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Mixed Media background tutorial. Abstract Ribbon Painting Techniques How to Demo Blending, Shading. How To Paint Tropical Water - Paint Recipes with Mark Waller. How to create large acrylic abstract art using textured paint demonstraction. Textured Acrylic Painting - Fabric of the Universe. How to Add TEXTURE with EGGSHELLS (part 1 of 2) Abstract Textured 3D Metalic Painting 'Birth of Infinity' How to, Demo. Henri Cartier Bresson | Leica Liker. Leica Liker is honored to have RUI PALHA, a Lisbon (Portugal) Street Photographer as our #18 guest. As you might guess, I often scour the web in search of images that touch my heart.

I will drop whatever I am doing to find out more. I distinctly remember seeing the image below on Flickr. It instantly drew my attention. It was like a movie still. The director couldn’t have done a better job, starting with the window frame and the scratched and worn glass from which we look through. The actor’s hand in pocket, the other holding a newspaper, keeping it close to himself; The hunch – something weighing heavy on his mind; The backlight putting him in silhouette giving him an anonymous feel – perhaps it’s what he’s feeling; People ignoring him – what life often is about – you’re on your own… I was moved by its simplicity and its complex emotion of loneliness. So I was thrilled to find that it wasn’t just a one hit wonder but part of a whole body of work from a true humanist. Always be alone. Web design studio : création de site internet à Bordeaux. Les sites web incontournables (octobre 2015)

L’essentiel des sites qui ont marqué le monde du webdesign en ce mois d’octobre 2015 vous attendent dans ce nouveau numéro des incontournables. C’est parti ! Annonce Si il devait en rester qu’un : Acme Experience Ce mois-ci, le choix d’un seul site était compliqué. Vous allez découvrir en parcourant cette sélection que de nombreuses réalisations valent le détour, pour ne pas dire leur pesant d’or. Plus sérieusement, j’ai été impressionné par l’expérience proposée par Acme, fournisseur de solution industrielle basée à Bubaï.

Une belle réalisation de la talentueuse équipe Immersive Garden. Dans la suite de l’article, découvrez 24 autres sites pour votre inspiration ! Greenwood Campbell Wove Le Mugs Johos Ginventory Field Carandache 849 Paul Smith Suisse Mania Assist Money Pennu Peanutizeme Tupuy Giampiero Bodino Iskn Archibald Abraham Sequoia Capital Love Holidays Microsoft Building 87 Viens-là JWT Amsterdam Hack Academy Muvinteractive Sweet Punk Capcho Quel site vous a marqué ce mois-ci ? Assist Moneypenny | Sony. Wove - Digital Goes Material. Webdesigner Trends - Webdesign et inspiration.