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Francesco Morackini. -= Margaret M. de Lange =- Kartoffelstr. 22. The littlest giant. That feel when witnessing people who are so full of shit be simultaneously in deep denial Anonymous asked: You've got some Prime booty meat there Miss Damage! Why thank you I grew it myself In case you’re wondering how them bruises are doing 👍🌟 Anonymous asked: My gf really likes rope bondage but i have no experience?? You can check my /tutorial tag on here or sign up for full length videos on for a 1$ pledge ! Anonymous asked: I may have asked this in the past, but do you know of any submissive couple blogs out there? Hmm well cuttlefish and I have one - littlepup-bighound, but I’m not sure of specific submissive couple ones besides us. (Also you can find stuff of us switching in the “hound and pup time” tag on here) Anonymous asked: do you have a job?

I’m a full time model photographer and “rope artist” What’d you get up to tonight? Anonymous asked: You have the Nuvaring, right? Mine totally does that often too. What I do while watching TV ✌️🌟 Hey that’s me. Lina Scheynius - Photography. Brooke lynne. There's No Place Like Your Mouth. I’ve been invited to speak at the Scottish Queer International Film Festival, to show some of my films and to present a workshop discussion about my experiences in porn making. SQIFF (cute acronym right?) Is described on the site as “not-for-profit and run by our Festival Coordinator with assistance from our committee. We are an organisation by and for queer communities.”LGBTQ+ voices and perspectives are vastly underrepresented or exploited in the majority of the media we consume, unfortunately we don’t see much outcry about that.

Instead it’s small non profit organisations like SQIFF that work to celebrate and raise those voices. That’s really vital.What we do hear about from every media outlet at the moment about the creeping dangers of pornography; its misogyny, its violence and its capacity to warp the minds of our children. It’s just so easy to complain about porn. Home - Sandra Torralba. Gsphoto (George Swift) - DeviantArt.

BARTOSZ LUDWINSKI. Leslie SLASH jam master. NICOLE VAUNT | Creative (:noun) Daniel Ward. Nettie Harris. Erica Simone Photography - Opiette. Home - Bernadinism. Elene Usdin. Tessa Kuragi | London Based Model. Jeanloup Sieff - Site officiel. Art on eyes photography. James Bort. Julia Randall. Debora Barnaba - Editorial. Álvaro Sánchez-Montañés | Portfolio. CHRISTY LEE ROGERS. Main : The real does not efface itself. Dannygibert | My blog. Jen Osborne's Portfolio. Valquire | Filmmaker, media artist, photographer.

Photographs - Lisa Wassmann. Ulrikebiets. BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER. Unbenanntes Dokument. Jennifer Causey Photography. Amie Dicke - Amie Dicke. Works | Lieko Shiga. Thomas Devaux. Settimio benedusi. Colin Legg Photography | Stars, Night Skies, Nightlapse & Timelapse Photography. « MEMYMOM | Lisa De Boeck | Marilène Coolens | Photographers. Peter Kemp Art Photography | Peter Kemp Art Photography is about story tellings pictures. — Corrado Dalco' Photography. FERNANDA MONTORO. Tom Hoops - Professional Photographer Bangkok and London. Steve DeMent Photography. Idaniphotography. AliceRabbit. Fontenoy. The Burning Lotus. I have plans to post images from this set that don’t feature my ‘Big Ass Fans’ cap but thought a light hearted theme would be fun for one day. Remember… love you back! Theburninglotus nsfw ass butt tattoo ink pussy piercings pussy from behind big ass thanks.

Cass bird. Tamara Lichtenstein. Chris Fitzgerald - Sessions. Ray Shirao sewer004. Omni-Phantasmic - Underwater Nude Rock Quarry. 荒木経惟オフィシャルサイト ER: The Polaroid Collection. ER: The Polaroid Collection Next >>> NolaPhoto. "I enjoy controlled loneliness. I like wandering around the city alone. I’m not afraid of coming back to an empty flat and lying down in an empty bed. I’m afraid of having no one to miss, of having no one to love. " - Kuba Wojewódzki (via wordsnquotes) (Source: wordsnquotes, via z-vk) Anonymous asked: Why do you seem to dislike your photography so much? Henrygaudier-deactivated2015062: When I look at my own photos, I can never escape their technical flaws, which serve mostly to reinforce in me both the limitations of what I can accomplish with the camera and the intolerable distance between the conception and the artifact.

