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A Computer Forecast of Religion and Atheism. In the United States, the nones have it. The nones being people with no organized religion and increasingly no belief in God or a universal spiritual power. They have the momentum, attention, and an expectation that in the future they will become a majority of the population, just as they currently are in western Europe, Japan, and China. Or so says the Pew Research Religious Landscape Study, which in 2015 found that almost a quarter of Americans profess no religious affiliation.

Within that group, a third do not believe in God or a higher power of any sort (“nothing in particular,” as the study termed it). Both numbers are up from a similar study in 2007, when 16 percent of the country professed no religious affiliation, and 22 percent of these did not believe in God. Driving the growth are Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000. Pew expects the percent of religious Americans will continue to fall. Certainly, belief in nothing has market momentum. How looting in Iraq unearthed the treasures of Gilga... Courtesy Dr Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg). /Wikimedia You would think that amid all the human carnage in the Middle East, the destruction of archaeological sites hardly counts for much. But the smashing of the Mosul Museum by the self-styled Islamic State, and their blowing up of a succession of high-profile ancient cities last year – Nimrud and Hatra in Iraq, Palmyra in Syria – have grabbed more media attention than their wholesale butchering of men, women and children.

There is something about the deliberate annihilation of cultural heritage that strikes a deep blow against the identity of human beings, collective and individual. When a madman attacked Michelangelo’s Pietà at the Vatican in 1972 and broke off the Virgin Mary’s arm, public outrage far exceeded the offence taken at the mass amputation of living hands in repressive Middle Eastern courts of law.

Ancient works of art and historical monuments symbolise the endurance of human achievements. Reza Aslan is Wrong About Islam and This is Why. Thank you for your interest in Patheos newsletters! Please enter your email address below and click the "Subscribe" button. Thank you for your subscription. You can visit your Preference Center to complete your profile and see what else we have to offer.

We apologize, we were unable to complete your subscription at this time, please try again later. If this error persists please contact us at Like what you're reading? Consider subscribing to our newsletters so you won't miss any of your favorite writers! The Book Of Strange New Things Will Blow You Away. A Failed Metaphor for Intelligent Design. As time passes and technology evolves, historical context is critical to understanding the famous "watchmaker analogy.

" The watchmaker analogy seems timeless—antiquated, yet always in fashion. The most famous version comes from the English clergyman William Paley’s 1802 book Natural Theology. Just as a watch is made up of several different pieces, “framed and put together for a purpose,” he reasoned, so too are natural objects—eyes, ears, wings, and bones—made up of parts that combine to serve a higher function. As the watch is the design of a watchmaker, nature is the product of a designing intelligence, or God. The analogy has had generations of supporters and critics. But does “watchmaker” really say God to us in the digital age?

One’s choice of technology might have little consequence for design arguments’ logic, but each evokes a different image of divine power. Paley was not the first to compare God to a watchmaker, but he did so in a more nuanced way than those who preceded him. ‘Love jihad’ in India and one man’s quest to prevent it | Aman Sethi. Every few days, Vijaykant Chauhan WhatsApps me a photograph of himself. The photographs are invariably scenes of crowds gathered on a north India street corner. Chauhan is right in front: a thickset, mustachioed man in his late 30s, in faux-army fatigues, a camouflage-print baseball cap and sunglasses. He stands with his fists tightly bunched, arms upraised. Occasionally the police make an appearance – their faces creased by patient smiles, their hands held close to their chests, palms facing outwards, in gestures of pacification. These are photographs of protests, celebrations, rallies and, most often, “cultural programmes”: neighbourhood events usually organised under the patronage of the local political representative to promote good values in society.

