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Cosmology. 1.


Consciousness and the Multiplicity of Mind. This Neuroscientist Argues That Addiction Is Not a Disease and Rehab Is Bullshit. How Art you today? Illustration by Jess Marshall When I was six, I started imagining that something or someone will come out from behind my drawer and hurt me.

How Art you today?

Businessinsider. The book Bounce by Matthew Syed is an interesting look at the science of success, filled with stories and interviews of some of the most recognized names in sport.


While Syed focuses the majority of the book on what it takes to excel in sport, or anything for that matter, there is a really interesting chapter on why we choke. For those of you familiar with the Farnam Street mental models, you’ll recall the concept of inversion. Darley and Batson: Good Samaritan Study. Darley, J.

Darley and Batson: Good Samaritan Study

M., and Batson, C.D., "From Jerusalem to Jericho": A study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behavior". JPSP, 1973, 27, 100-108. This is the famous seminary experiment about the Good Samaritans. Previous studies have failed to find a link between personality traits and the likelihood of helping others in an emergency. However, changes in the # of people present did have a big effect on behavior. How a Computer Predicts Schizophrenia and Psychosis. Although the language of thinking is deliberate—let me think, I have to do some thinking—the actual experience of having thoughts is often passive.

How a Computer Predicts Schizophrenia and Psychosis

Ideas pop up like dandelions; thoughts occur suddenly and escape without warning. Illusory ownership of an invisible body reduces autonomic and subjective social anxiety responses : Scientific Reports. Participants One hundred twenty-five naïve, healthy volunteers participated in the study.

Illusory ownership of an invisible body reduces autonomic and subjective social anxiety responses : Scientific Reports

None of the subjects took part in more than one experiment. Based on the results of previous studies using similar measurements16,20,21, we estimated that the sample size necessary to achieve statistical significance would be approximately 20 participants. We recruited 25 participants in each experiment because, based on previous experience, we estimated that about 20% of the scheduled subjects would not show up. In Experiment 4, we recruited six additional participants because of a technical issue with the heart rate data acquisition (see below). Experimental setup and illusion induction procedure The participants were asked to stand in an upright position with their head tilted and to look down at their body. To identify the portions of empty space representing the abdomen, arms, legs and feet of the invisible body, we used the mannequin as a template.

Experiment 4: Effects on social anxiety. Why the modern world is bad for your brain. Our brains are busier than ever before.

Why the modern world is bad for your brain

There is no language instinct – Vyvyan Evans. Imagine you’re a traveller in a strange land.

There is no language instinct – Vyvyan Evans

A local approaches you and starts jabbering away in an unfamiliar language. He seems earnest, and is pointing off somewhere. But you can’t decipher the words, no matter how hard you try. That’s pretty much the position of a young child when she first encounters language. In fact, she would seem to be in an even more challenging position. Popular now. Gateway. Brainstorming Doesn't Work; Try This Technique Instead. Evan Rosenbaum was 2 years old when his father brought home the Power Macintosh 7100.

Brainstorming Doesn't Work; Try This Technique Instead

How Missing Information Keeps Us Sane. You, as a reasonably typical human, miss more things visually than you would likely care to admit.

How Missing Information Keeps Us Sane

How long has that chip been on your windshield anyway? When did the ad on this site change? Was it while you were looking at this post? (Disclaimer: I have no idea.) Sensory input is strange in this way: the brain protects us from pure data streams, so missing the initial windshield chip or the changing ad are not flaws, but shrewd adaptations. What the researchers discovered is the existence of a sensory "continuity field" that merges similar objects viewed within a 15 second timeframe. What happens without that is an effective overloading of the brain's processing ability, a hypersensitivity to changing shadows and sudden movements. How the research team figured this out is interesting in itself. To test things further, the team repeated the experiment, but with the changes in angles appearing at either end of a computer screen. Slenderman Stabbing Shows That Youth Crime Isn't Exclusive to Boys. News of youthful violence is all too familiar to us: the shootings, stabbings, bombings perpetrated by young people are the stuff we—necessarily—analyze, search for patterns, try to make sense of, as we did two weeks ago in the wake of Elliot Rodger’s massacre in Isla Vista.

But this week came a different kind of story, about two 12-year-old neighbors from the Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin, who stabbed one of their friends nearly to death in the woods. According to reports, one of the assailants pushed the victim down and told the other, “Go ballistic. What To Do 15 Minutes Before A Presentation. Why I Fixed Fights. Jung Podcasts. This is a series of podcasts that explains Jung’s Psychology, starting with an overview of the psyche. 23 November 2009 In this episode I continue with Murray Stein’s quote on analysis; I examine issues such as frequency and length of session, couch vs. chair.

"Jungian analysis, which takes place in a dialectical relationship between analyst and analysand, has for its goal the analysand’s movement toward psychological wholeness. This transformation of the personality requires coming to terms with the unconscious, its specific structures and their dynamic relations to consciousness as these become available during the course of analysis.