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Backup best practices - a shortlist - SqlBak Blog. Backup best practices, a shortlist This shortlist will hopefully be a great step forward for you and for your backups. If you find anything in this list that you’re already doing, then great! But, if you know any best practices that you think are missing from this list, please leave a comment and we will consider it and possibily add it to our list, and this way we will contribute to the knowledge ‘database’ about backups, which might someday help someone else in your position. Backups should not be on the same physical storage as your database files So, as you might suspect, having the database backup on the same physical drive as the database itself is not a particular good idea, because in case something bad happens to the drive you lose both your database and your backup.

This is why one of the first tips is to put your backups on a different storage, as far as possible, in terms of risk, from the same place where the database it backs up. Set up schedules to automate your backups. Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014 - 1 Enterprise Edition with Server + Client Access License (CAL) based licensing (not available for new agreements) is limited to a maximum of 20 cores per SQL Server instance. For more information, see Compute Capacity Limits by Edition of SQL Server.

Top 1For more information on installing SQL Server 2012 on Server Core, see Install SQL Server 2012 on Server Core. 2This feature is only available for 64-bit SQL Server. 2 SQL Server Web, SQL Server Express, SQL Server Express with Tools, and SQL Server Express with Advanced Services can be profiled using SQL Server Standard and SQL Server Enterprise editions. 3 Tuning enabled only on Standard edition features. 1 SysPrep is supported for stand-alone instances of Database Engine and Reporting Services. 1 This feature is not available for 64-bit version of Standard edition. Integration Services - Advanced Adapters Integration Services - Advanced Transforms BI Semantic Model (Multidimensional) BI Semantic Model (Tabular) PowerPivot for SharePoint. - SQL Server Backup. DatabaseBackup is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution’s stored procedure for backing up databases. DatabaseBackup is supported on SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, and SQL Server 2014. Download Download MaintenanceSolution.sql. This script creates all the objects and jobs that you need. You can also download the objects as separate scripts.

License The SQL Server Maintenance Solution is free. Parameters Databases Select databases. Directory Specify backup root directories, which can be local directories or network shares. DatabaseBackup creates a directory structure with server name, instance name, database name, and backup type under the backup root directory. BackupType Specify the type of backup: full, differential, or transaction log. DatabaseBackup uses the SQL Server BACKUP command: BACKUP DATABASE for the full backup, BACKUP DATABASE WITH DIFFERENTIAL for the differential backup, and BACKUP LOG for the transaction log backup. Verify Verify the backup. A. SQL Server transaction log reader. SQL Server transaction logs contain records describing changes made to a database. They store enough information to recover the database to a specific point in time, to replay or undo a change. But, how to see what’s in them, find a specific transaction, see what has happened and revert the changes such as recovering accidentally deleted records To see what is stored in an online transaction log, or a transaction log backup is not so simple Opening LDF and TRN files in a binary editor shows unintelligible records so these clearly cannot be read directly.

For instance, this in an excerpt from an LDF file: Use fn_dblog fn_dblog is an undocumented SQL Server function that reads the active portion of an online transaction log Let’s look at the steps you have to take and the way the results are presented Run the fn_dblog function Select * FROM sys.fn_dblog(NULL,NULL) From the results set returned by fn_dblog, find the transactions you want to see To see transactions for inserted rows, run: You’ll get. Windows 2012 R2 – Quorum avec témoin dynamique | Christophe LAPORTE – Consultant SQL Server.

Après avoir découvert et installé Windows 2012 R2, Passons à présent à la création d’un cluster. Des changement ont été annoncés, comme la notion de témoin dynamique. Let’s go ! Petit rappel : pour fonctionner, c’est à dire pour que les ressources contenues dans les groupes de ressources, aussi appelées applications, soient en ligne, le cluster a besoin d’une majorité. Cette majorité,aussi appelée Quorum peut être obtenue de différentes manières: Node majority : pour un cluster avec un nombre de nœuds impairs, cela peut fonctionner. La notion de Quorum dynamique a été introduit pas Windows Server 2012. Il était également possible d’attribuer ou supprimer manuellement des votes pour un nœud. Avec l’arrivée de Windows 2012 R2, cette tâche est simplifiée car lorsque l’on forme le cluster, un témoin est automatiquement ajouté.

Les écrans de formation d’un cluster n’ont pas évolué. Mes Warnings sont dus à la présence d’un seul réseau et à mon stockage partagé non configuré, rien de bien grave. SQL Server 2014 – Instance en cluster sur disque CSV | Christophe LAPORTE – Consultant SQL Server. L’association SQL Server 2014 et Windows 2012 R2 semble promise à un bel avenir. Non seulement, le témoin dynamique apporte plus de simplicité dans la mise en place d’un cluster (plus trop de question à se poser concernant le Quorum), mais Windows 2012 R2 propose des améliorations concernant la prise en charge des machines virtuelles.

J’avais brièvement listé quelques unes de ces fonctionnalités dans du billet d’introduction à Windows 2012 R2. Je suis très régulièrement impliqué dans les projets de haute disponibilité. Egalement, je travaille énormément sur des environnements virtuels. Le cluster SQL Server (FCI) permet de protéger l’intégralité d’une instance SQL. En environnement virtuel, on utilisait généralement des connexions iSCSI pour partager les volumes. Mais ça, c’était avant ! Windows 2012 R2 permet maintenant de partager un disque CSV entre plusieurs machines virtuelles !

Qu’est-ce que cela change ? Il est déjà possible d’opter pour un réplica Always-ON sur une VM Azure. Deploying SQL Server 2014 with Cluster Shared Volumes - Clustering and High-Availability. An exciting new feature in SQL Server 2014 is the support for the deployment of a Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) with Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV). In this blog, I am going to discuss the value of deploying SQL Server with CSV as well as how you can deploy SQL with CSV.

I will also be discussing this topic at TechEd North America 2014 at the following session: Update post TechEd: You can now find this session online to watch on-demand here. Value of Deploying SQL 2014 with CSV A SQL 2014 deployment with Cluster Shared Volumes provides several advantages over a deployment on “traditional” cluster storage. Scalability Consolidation of multiple SQL instances: With traditional cluster storage, each SQL instance requires a separate LUN to be carved out. Better capacity planning, storage utilization: Consolidating multiple SQL instances on a single LUN makes the storage utilization more efficient. Availability Operability With CSV, the management of your SQL Server Instance is simplified.