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Museums and Alzheimer's Project

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Inclusion social en los museos espanoles Alzheimer. J. Garcia Sandoval. TESIS MARÍA DELGADO. TFM G 119. TFM Victoria S García Aranda. Museum Education and Art Therapy Exploring an Innovative Partnership. Museum art and Alzheimer's program connects with creativity - Health. Gail Reid says art gets her endorphins working, which helps with her Alzheimer's disease.

Museum art and Alzheimer's program connects with creativity - Health

(CBC) The beauty and shared experience on museum tours fills Gail Reid with joy and a sense of camaraderie in her journey with early Alzheimer's. Art thérapie - Alzheimer. Meet Me. The MoMA Alzheimer's Project was a special initiative in the Museum's Department of Education.The initiative took place from 2007 to 2014 and was generously funded by MetLife Foundation.

Meet Me

During this time, MoMA staff expanded on the success of the Museum’s existing education programs for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their care partners through the development of training resources intended for use by arts and health professionals on how to make art accessible to people with dementia using MoMA's teaching methodologies and approach. MoMA remains as committed as ever to providing programming for individuals living with dementia and their care partners and to supporting the development and success of this type of programming around the world. To that end, the Museum will continue to offer engaging programming and resources for this key constituency.