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Excel: SumIf with Multiple Criteria. Excel Formulas & Functions. See Also: Custom Function For Multi-Condition Summing | Array Formulas | Count with multiple criteria | Conditional summing | Conditional date summing | Sum Every Nth Cell | Sum The x Largest or x Smallest Number in a Range | Count Only One Occurrence IF YOU ARE USING 2007 or above, USE SUMIFS.

Excel: SumIf with Multiple Criteria. Excel Formulas & Functions

FREE EXCEL HELP There are many times that it become necessary to SUM cells based on multiple criteria. The examples below will show you 3 ways that this can be done. EDU. Who Knew Excel Could Do That? Ten Top Tips. Data Validation - Creating Dependent drop down list in Excel. After reading the last post, explaining on how to create a linked list using Excel data Tables, I am getting a lot of mails asking about creating dependent list using Indirect function.

Data Validation - Creating Dependent drop down list in Excel

We will see today how to create a dependent list in Excel data validation using Indirect function. This is a very short and quick tutorial when the list is very small and does not contains any duplicates. If the list contains duplicate and lot of items , its suggested to use the method explained for avoiding the duplicates in Excel data validation. Create named ranges.