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Facebook Twitter Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit! I need ... a base framework. a DOM utility. templating.

Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!

CSS animation. JavaScript animation. a CSS selector engine. data manipulation. a Class system. functional programming. a JavaScript loader. to test stuff (e.g. unit testing). to validate stuff. to write a game. to do CANVAS/2D graphics! To convert colors. to create searchable & sortable lists. single page apps. persistent storage. client-side MVC. feature/browser detection. events! WebKit-specific libraries. mobile-specific libraries. libraries for responsive designs. polyfills. analytics. hyphenation. asynchronous programming to compose my own framework! To code a site listing micro-frameworks! Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!

How much library code do you really need — 50K? Sure, we all love our favorite monolithic frameworks, and sometimes we even use them fully. Micro-frameworks are definitely the pocketknives of the JavaScript library world: short, sweet, to the point. Want to add your own? Can't get enough? Api. Setting disable or enable has cascading changes on the select, highlight, and view only when the currently selected item object becomes disabled.


An important thing to note here is that “setting” something as enabled or disabled adds the new elements to the collection of items to disable rather than completely replacing them with the new collection. Disable/enable dates § You can disable sets of dates and then enable the entire set or specific dates within those sets by the following methods: Disable/enable times § You can disable sets of times and then enable the entire set or specific times within those sets by the following methods: Enable an element within a disabled range § When a date or time you want to enable falls within a disabled range, add the inverted property to the item: CombinePrefixPatterns.js - google-code-prettify - syntax highlighting of code snippets in a web page. Marcaube/bootstrap-magnify · GitHub.

X-editable Demo. Substack/node-browserify. Substack/node-browserify. Gallery. Css3d - periodic table. Zoomooz.js. Zoomooz is: 6KB gzipped and 18KB minified.


This includes everything but jQuery. Make any web page zoom. Latest version: 1.1.9 (Nov 11, 2013, hacky fix for the back and forward buttons #66) Zoomooz is a jQuery plugin for making web page elements zoom. It can be used for making Prezi like slideshows and for zooming to images or other details. Quirky transformations You can zoom to elements that have been translated, scaled and skewed, and they will morph correctly. Try by clicking on these: Skew Scale Rotate There is some interesting stuff happening in the background to make the morphings work. Adding Zoomooz to your web page Just add this to your web page head and you should be up and running with Zoomooz: The easy way to zoom Simply add "zoomTarget" to the element you want to zoom to when clicked on: <div class="zoomTarget">This element zooms when clicked on.

You can also add some additional attributes for tuning the animation as data fields of the element: Here is a demo, click on the elements: Demos. Magnifier.js demo. Magnifier.js is a Javascript library enabling magnifying glass effect on an images.

Magnifier.js demo

Features Zoom in / out functionality using mouse wheel Magnified image can be displayed in the lens itself or outside of it in a wrapper Attachment of user defined functions for thumbnail entering, moving and leaving and image zooming events Display loading text while the large image is loading, and switch to lens once its loaded Magnifier.js uses Event.js as a cross-browser event handling wrapper, which is available at Github and Works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 7, 8, 9 & 10. Licensed under the MIT License, © 2013 Mark Rolich. 2 - Angular Templates. Loading...

2 - Angular Templates

Improve this doc Now it's time to make the web page dynamic — with AngularJS. We'll also add a test that verifies the code for the controller we are going to add. There are many ways to structure the code for an application. Examples - Weather.

Misc. Examples

jQuery. D3. How to return the response from an AJAX call.