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I'm Jamie Todd Rubin, and This Is How I Work. Releases · ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli. Todo.txt Apps - Yahoo Groups. 200 Days of Writing Infographic. A little over 100 days ago, I posted my 100 Consecutive Days of Writing Infographic. On Saturday, in addition to finishing the first draft of my first novel, I also hit 200 days of writing. Note that I don’t say 200 consecutive days of writing. That is because I missed 2 days out of the 200, both days coming during my stint at the Launchpad Astronomy Workshop in mid-July. Still, I thought it might be interesting to folks to see what all 200 days of writing looks like because, among other things, the period contains my writing of the entire first draft of the novel. So, here it is, my 200 Days of Writing Infographic: Are few thoughts on the infographic and what it tells me. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Last night, I worked on a new story, since I’m setting aside the novel for a few months.

Over the course of 200 days, my best consecutive-day streak was 140 consecutive days. TodoTxtMac. TodoTxtMac is a minimalist, keyboard-driven to-do manager for Mac OS X that conforms to the todo.txt format spec. Official support and testing are only done on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) at this time, though the application is built to run on Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and higher. (Additional screenshots below.) The commercial version of TodoTxtMac is called SwiftoDo Desktop and is available from the Mac App Store. SwiftoDo Desktop has the same features as TodoTxtMac, but adds application sandboxing and is code-signed, so it plays nicely with Gatekeeper (i.e., Security & Privacy systems preferences).

There is also a free version of TodoTxtMac available on the Releases page on GitHub. This application is inspired by the application for Microsoft Windows with numerous improvements and modifications specific to the Mac OS X platform. From a design perspective, the goal is to be the fastest, simplest, and cleanest implementation possible. General features Adding/removing tasks. Todo.txt: Future-proof task tracking in a file you control.