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Lingua Latina

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Readersandsupplements. Janualinguae. I am new to Latin.


What do you recommend for me? I would begin with Comenius' 'Vestibulum'. (In the vocabulary section). Why? La lengua latina. Gramática Latina. Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Co. Lingua Latina Aeterna. Greek and Latin Learning Tools. Latin Handouts. Grammar Handouts: Vocabulary Handouts: Lingua Latina: Lingua Latina Vocabulary I (Chapters 1-4) Lingua Latina Vocabulary II (Chapters 5-7) Lingua Latina Vocabulary III (Chapters 8-10) Lingua Latina Vocabulary IV (Chapters 11-13) Lingua Latina Vocabulary V (Chapters 14-16) Lingua Latina Vocabulary VI (Chapters 17-19) Lingua Latina Vocabulary VII (Chapters 20-22) Lingua Latina Vocabulary VIII (Chapters 23-25)

Latin Handouts