"When my absence doesn’t alter your life, then my presence has no meaning in it. " - (via loosequarter) (Source: hopeinspiresme, via iamboundtowin-deactivated201501) Fotografie a fotogalérie portrétů, glamour, nude art | Ján Hronský. April-lea Photography. Vernon Trent Fine Arts & Photography. Diane Arbus, el deseo de hacer fotos para satisfacer sus instintos vitales. Sobre Diane Arbus hemos escrito en varias ocasiones, su vida y su obra dan para recurrir a su figura y siempre descubrir algo nuevo, algo que nos inquiete, que nos perturbe. No podíamos dejar nuestra sección de grandes maestros de la fotografía sin tenerla presente, porque esta fotógrafa aportó a la historia una manera de acercarnos a lo documental desde una perspectiva muy visceral, muy sincera, en ocasiones demasiado involucrada.

Todas las imágenes de Diane Arbus están protegidas con unos rígidos derechos de reproducción debidas al legado de la autora, así lo supimos durante la charla que tuvimos ocasión de disfrutar en las conferencias organizadas por Mapfre, donde no pudieron proyectar sus fotos, no obstante lo completaremos con vídeos. ¿Nos acompañais en este viaje por el apasionante universo de esta newyorkina? Vida de Diane Arbus Queremos decir con ello que Diane Arbus utilizaba la fotografía como medio para poder realizar ciertas experiencias. La influencia de Diane Arbus. Kalliope Amorphous. Chip Willis. The Hilton Presentation [NSFW...18+] Ben Hopper. Akif HAKAN Celebi , Photographer. Fashion, Art, Commercial . Hong Kong , Istanbul, London, Miami . The man in the high castle. Venus© 2016 highcastle with erin trying to get several rolls of film developed featuring erin and @liorallay. you can help though your purchase of one of these or several other prints. if you cant buy a print then please reblog and share with others!

Sponsor getting a roll of film developed for just $15 ask me how! Patreonbigcarteldo not repost. reblog ONLY with notes intact. Gilles Berquet. Photominimal. Photominimal. Ryoji ikeda  |  news. Joanne Leah. Mike dowson photographer/film maker. Ralph Gibson - Home. Rocío Verdejo » Fotografías. Las mareas del alma, el oleaje del sueño y la pesadilla. Juan Francisco Rueda Angustias existenciales. El oleaje que no cesa. Ni la obra reciente ni, prácticamente, buena parte de la anterior de Rocío Verdejo pueden entenderse sin dos ámbitos de intermediación e interpretación como son la presencia en sus fotografías de las aguas estancadas, como elemento activo, metafórico y perturbador, y la autoexploración de los temores, sueños y pesadillas que la asuelan.

Desde 2005, Rocío Verdejo viene haciendo que sus personajes coqueteen con lo acuático. Con un marcado flujo narrativo, de escenificación y en convergencia con discursos medulares del arte último —como la multiplicidad, el camuflaje, la indistinción o la identidad—, buena parte de su fotografía tuvo en el agua un elemento indispensable. Entre Quietud y Las aguas del escorpiónno sólo dista un año en su ejecución.

Escenificación, narración subsumida, narcisismo y simbolización. Quietud. Reka Nyari. Aeric meredith-goujon : photographs. Steve Diet Goedde. An unreleased photo of Masuimi Max from our reunion shoot in 2014 - we had an unintentional eight year gap since the previous time we shot. The very first time I photographed Masuimi was in 1999 - how can she look even better now? Dress by Syren Latex | On behalf of all artists, please give credit, don’t alter or delete captions, and respect copyright. Thanks! SDG: Instagram | FB | Twitter | Flickr | DA | 500px.

Gracie Hagen. JIMA. David Burrows. Elizaveta Porodina | Flickr. Elizaveta Porodina | Portfolio | fashion and fine art photography. MEDEA TEIXEIRA. Erica McDonald - Documentary Photographer. Baard Lunde Studios. Remi & Kasia. Isao Hishinuma - 菱沼勇夫 Kikuji kawada. Kobayashi yohei. Aitken Jolly - Photographer. Thorsten kirchhoff. Kanako Sasaki. Jorge Rueda. AITKEN JOLLY.