner up in App Circus mobile competition Co-founder of Nandimobile invited to Africa Gathering event in Washington Nandimobile sponsors British Council's theChallenge reality Show Co-founder of Nandimobile compared to CEO of yahoo by CNN.

Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning - Peter Bregman. By Peter Bregman | 11:00 AM May 27, 2009 I was late for my meeting with the CEO of a technology company and I was emailing him from my iPhone as I walked onto the elevator in his company’s office building. I stayed focused on the screen as I rode to the sixth floor. I was still typing with my thumbs when the elevator doors opened and I walked out without looking up. Then I heard a voice behind me, “Wrong floor.” I looked back at the man who was holding the door open for me to get back in; it was the CEO, a big smile on his face. He had been in the elevator with me the whole time. The world is moving fast and it’s only getting faster. So we try to speed up to match the pace of the action around us. But that’s a mistake. Never before has it been so important to say “No.”

It’s hard to do because maybe, just maybe, that next piece of information will be the key to our success. Now is a good time to pause, prioritize, and focus. Some people already have the first list. Release Planning. It's a Delivery Thing | The art of leading software development teams. A new (and better) definition for Product Owner. By Saeed Khan Last week’s post entitled “The Scrum Title ‘Product Owner’ must die! “ on changes to the Scrum “Product Owner” title and responsibilities drew a lot of comments and feedback. Some agreed, some disagreed, but clearly there is much room for improvement in how that role is defined and implemented. And thus the genesis of this post. One reader, Rohan, left a great comment that is worth repeating and discussing. Given that the role of Product Owner is a requirement in Scrum, and given that the name “Product Owner” is well established there, I think that “must die” is admirable but futile.

Well said Rohan. And while it’s true that it would be difficult to displace the name “Product Owner”, it doesn’t hurt to get people thinking about it. The problems with the current definition To review, I saw two problems with the “Product Owner” title and description. The name “Product Owner” and particularly the word “Owner” causes confusion when Scrum in implemented. 1. So there you have it. Avoiding the Dark Twisty Turn-filled Tunnel Syndrome. Many a well conceived project ends up in the scrap heap because of inadequate expectation setting, or sponsors and key stakeholders that become disinterested or impatient with projects that don't produce deliverables quickly enough.

These projects, after creating an initial buzz, appear to enter "a dark twisty tunnel" where the light from the tunnel entrance is no longer seen, the tunnel exit is nowhere in sight, and inadequate milestones exist to indicate forward progress. Avoiding this trap is no trivial matter, as it is more than just defining milestones for your project. Intense planning, extra care with estimating, and segmenting your product solutions into meaningful phases are critical to avoiding this "dreaded tunnel. " Here are our recommendations for keeping your project in "the light of day;" avoiding cancellation or a drop in priority due to the "dark twisty turn-filled tunnel syndrome.

" Define Meaningful Milestones Break the Project into Phases - 9 Months or Less. The Importance of Teaming. Editor's note: Many managers are taught to think of teams as carefully designed, static groups of individuals who, like a baseball team or improv comedy troupe, have ample time to practice interacting successfully and efficiently. The truth is, most corporate project teams don't have the temporal luxury. Teams are often disbanded before they have a chance to gel, as individual members are delegated to new projects—and therefore new teams—on a hectic as-need basis. HBS Professor Amy Edmondson maintains that managers should think in terms of "teaming"—actively building and developing teams even as a project is in process, while realizing that a team's composition may change at any given moment.

Teaming, she says, is essential to organizational learning. She elaborates on this concept in her new book, "Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy. " "Teaming calls for developing both affective (feeling) and cognitive (thinking) skills," she writes. Les Patterns des Grands du Web – DevOps. Description Le mouvement « DevOps » nous invite à repenser la frontière classique de nos organisations qui séparent d’un côté les études, i.e. ceux qui écrivent le code des applications (les « Dev ») et de l’autre côté la production, i.e. ceux qui déploient et exploitent ces applications (les « Ops »).

Ces réflexions sont certainement aussi anciennes que les DSIs mais elles trouvent un peu de fraîcheur grâce notamment à deux groupes. D’un côté les agilistes qui ont levé la « contrainte » côté développement, et sont maintenant capables de « livrer » beaucoup plus souvent du logiciel valorisé par le client… de l’autre, des experts ou des managers de la « prod » des grands du web (Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn…) partageant leurs retours d’expérience et la façon qu’ils ont d’aborder la frontière « dev » et « ops ». Au-delà de la beauté intellectuelle de l’exercice, DevOps travaille surtout (oserais-je dire uniquement) sur la réduction du TTM (Time To Market). Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. 3. The Decline and Fall of Agile. It's odd to talk about the decline and fall of the agile movement, especially now that it's so popular, but I actually think the agile movement has been in decline for several years now.

The State of the Art I've seen a shift in my business over the last few years. In the beginning, people would call me to help them introduce Agile, and I would sell them a complete package that included agile planning, cross-functional teams, and agile engineering practices. Now many people who call me already have Agile in place (they say), but they're struggling. They're having trouble meeting their iteration commitments, they're experiencing a lot of technical debt, and testing takes too long.

Other consultants I've talked to report the same experience. The Role of Scrum Scrum is undeniably the winner of the agile method wars. But because Scrum works in short cycles and doesn't include any engineering practices, it's very easy for teams using Scrum to throw out design. Scrum, Misapplied It's too bad. Agile Chalk Talk: Release Planning Meeting. La diversification des exportations, moteur de la croissance africaine. L’Allemagne bat le record de production d’énergie solaire. Le temps semble revenir au beau fixe pour le photovoltaïque. Vendredi et samedi, entre midi et deux heures, l'Allemagne a battu le record mondial de production d'énergie solaire : 22 gigawatts d'électricité, soit l'équivalent de 20 réacteurs nucléaires tournant à plein régime.

Selon l'institut spécialisé dans les énergies renouvelables IWR, basé à Münster, cité par Reuters, cette production a permis de répondre à un tiers des besoins en électricité du pays vendredi, journée de travail classique, et presque la moitié de ceux du samedi, lorsque les bureaux et usines étaient fermés. Ce record de 22 GW dépasse largement la puissance atteinte l'année précédente à la même époque, de 14 GW. Si le grand ensoleillement sur le pays ces derniers jours a précipité les choses, la performance est surtout à mettre sur le compte de l'augmentation par l'Allemagne de sa capacité photovoltaïque installée, qui s'élève cette année à 26 GW, soit 8 GW supplémentaires en un an.

Audrey Garric.