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Navigating Complexity aka Cynefin for Dummies: Dancing w Chaos. 6.5kviews For some time now, I’ve been working on getting a better grasp of the Cynefin framework and the related topic of Complexity Theory. This is mostly because I kept hearing something to the effect of: “We’re working in a complex adaptive/emergent system …” as well as, “Complexity: it’s the science of the 21st Century!” So I am trying my best to figure out what the heck folks are talking about. In this post, I share what I’ve discovered so far. Meaning of “Cynefin” (and How to Pronounce It :P) The word “Cynefin” is Welsh, it is pronounced kin-ev-in and it has no direct translation into English. Dave Snowden, a Welshman and scholar, came up with the Cynefin framework circa 1999 as a way of providing a typology for exploration and decision-making. Five Places to Stand Snowden’s Cynefin framework (updated 2020 March) has five habitats or domains: Obvious ClearComplicatedComplexChaoticDisordered AC (Aporetic or Confused) 1. 2.

For example, take my computer (please do, it’s really old …). 3. The New Killer App: The OODA Loop & Cynefin Framework, #1 | The AGLX Blog. Institut des Systèmes Complexes. Scientific Interest Group (GIS): Complex Systems Institute -UPMC - University Pierre and Marie CURIE - Sciences and Medicine - Paris. With its face turned toward Europe and the rest of the world, the Complex Systems Institute, Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) is a multi-disciplinary research and teaching centre for the study of major adaptive, complex systems, whatever their nature, such as the macromolecular systems of cells, nerve systems and economic, social, cultural, ecological and environmental systems.

The Complex Systems Institute is, on the one hand, a place that brings together researchers from different disciplines, working together on complex systems, and on the other, the leading organisation within a network in the region of Île-de-France that brings together all the academic or private participants concerned. What is the science of complex systems? The science of complex systems cuts across those disciplines which study complex systems and is conducted on the basis of the theoretical questions that concern them.

The Complex Systems Institute (ISC) is part of this dynamic. New England Complex Systems Institute. CCRP - Command and Control Research Program. Chaos and Complexity Biblio. Workshop on Complex Modeling.