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How Holly Holm Killed Queen Ronda Rousey. Photo by Brandon Magnus/Zuffa LLC The bull and the matador.

How Holly Holm Killed Queen Ronda Rousey

It is the metaphor of choice for writer after hackey writer. Yet it is one which you can slap on a write-up of Holm versus Rousey and it will seem completely apt. A bullfight, as Hemingway put it, is not a contest but a tragedy. The odds are stacked against the bull and the more aggressively he fights, the more he will exhaust himself. The 'fight' was a beautiful execution.

The storm of uneducated opinion in the wake of the fight has been deafening and everyone wants to pretend that they always knew how to beat Rousey, they just didn't know if Holm was the 'level of athlete' to pull it off. The second moronic opinion that you will encounter is that Rousey lost because she chose to engage Holly Holm in a striking match.

But the point of this article isn't to gloat—I didn't pick Holly Holm to win, if I could do that accurately I'd be making my living on bets. The Bull and The Matador And last week I pointed out that: Improve your fitness without leaving the house - Telegraph. It has been proven that a short burst of exercise can significantly increase both cardiovascular and muscular fitness and through first-hand experience I’d like to explain how this could benefit you.

Improve your fitness without leaving the house - Telegraph

Throughout my career as an Olympic rower, the goal, apart from the obvious, was always to try to get the most out of each session and, in particular, to try to reduce training time, with the aim of increasing the amount of time I would have to recover and retain some form of a ‘normal life’. So when I decided to retrain as a personal trainer I decided that when working with clients, my ethos would always be to increase their fitness and improve their health in short, hard, but manageable sessions.

In just 20 minutes, 3-4 times per week I have seen fantastic results for those who are dedicated to pushing themselves hard. The best bit? You don’t have to go to a gym. Of course, the harder you exercise, the more recovery you’ll need. Zac Purchase Session 1: full body workout Warm up: - Sumo squat. À porrada sem luvas. The International 4 Dota 2 championship: Event details, team breakdowns and more.

Why I Fixed Fights. This is why boxing has failed.

Why I Fixed Fights

We have no confidence in the integrity of that sport anymore. SPORT first, business later. You were a part of that corruption, and it has hurt us all. Hold up...boxing used to be faaaaar more corrupt in the 60's, 50's and 40's yet, it was insanely popular (much more so than today, despite the fans knowing 'the fix' could be in). That kind of torpedoes your argument, no? On the contrary, Juicy. If people like this had said "we know it's been bad, but here's how we're cleaning it up", then people would notice. Bottom line: your point is exactly mine - it used to be far more popular than it is now, because NOW we know how corrupt it is. I think you're misunderstanding me. Thai Prison Fights. Thai Prison Fights.