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Easy 3D Home Design | RoomSketcher. DIY Marbled Glassware. When graphic designer and artist Joanna Bean Martin shared with us her technique for marbling the bottoms of glassware with nail polish, we couldn’t wait to try it ourselves. Who knew it would be such an easy way to add color and pattern to your next tablescape or party?

Remember, the brighter and bolder colors you use, the more the glasses will radiate and glow. Have fun! You’ll need:flat bottomed glasswarevariety of colorful nail polishclear nail polisha disposable plastic containernail polish removerpainters tapetoothpicks Mask off the bottom of the glass with painters tape. Fill a disposable, plastic container with water. Layer the colors one on top of the other. Submerge the bottom of the glass into the polish. Allow to dry completely before applying a layer of clear polish. Once everything has dried, remove the painters tape and touch up with nail polish remover and a cotton swab. Your glowing glasses are finished! Bottoms up! Mod Podge Shoes. My husband jokes every time I get the bottle of Mod Podge out that I’m going to Mod Podge fabric to our computer keys or Mod Podge our kids clothing to their bodies. Hey, don’t tempt me. I know, I may go a little overboard with this stuff…….but I just had to try it on some shoes.

Originally, I saw the idea on a site my sister showed me. And the lady Mod Podged starburst wrappers to some shoes. It was cute…….but I wanted to try fabric. And using some of my favorite fabric. How fun would these be if you matched them to a cute skirt you’ve made? Anyway, this is my first time applying fabric to shoes with Mod Podge and I am in no way claiming that this will last on here forever. Edited To Add: Emilee left a comment and mentioned outdoor Mod Podge… Sure enough, I found some online here. Do you want to try it out yourself? Grab a pair of your old flats or buy a nice inexpensive/clearance pair to try it out on. (I cut the bows off.) Apply some Mod Podge to the toe of the shoe. DIY / DIY Revive old shoes. Things needed: Old flats, Fabric, Scissors, Outdoor Mod Podge, Brush & Exacto Knife. 1) Lay a piece of fabric over the shoe (Big enough to cover the entire shoes & trim around the edges so there’s not a lot left hanging over) 2.