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Brian Wood's NORTHLANDERS. Asatru Alliance. Alliance By-Laws. Preamble to the By-Laws of the Asatru Alliance The Asatru Alliance promotes the native culture of the Northern European peoples.

Alliance By-Laws

However, we do not practice, preach, or promote hatred, bigotry, or racism. We believe that Northern Europeans can believe and promote their own culture and heritage in a positive manner, this is expressed through our native religion. Asatru. Kenaz Kindred. Frithling Society of Newfoundland - Login. Portal - Asatru Lore. Books for Your Heathen Children. When giving your child a book on heathenry to read, it is always better to read it yourself first.

Books for Your Heathen Children

This will help you decide whether the book is really the sort of book you want your chlid to read. And it will also make it easier for you to discuss the details of the book with your child. It is also a good idea to do a little research on the author of the book prior to buying it for your child. It could be the author is not someone you would want to support by buying their book, and the author's views might not be something you want to share with your child.

Here are some Children's Books worth checking out... North East Heathen. Raven Kindred Ritual (Asatru) The Ethical law of our kind. Do the ten commandments contain "the whole of morality", as was recently claimed on a TV show?

The Ethical law of our kind

Surely they do not, as closer scrutiny will prove. The first four commandments reveal a jealous and zealous God who forbids the worship of any God but himself, forbids the making of any likeness of himself, commands to never use his name in vain and forbids any work on the Sabbath. There are numerous Gods whose commandments are more dignified and awe inspiring. According to the fifth commandment, mother and father should be honored "so that you will live long and that you will prosper in the land that the lord, your God, will give you. " Home - Icelandic Saga Database. Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong.

GODS & GODDESSES of ASATRU. Eir Norse Goddess Wood Plaque Viking Heathen by debsburntofferings. Goddesses FAQ. The Goddess Eir. American Thinker: The Truth about Islamic Crusades and Imperialism. Historical facts say that Islam has been imperialistic—and would still like to be, if only for religious reasons.

American Thinker: The Truth about Islamic Crusades and Imperialism

Many Muslim clerics, scholars, and activists, for example, would like to impose Islamic law around the world. Historical facts say that Islam, including Muhammad, launched their own Crusades against Christianity long before the European Crusades. Today, Muslim polemicists and missionaries, who believe that Islam is the best religion in the world, claim that the West has stolen Islamic lands and that the West (alone) is imperialistic.One hardline Muslim emailer to me said about the developed West and the undeveloped Islamic countries: 'You stole our lands' and then he held his finger on the exclamation key to produce a long string of them. Thus imperialism, a word that has reached metaphysical levels and that is supposed to stop all debates and answer all questions, explains why Islamic countries have not kept up with the West. The Vinland Mystery by William Pettigrew.

Odin. This rune corresponds to a phonetic 'A'.


I have read different accounts as to what it stands for. Examples are: Ansuz, Ansur, Asa, Os. From Runic States by Kevin Steffen - Keywords: Messenger, Inspiration, Spirit Power and Knowledge, Song and Poetry, Communication, Nepture, the number 4. Freyfaxi, Hláfmæst and Teutoburg Forest - Völuspá Blog. Freyfaxi is now quickly approaching for some, the first harvest of which Freyr, Óðin and Sleipnir are given their share from the harvest.

Freyfaxi, Hláfmæst and Teutoburg Forest - Völuspá Blog

For the Anglo-Saxon’s this would be referred to as Hláfmæst: both Freyfaxi and Hláfmæst are grain harvests. This harvest traditionally occurred at the end of July or at the beginning of August; in modern times it has even been held as late as September combining both harvests into a single harvest. The Norse Alchemist. Pagan+Politics. Mos Maiorum Foundation.

Categories in Mos Maiorum Forum. The Life and Thoughts of a Modern Day American Heathen. Eternal Haunted Summer - Pagan Songs and Tales. The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser. Northvegr Home page. Heathen Ranter. You Can't Argue With Christians. One of the things I have noticed in dealing with Christians on this blog and in person is that they are hard to deal with.

You Can't Argue With Christians

They are hard to deal with because of their belief system and their world view. They are nearly impossible to talk with rationally (about religion, especially theirs) and they are dead set in their ways. They can quote snippets of the Bible with such forceful authority that it can make your hair stand on end. They speak as if their opinion is the God-sanctioned truth about both religion and politics. Having been a Christian myself, I know from personal experience that “proving” to a Christian that they are wrong doesn’t work. Look at the things they believe: I know not all Christians believe every single one of the things I wrote down, but that is another problem with Christianity – there are just too darn many variations. Remember change occurs gradually. How and why does Polytheistic Reconstructionism contrast to Neopagan traditions? Some religious scholars such as James R.

Lewis argue that Neopagans often reject orthopraxy and orthodoxy in exchange for ritualism. Would you say that syncreticsm, often attributed to Neopagan traditions such as Wicca, is a valid distinction between Polytheistic Reconstructionism and Neopaganism, and would distinct cosmological views characterize Reconstructionist views over Neopagan ones? SOMAFERA FORUM HOME. Worldwide Map of Asatruars and Heathens. Rúnatýr Kindred - Home.