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Cutest Paw Gives You the Cutest Animal Pictures Around the World. BEFORE I DIE I WANT TO... The Polaroid Project :: An international community exploring what it means to live life to the fullest. Etude 6 on the Behance Network. 50 Mind Blowing Sketches | Penny's Daybook | Critic, “I’m an artist myself and” Argument from authority – always a logical fallacy, but even worse when it’s in a subjective field where there arguably can’t be any authorities. “I hate it when people who aren’t artists assume anything someone puts out there is ‘mind-blowing’.” – incredibly condescending, don’t you think? And besides, “assumes” that it is mind-blowing? If the person who posted these pieces had his mind figuratively blown by them, then how can they not be mind-blowing? Who are you to say that they are not, in the face of reality and facts?

Why aren’t the people looking at art allowed to decide if they like it or not? “There were only a select few that were actually interesting and most of them were considerably unskilled-looking.” “Just because someone draws lines in a girls hair or shows the boobs doesn’t make it amazing.” “No, I am not bias towards any creative expression whatsoever but I don’t agree with just how ‘inspiring’ these are supposed to be.”

Infographic. The Impossible List | Blog Of Impossible Things.