Last week, I received a photograph of Chauhan posed beside a scooter laden with slabs of raw meat. “What’s up, Chauhan-ji?” “We found that meat secreted under the scooter’s seat,” Chauhan said. “I coined the phrase. Vijaykant hated it. Diferencia entre árabe, musulmán, islámico e islamista. - Traducinando. (Este artículo está pendiente de revisión con todas las anotaciones que habéis hecho en los comentarios) Tengo pendiente una (o varias) entrada(s) sobre cultura árabe, estereotipos y demás… pero la realidad es que me enfado cada vez que veo a un periodista o a una persona de a pie confundir árabe, musulmán, islámico e islamista. Así que antes de hablar de estereotipos, voy a explicar esto, porque no es lo mismo, igual que no es lo mismo decir mujer, femenino, hembra, feminista y feminazi. Igual que no es lo mismo decir Francia, francés, gabacho, franchute y… qué sé yo, baguette. ¡Es que ni siquiera son todas del mismo campo semántico!

Si tuviéramos que separar los errores más usuales podríamos hacerlo en dos tandas, por un lado árabe y musulmán y por el otro islámico e islamista. Árabe Una persona árabe es alguien nacido en un país de habla árabe, independientemente de su religión, de su afiliación política, del color de su piel y de si come o no cerdo. Musulmán Sí. Islámico e islamista. Limits to Expression on Religion in France by Esther Janssen. Institute for Information Law (IViR)March 8, 2012 Agama & Religiusitas di Eropa, Journal of European Studies, Vol. V, No. 1, pp. 22-45, 2009. Produced in cooperation between the University of Indonesia and the Delegation of the European Commission.

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2012-45 Institute for Information Law Research Paper No. 2012-39 Abstract: This article examines the limits to expression on religion in France. Number of Pages in PDF File: 30 Accepted Paper Series Suggested Citation Janssen, Esther, Limits to Expression on Religion in France (March 8, 2012). English Books > Introduction to the Fatwa on Suicide Bombings and Terrorism - Islamic Library. ISIS, o Estado Islâmico | VICE Portugal. Para activar as legendas clica em CC. Numa aventura sem precedentes, a VICE conseguiu aceder de forma exclusiva ao califado do Estado Islâmico, o grupo ISIS, para realizar o documentário ISIS, o Exército Islâmico.

O jornalista e realizador Medyan Dairieh passou três semanas gravando na antiga cidade síria de Raqqa, onde pôde dar conta, na primeira pessoa, de como os jihadistas europeus juravam lealdade ao Estado, o lavagem cerebral a que submetem as crianças, o surgimento de uma nova polícia e a instauração de tribunais e prisões. O Estado Islâmico continua a publicar vídeos violentos com execuções de reféns e ataques brutais ao inimigo, pouco se sabe sobre o funcionamento interno do grupo. Fomos também ao centro do movimento, em Raqqa, presenciar as patrulhas de rua e conhecer os presos e os combatentes.

Lj030223. Feb. 23, 2003 This Hindu parable is not a story as we usually hear them. It has layers of meaning and a concept of time so very different from our own Western linear, historical logical progression. Listen well and you may hear a different view of the Universe, an image that may both puzzle and enrich us. A Hindu Parable: A Parade of Ants. Indra slew the Dragon that had been resting on the mountains in the shape of a cloud, holding the waters of heaven captive in its belly. This flood is the flood of life and belongs to all. During the reign of the Dragon the majestic mansions of the city of the Gods had crumbled and cracked.

Early the next morning a Brahmin boy appeared at the gate of the palace asking to see the great Indra, the king of the gods. Indra was amused by the boy. "Oh king of Gods, I have seen the dreadful dissolution of the universe. As they were talking a procession of ants had made its appearance into the hall.

. ( Adapted from Bramavaivarta Purana, Krishna-janma Khanda) Earliest Buddhist shrine found at Buddha's birthplace - life - 25 November 2013. Beneath a temple thought to mark the location of the Buddha's birth, archaeologists may have discovered the literal roots of the religion: an ancient tree shrine that predates all known Buddhist sites by at least 300 years. The archaeological record of Buddhism stretches back to the time of Asoka, an Indian emperor who enthusiastically embraced the religion in the third century BC.

