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Thomson Reuters | Open Calais Demo. This great map lets you explore the history of migration for every country in the world. Resources. FiveThirtyEight. Gay rights in the US, state by state. Data Pages. [Datavisualisation] The Art market for Dummies. The Art market represents 43 billion euros in 2012 : the equivalent of Lituania's GDP, and more than the music or the cinema market. THE SCREAM - EDVARD MUNCH. The art market is monopolized by billionaires from different parts of the world : France, United States, China or Middle East.

Art is not experiencing a market failure. The global value of the Art market has doubled in ten years. Last year the sales have decreased by 7% but, since 2008, the auctions have never been higher. For instance, in 2012, “The Scream” by Edvard Munch was sold for $120 million. The Art market compared to other cultural sectors The surface of each square rrepresents the global market revenue for each sector (in euros).

Even though the paintings, drawings and sculptures sold for more than a million dollars represent only 0,23% of the total sales, in value, they represent nearly half of the market! Only a few billionaires monopolize the market of high value works of art. 2. DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON - PABLO PICASSO. Gay rights in the US, state by state. LA NACION Data -  Si usted es una persona con dificultades visuales, navegue el sitio desde aquí Último momento: Habló la fiscal del caso Nisman: 'Se va a investigar si hubo algún tipo de inducción o instigación al suicidio' Recibí por mail las noticias que impactan | LA NACION Data lanacion.comLa muerte del fiscal Alberto Nisman Así fueron los últimos días de Alberto Nisman Desde la semana pasada, cuando llamó a indagatoria a la Presidenta y al canciller Timerman, el fiscal estuvo en el centro de la escena Publicado en Edición Impresa lanacion.comTecnología Un mapa permite conocer los accesos Wi-Fi públicos en Buenos Aires Un recorrido por todos los puntos de Internet inalámbrica de la red implementada por el Gobierno de la Ciudad que están disponibles en plazas, bibliotecas y museos porteños Por Guillermo Tomoyose | LA NACION lanacion.comDólar hoy El dólar blue sube dos centavos y se vende a $13,62 El tipo de cambio oficial cotiza a $8,60; la bolsa porteña sube 1,9% lanacion.comTránsito y transporte.

Government spending by department, 2011-12: get the data | UK news. It is a lot of money, but what does £694.89bn really buy you in 2012? Guardian Data's annual audit of UK government spending this year shows huge cuts taking place across supposedly protected areas of government as the austerity programme hits home. Public spending in 2011-12 was £694.89bn - compared to £689.63bn in 2010-11. That may look like an increase but once inflation is taken into account, it is a real-terms cut of 1.58%, or £10.8bn. However, that £10.8bn cut masks big drops in spending in over 40 government departments and quangos, including 'protected' areas such as health and education.

Thanks to Guardian graphic artist Jenny Ridley, we can see how that spending fits together - and how anything less than a billion is really not that much in government terms - particularly compared to a budget deficit of £121.4bn for 2011-12. Explore the graphic The data - for the financial year 2011-12 - is the first time this year's information has been collected in a single place. The Losers. ConnectedPRC. REDE_ESCANDALOS_EN. DC Kids Count Data Tools | DC Action for Children.

We measured the presence of six assets: high levels of homeownership, low levels of violent crime, high levels of youth (age 16-24) employment and the presence of recreation centers, libraries and grocery stores. (Not all of these are mapped here.) Nearly every neighborhood cluster had at least one asset. High-asset neighborhoods are in every quadrant of the city. Nearly half (49,000) of DC children live in these neighborhoods. Neighborhoods with the highest concentrations of assets (all six asset indicators) are in the Northwest quadrant of the city.

Notably, two neighborhoods clusters have none of the institutional assets (libraries, grocery stores and recreation center) in the analysis. Who in Congress Supports SOPA and PIPA/PROTECT-IP? | SOPA Opera. Le Pariteur. The Apps|Code 4 Kenya. GotToVote GotToVote! Is an example of how open data can be useful to ordinary citizens. GotToVote! Was built as a Code4Kenya data journalism project to demonstrate how data-driven tools can help ordinary citizens decipher and then act on the news they read / watch, by finding out how a national event such as the elections affects their personal lives or local communities. Website | Github. Wedodata. 10 mapas de información ciudadana para entender el poder de la colaboración. El uso de mapas de información geolocalizada no ha parado de aumentar en los últimos años. Este tipo de herramientas permiten visualizar de forma rápida y sencilla una gran cantidad de datos que se recopilan gracias a la colaboración ciudadana.

Este tipo de mapas ha proliferado con gran rapidez hasta convertirse en una herramienta de denuncia de gran utilidad por su bajo coste y eficacia. Esta es tan solo una recopilación de algunos de los últimos ejemplos de los que os hemos hablado en PC y que nos hablan de este tipo de modelo informativo que cobra más fuerza cada día y que nos muestra la importancia de la colaboración ciudadana en la elaboración de la información del siglo XXI: 1- Istanbul Polis Hareketleri (Movimientos de la Policía en Estambul), es un mapa de información geolocalizada en donde los manifestantes informan en tiempo real, a través de sus teléfonos móviles, de la presencia policial en la ciudad. 5*En Channel4 otro mapa interactivo con el timeline de los disturbios.

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