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Download free psd template, graphic design, vector graphics... CSS Awards: 40+ Creative Websites For Your Inspiration. Highly Customizble Minimit Gallery jQuery Plugin. 10 Awesome Websites With Full Screen Background Images. 15 Great Examples of Websites using jQuery Masonry. jQuery Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid.

The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall. It’s suitable for websites with a stream of pictures. Users can browse the pictures in a seamless way without clicking “next page”. We have found the following 15 Great Examples of Websites using jQuery Masonry. I hope it can gives you some inspirations for designing similar style websites. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Des MacBook Pro avec une très haute résolution en 2012 ? Apple devrait renouveler sa gamme de MacBook Pro en 2012. Et à cette occasion, la firme de Cupertino prévoirait un redesign des lignes de son notebook ainsi qu'une augmentation substantielle de la résolution affichée. Les résolution la plus élevée actuellement sur un MacBook Pro est de 1680 par 1050 pixels sur un modèle 15" et de 1920 par 1200 pixels sur le 17".

Or, on sait grâce aux développeurs que le code de Mac OS X Lion contient des fonctionnalités HiDPI (un Retina Display like) qu'il est d'ailleurs déjà possible d'activer en bidouillant (avec Lion uniquement). Cela pourrait donc signifier que la résolution des prochains MacBook Pro pourrait s'envoler. On parle là d'une résolution proche (261ppp sur un 13") celle du Retina Display des iPhone 4 et 4S et de celle présumée de l'iPad 3 (ie 2048 par 1536 pixels). Elle pourrait en effet atteindre jusqu'à 2880 par 1800 pixels. Une telle résolution est proportionnelle à celle présumée de l'iPad 3 (rapport de 1.5 fois). [digitimes] Et on reparle de la limite de visibilité. The Home Depot : Home Inspiration Tool. Les antennes Free Mobile sur une carte. CSS Awards - 10 Well Designed Ecommerce Websites. We asked the CSS Awards team to create a selection with the greatest submissions from the last week. Check them out below and suggest other entries in the comments!

Also, feel free to submit here other cool finds or your own creations. Kristina Rate Collection Twelve Saturdays Lemon & Mint Tatchies Touchscreen gloves Timberland – Womens Fall 2011 Le Coq Sportif Diesel Playtype Teez Wine shop 75cl. 10 Interactive Flash Websites That Scream “Play With Me” Flash websites at times are not very user friendly, but there are some really awesome websites out there with great animation that deserve your attention.

Flash websites don’t load instantly, so some websites have some nice animations while loading. We have a list of 10 highly interactive Flash websites. Whether they are made using a custom CMS or a Flash website builder, these websites not only present the content to user but they engage and occupy the user. 1 : The planet zero is a project by Nissan. This website has been created to raise awareness for alternative energy. 2 : Intel’s museum of makes you realize how much information about you is there on Facebook. 3 : A highly interactive website by Wrigley’s Gum, this website was made to promote 5 gum. 4 : This is a flash game made for the San Diego Zoo- Safari Park. 5 : A beautiful website for HTC. 6 :

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