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What it costs - JustGiving. JustGiving is the world’s leading platform for charity giving. Since our launch in 2001, we’ve enabled over 21 million people to raise £1.5 billion for over 13,000 charities and causes in radically new ways. Our job is to make giving and raising money for charity simple, social and rewarding. Through online and mobile we bring the best that technology has to offer to charities worldwide - which explains why more charities recommend JustGiving than any other online fundraising platform. We run our business by charging charities a small fee on donations. In the UK we reclaim an extra 25% for the charity in Gift Aid – see an example of how this works for a typical donation. We re-invest any surplus cash into developing our innovative world-class technology to make giving to charity easier and quicker.

Our amazing community tell our story best – meet some of them here. - Start Something! JustCoz. Mail for good, une autre façon de s’engager | Le canard de Quennie. Mail for good n’est pas une initiative toute jeune mais elle fait partie de celles qu’il faut saluer. Lancé en 2009, le site a pour objectif de récolter des dons pour des associations toutes aussi diverses que variées, grâce aux mails et réseaux sociaux.

Donner aux nouvelles technologies une orientation solidaire, il fallait y penser ! Le crédo de Mail for good est celui-ci : « démontrer que chaque geste compte et que la somme de nos actions peut changer les choses ». Sur le site, à l’ergonomie indéniable, on encourage les internautes à utiliser le potentiel de sensibilisation et de mobilisation des mails et réseaux sociaux pour soutenir des associations.

L’engagement devient alors très simple. Alors que mon jeune âge ne devrait pas m’autoriser autant d’aplomb, j’estime malgré tout qu’il est plus que nécessaire de s’engager, de se positionner, d’exposer son avis. Et pour cela, plusieurs possibilités : - Faire un don directement en ligne, Avaaz: activism or 'slacktivism'? | World news. Rupert Murdoch picks his massive nose, opens the door of the taxi, and steps outside to greet the bank of photographers, protesters and police officers massed next to Portcullis House, Westminster.

It is half past one on Tuesday, and Murdoch – along with his son James – will shortly be interrogated for three hours by MPs inside the building. So far so good: he smiles at the crowd, pauses for photographs, and strides towards the revolving doors. But something's up, starting with that nose. It's unnaturally ginormous. And so too are his eyes, ears and cheeks. Has Murdoch got mumps? A little secret, then. Founded in 2007, Avaaz is not primarily known for this kind of direct action, or indeed any action outside of cyberspace. Part of its success is down to the ease with which you can get involved. So clicktivism – as Avaaz's brand of online activism is sometimes known – is easy. There's also the issue of breadth. But Avaaz begs to differ. The whole operation is meticulously planned.