But the sage known as Buddha probably lived about three centuries earlier, meaning the religion's important early years are obscure. "No previous scholars have actually managed to expose and date pre-Asokan structures," says Robin Coningham, an archaeologist at Durham University, UK. Tree shrine The remains of one of Asoka's temples lie at Lumbini in Nepal, which many recognise as the birthplace of the Buddha and is an important site of pilgrimage. They found evidence of pre-Asokan stonework on the site and, below that, signs of a timber structure that could be radiocarbon dated to between 800 and 550 BC. The pope has been striking back against capitalism for more than a century - Quartz. Gaudium et Spes. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Gaudium et Spes ("Alegria e Esperança" em latim) sobre a Igreja no mundo contemporâneo é a única constituição pastoral e a 4ª das constituições do Concílio Vaticano II[1] .

Trata fundamentalmente das relações entre a Igreja Católica e o mundo onde ela está e actua. Inicialmente ela constituía o famoso "esquema 13", assim chamado por ser esse o lugar que ocupava na lista de documentos estabelecida em 1964. Sofreu várias redações e muitas emendas, acabando por ser votada apenas na quarta e última sessão do Concílio. A última votação teve os seguintes resultados: 2309 placet; 75 non placet; 10 nulos. O Papa Paulo VI, no dia 7 de Dezembro de 1965, na 9ª sessão solene, promulgou esta Constituição. Formada embora por duas partes, constitui um todo unitário.

Esquema da Gaudium et Spes[editar | editar código-fonte] Os números correspondem às secções indicadas no texto entre parêntesis. Referências Ver também[editar | editar código-fonte] The Antichrist | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE. It often comes as a great surprise to people to discover that "the Antichrist" does not appear in the Book of Revelation at all. In fact, it's nowhere else in the Bible or in other apocalyptic literature except in a few passages in two of the Johannine Epistles. So the key questions are these: Where did it come from? And how does it come to be so central to the way the story of Revelation is interpreted in later centuries, all the way down to the present?

Most apocalyptic literature tends to portray the history of the world as a cosmic conflict between God and some evil force, usually called Satan. It's important to note, therefore, that the extremely influential legend of how Satan was an angel in Heaven who rebelled against God and was cast out only arises with the writing of I Enoch, in ca. 225 BCE. This scheme is seen in the Book of Revelation, particularly in the central vision (called the "portents in heaven") found in chapters 12-13. First is the namesake of John. Buddhism & the Beat Generation. “The empty blue sky of space says 'All this comes back to me, then goes again, and comes back again, then goes again, and I dont care, it still belongs to me’—The blue sky adds 'Dont call me eternity, call me God if you like, all of you talkers are in paradise: the leaf is paradise, the tree stump is paradise the paper bag is paradise, the man is paradise, the sand is paradise, the sea is paradise, the man is paradise, the fog is paradise'—Can you imagine a man with marvelous insights like these can go mad within a month?”

- Jack Kerouac IntroductionInterview with Allen GinsbergJack Kerouac Reading Back by Joanne KygerBuddhism Beat and Square by Rick FieldsTassajara, 1969 In 1953, President Eisenhower issued Directive 10450, mandating the immediate removal from government service of those who had been soft on communism, along with those who had any history of drug or alcohol abuse, sexual deviation, mental illness, or even membership in a nudist colony. “Ho! “What’s that?” “Crickets?” Adam Roberts – The atheist paradox. A little while ago, I watched Martin Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ. I’d missed it on its original release in 1988, although I remembered news reports of the bother it caused, among certain groups of the devout, for its blasphemous portrayal of Christ’s dying dream on the cross — giving up his mission, marrying and having sex with Mary Magdalene, living to old age.

Watching it today, the film seems very 1980s, in good and bad ways. But what struck me most was not its closing scenes. It was the vividness with which Scorsese generates a sense of the startling novelty of Christ’s ministry. This is surely at the heart of Christianity: that the world was one way, for thousands (science now says billions) of years, then a man was born who embodied the message that everything is different now. It so happened that, the week I watched the film, there was other news of bother among Christians. It seems to me that newness is one crucial idiom of Christianity that gets short shrift.