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Video Jabón líquido casero para lavadora. He recibido tantos pedidos de cómo hacer jabón de lavadora con aceite reciclado que al fin he podido editar un video!

Video Jabón líquido casero para lavadora

Es una receta que ya he explicado hace un par de años, pero creo que solo con fotos no se entiende bien la consistencia que debe tener el jabón líquido. Hace 4 años que elaboro mi jabón de lavadora, reciclo y cuido el medio ambiente con un producto ecológico, barato y simple, la lavadora no se tapó, ni mi ropa decoloró. En cada elaboración de jabón para lavadora obtengo entre 30 y 40 litros dependiendo de la consistencia y del jabón comercial que agregue. Envaso el jabón en botellas de suavizante y me duran unos 5 o 6 meses. Ahorro? Cuando necesito una limpieza más profunda en las prendas de los niños, cuellos de camisas o en los jeans, uso un quitamanchas o jabón en pastilla casero y friego un poco con cepillo, como toda la vida y listo.

Flan Napolitano. Recetas de cocina. Cómo hacer un jabón casero lavavajillas. Lemon Dishwasher Detergent Powder Recipe - Healthy Home. The cleaning products found under most kitchen sinks can wreak havoc on your health and budget, as well as our planet.

Lemon Dishwasher Detergent Powder Recipe - Healthy Home

In The Organically Clean Home (F+W Media, 2014), author Becky Rapinchuk offers 150 easy-to-make homemade cleaning products. In this excerpt, from chapter 3 “Recipes from the Kitchen”, learn how to make a homemade detergent powder without harmful chemicals. You can purchase this book from the Mother Earth Living store: The Organically Clean Home Lemon Dishwasher Detergent Powder It’s especially important to avoid using toxic chemicals on things we eat and drink from. .

• 1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda • 1 cup baking soda • 1 cup borax • 20 drops lemon essential oil To make: Combine ingredients in a large mixing bowl. To use: Place 1 heaping tablespoon per load in the dish detergent compartment and run as usual. To store: Pour into a glass container with a lid. Helpful Hint. How To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair In A Natural Way? Epilation At Home!

Some women experience a very unwanted and often very embarrassing condition that causes them to grow facial hair.

How To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair In A Natural Way? Epilation At Home!

Removing unwanted facial hair can be extremely expensive, and painful. There are many effective treatments for unwanted facial hair like electro-epilation, photo epilation, and laser epilation, but these methods are expensive, and take several treatments. Thankfully there are several natural, easy, cost-effective methods to remove facial hair. Facial Hair Removal with Baking Soda. This treatment is done in the evening, before going to bed. Facial Hair Removal Using Regular Pharmacy Iodine. How To Make Your Own Butter: Organic Gardening. Homemade, fresh organic butter can be made in minutes—10, to be exact.

How To Make Your Own Butter: Organic Gardening

All you need is organic cream and an electric mixer. "It is so simple but so exquisite," says Monique Jamet Hooker, professional chef and author in DeSoto, Wisconsin. She grew up on a farm in Brittany, France, and as a child took turns with her sisters working the butter churn. But she's given up the old-fashioned method in favor of the electric mixer. And she goes well beyond basic butter-making, too, transforming a humble square of butter into an edible work of art simply by topping it with three fresh sage leaves laid side by side, or by dusting the surface with tiny purple thyme flowers. Nutrition While it's a good idea to consume butter in moderation, when made with cream from grass-fed cows raised on pasture, it does have virtues that go beyond its rich flavor.

How-to When making butter, you'll get about half as much butter as the amount of cream used, plus residual "butter" milk produced by the process. Homemade Green Cleaning Supplies: Organic Gardening. Cleaning supplies often contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to you and your family and disastrous to the environment.

Homemade Green Cleaning Supplies: Organic Gardening

With the following recipes you can bring that same sensibility that keeps your garden organic into your home by making your own cleaning supplies. Easy oven care Is there a nastier job in the house than cleaning the oven? And there are few household cleansers that are more dangerous than commercial oven cleaners. Not cleaning it might seem like the best option—until something bubbles over and leaves a smoldering puddle on the oven bottom. Homemade Bath Products: Shampoo, Deodorant and Toothpaste - Natural Health. Given all the concern about the many harmful chemicals present in our environment, you would think that the personal care products we use every day — items such as deodorant, shampoo and toothpaste — would be regulated to confirm they’re safe.

Homemade Bath Products: Shampoo, Deodorant and Toothpaste - Natural Health

Manufacturers, however, aren’t required to test these common toiletries for safety. In fact, manufacturers don’t even have to list each product’s ingredients on the label. For example, the cocktail of compounds found within a fragrance is considered a trade secret, which means no ingredient has to be listed individually. Testing has revealed an average of 14 hidden, unlisted compounds per fragrance formulation. The nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been covering this issue for more than a decade, and the organization explains that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the personal care products industry to police itself through the industry’s own Cosmetics Ingredient Review panel. Skin Deep.