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iPad HighSchool

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NewTrier_iPad in the Classroom. iPad Apps for High School. The following is a list of iPod and iPad apps that can be used in high school learning environments.

iPad Apps for High School

I’ll keep this updated as I find new apps that could be useful! All Subjects/General/Productivity Keynote - A slideshow presentation programPages- A word processing programNumbers - A spreadsheet applicationiBooks - a ereader book storeiStudiez Pro – calendar and assignment plannerMobile Mouse - Mobile Mouse instantly transforms your iPad into a wireless mouse and trackpad for your computerBento - Manage things with 25 ready to use databasesGoodReader - Within moments of downloading GoodReader, you’ll be transferring files from the computer to the iPad. Note Taking Note Taker HD - An app for writing handwritten notes, diagrams, etc.Sundry Notes Pro - Sundry Notes is the first social note taking application. Flash Cards Cramberry - Create flash cards to study fromgFlash+ Flashcards & Tests - Create flashcard decks from Google Docs with this handy app! Art Astronomy Calculators Electives/Other. PalmBeachCountySchools_iPads.

Watch 3. iPad - English. Spanish Class / StudyBlue. Dictating for Foreign Language Fluency. An essential part of improving student’s fluency in a foreign language is providing practice in speaking.

Dictating for Foreign Language Fluency

However, for practice to be effective, students have to receive feedback on their pronunciation skills. This apptivity is designed to give students an opportunity to document their fluency improvement. Dragon Dictation To complete this activity, you’ll need to download the free app Dragon Dictation. Dragon Dictation is a voice recognition program where you can speak and see your words instantly converted to text. First, assign students a phrase or short passage to practice. Next, have students open the Dragon Dictation app and use the settings (icon on the bottom right of the screen) to select the language being practiced. Speaking clearly into the mic, students should repeat the phrase and allow Dragon Dictation to predict their words. Voice Memo Once students are happy with the results, they can return to Voice Memo and again record their voice as a final check.

French Class / ScreenChomp. ScreenChomp for iPad2 is fast becoming one of my favorite apps to use in French class.

French Class / ScreenChomp

This app is basically a white board that students can draw on, but they can also import photos, AND they can record their voices! Here's an example of how I used it in 3rd year French. Students had been reading and studying a short story (a chapter from Le Petit Nicolas called les cow-boys). In the past, one of the activities I've done to help students review the story was to divide them into groups and ask them to act out a scene from the story for the class with costumes & props.

100+ iPad Apps Perfect For High School. Mark W. Smith: In Zeeland, an iPad for every high school student in the district. ZEELAND -- As students walk through the halls of Zeeland West High School, their backpacks are a little lighter. Stacks of paper and some textbooks have been replaced by the Apple iPad -- one for every high-schooler in the district.

That's 1,800 iPads between the two high schools. And it's just the beginning for Zeeland Public Schools, which embarked on an ambitious project this fall that will give a tablet to every student in grades 3-12 -- the only district in Michigan to do so. The program represents one of the most aggressive in the country and has garnered national attention. With each student taking responsibility for one, the school uses the iPad for assigning classwork, testing and communicating with students.

Just two weeks into the experiment, administrators already are calling the iPad program a game-changer. "They think technology now -- live, breathe and eat it," said John Holwerda, assistant principal at Zeeland West High School. 'It's all in our iPad' Lessons on video.