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Content Marketing

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Adjust How You Think About Content (It Could Actually Lessen Your Workload) Content is one of the more important aspects of your website, but it can also be the biggest pain. Although it makes good sense for SEO and lead generation purposes to keep updating your social media sites and keep up a blog, business owners -- and even some marketers -- are generally not writers. Thus, having to come up with topics, read over submissions, and create original content is quite groan-worthy for many.

If implemented properly, though, content can easily lessen your overall workload plus save costs. Re-think your relationship with the words on your website and instead of fighting against the content creation burden, put them to work for you and your business. Here's how. Create Once, and Create Well Think of content as an investment, if only for the SEO value it will provide. So while one hour today may seem impossible, that one hour of work could drive hundreds or thousands of leads in, say, ten years.

Talk about ROI. Crowdsource Content Work Closely With Sales Recycle and Reuse. Content Marketing - Think Campaigns Not Just Links, Your Guide to TOFU. Content Marketing is without doubt the most popular member of buzzword bingo at the moment. With updates like Panda and Penguin (easily track all this with SEOMoz's Algorithm Tracker) and the devaluation of low quality links, the role of content in SEO has never been greater. Many of the large SEO agencies are doubling down on their efforts to sell themselves as content strategists, not just SEO consultants, and where the big agencies go, usually everyone else follows.

With the next Google Penguin update (dependent on when this post is published, it may have already been released) touted to be "jarring and jolting" for a lot of webmasters, we can expect content marketing's shine to get even greater. Changing from "build" to "attract" What's being sold as "Content Marketing" - is truly great content that people want to share and link to = hey presto ... you're #Number1inGoogleB*tches. There is more to Content than Links Content Marketing is so much more than getting links. . # Objective 1. 2. The Secret Recipe for Viral Content Marketing Success. Let's assume you know the basics: content marketing is one of the best ways to engage with audiences and potential customers online. It is useful for improving search rankings, increasing brand engagement and loyalty, increasing brand visibility, and encouraging social sharing and interaction.

If you are a consumer-facing company in this day and age, you simply cannot keep up with the competition if you are not actively building your content marketing skill set. Easier said than done though, right? You’ve probably dabbled in content marketing before, or maybe even hired a “top agency.” If any of this resonates with you, you are most definitely not alone. So, what do you do? You go back to the beginning, and you relearn the truth about what it takes to come up with content that works: content that shows what content marketing can really do for your business.

Step 1: Understanding the truth about your competition Step 2: Engagement is good, but viral is better Strong emotional drivers. Contagious Content: What People Share On Facebook and Why They Share It. Do you have an uncontrollable desire to yell, “KABAMA-LAMA!!!” More frequently than you already do? Then you definitely need to create Facebook posts that get more shares. Because when Facebook page admins discover one of their posts has ‘gone viral’, they can’t control themselves.

They yell out strange phrases. In this ebook, created by Marketo and social media expert Brian Carter, we’re going to teach you how to create posts that more people will want to share. Facebook post best practicesReal Facebook case studiesNew research on how people interact on FacebookInformation about the marketing ecosystem on FacebookDiscussion of the concept of virality and whether it's truly possible on FacebookTips for creating highly sharaeable postsInformation on what mistakes make posts unshareable.

A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your Blog. 5.9K Flares 5.9K Flares × Ever since we started Buffer a little over 2 years ago, people have been asking us about one question very specifically: How can I write great headlines for social networks and my blog? The topic is a very tricky one, as the accuracy for what works best is hard to nail down. Whilst we have some specific techniques that we are using for our own postings and article headlines every day, I thought looking at the most cutting edge research is definitely required. So I thought of combining all the research we’ve done for the Buffer social accounts and our blog as well as the best research out there and combining them into one comprehensive guide.

Without any further ado, here is a scientific guide to great copywriting on Twitter, Facebook and your blog: What works best on Twitter? Finding the right headline for your Tweet is one of the most important things to do, especially as Twitter only allows for text display. Test it yourself – here is how 1.) 2.) 3.)