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VIVOD_In the Shadow of the Serbian Paramilitary Units. Database of Missing from Yugoslav Wars to be Created. The 14th regional conference on the exhumation and identification of people who disappeared in the 1990s wars, held in Belgrade on Friday, was told that a unique database of missing persons will be established in The Hague.

Database of Missing from Yugoslav Wars to be Created

Representatives of the Bosnian, Croatian, Kosovo, Montenegrin and Serbian governments, as well as some international organisations, have agreed to create the database, said a representative of victims’ families’ associations. Olgica Bozanic, the chairperson of the board of the Regional Coordinating Body of Families’ Associations, warned that there has been a drop in activity in recent years when it came to locating victims’ remains. "In most cases, politics gets involved when we ask that certain locations be checked," Bozanic told BIRN after the conference. But Bozanic said she was glad that the representatives of all government bodies and international organisations present have agreed to set up the list of missing persons. A Photographer Looks Back on the Horrors of the Bosnian War. Jedna země, tři národy a tři uzavřená prostředí. Jak se cítí mladí v Bosně 22 let po konci války?

„Tobě je 23.

Jedna země, tři národy a tři uzavřená prostředí. Jak se cítí mladí v Bosně 22 let po konci války?

Vem si, co jsi za těch 23 let stihla. Bosnian Judges’ and Prosecutors’ War Records Face Checks. Bosnian’s top judicial body, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, HJPC, said on Thursday that it will request information on investigations into judges and prosecutors after a complaint from the Justice Ministry war crimes centre in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated Republika Srpska.

Bosnian Judges’ and Prosecutors’ War Records Face Checks

The Republika Srpska Justice Ministry’s Centre for Research on War, War Crimes and Missing Persons complained to the HJPC earlier this month, accusing nine judges and six prosecutors of having discriminated against Serbs in war crimes cases. It claimed that the judges and prosecutors worked as military judges during the war, based on a decree from the wartime Bosnian presidency, and that that some of them were military judges in wartime prison camps where Serbs were detained. The HJPC is also asking to be allowed to sack judges and prosecutors without disciplinary hearings.

The Oric verdict sparked anger among Bosnian Serb political leaders. UN Court Accuses Serbia of Non-Cooperation. In an address to the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, the president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Carmel Agius, said Serbia should have extradited three Serbian Radical Party members charged with interfering with witnesses during the trial of their leader Vojislav Seselj.

UN Court Accuses Serbia of Non-Cooperation

Rumbling Balkans threaten foreign policy headache for Trump. A familiar billboard face looms large over the shabby streets and squares of the Balkan city of North Mitrovica.

Rumbling Balkans threaten foreign policy headache for Trump

“The Serbs stood by him all along!” Says the slogan in English beneath the giant image of Donald Trump staring out passersby. Many in this Serb-dominated city in Kosovo would agree. Serbs were generally delighted with Trump’s election victory, if only because he defeated the wife of their 1990s nemesis Bill Clinton, who led the Nato bombing campaigns against Serb forces in Bosnia and Kosovo. In Serbian Politics, Current Problems Hail From the Past - Stratfor Worldview. Bosna vře. Hrozí jí rozpad? Srbové chtějí odtrhnutí, Chorvati zas vlastní entitu.

Působí to jako déja vu.

Bosna vře. Hrozí jí rozpad? Srbové chtějí odtrhnutí, Chorvati zas vlastní entitu

Od konce nejbrutálnějšího konfliktu na evropské půdě od druhé světové války sice uběhly víc než dvě dekády, přesto současné události v Bosně až příliš věrně připomínají návrat do 90. let. Framework agreement ohrid 130801 en. Text Of Leaked Copy Of Serbia-Kosovo Recognition Deal. The following is the text of a leaked copy of the breakthrough agreement initialed between Serbian and Kosovo leaders in Brussels on April 19, potentially clearing a major hurdle in Serbian aspirations to join the European Union and otherwise more fully integrate with European institutions. 1.

Text Of Leaked Copy Of Serbia-Kosovo Recognition Deal

There will be an Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities in Kosovo. Membership will be open to any other municipality provided the members are in agreement. 2. The Community/Association will be created by statute. The Less you know: «Foreign Affairs» stakes somebody else’s claim to the Balkans. Nobody knows what to expect in international policy from the incoming Trump administration (there!

The Less you know: «Foreign Affairs» stakes somebody else’s claim to the Balkans

I said it!) , least of all the people involved in it or the profoundly ignorant Mr Trump himself. There have been early indications that the incoming US president wants to align foreign policy with Russia and to provoke an entirely unwanted confrontation with China, and he seems to have developed a fondness for death squads in the Philippines. Dysfunction in the Balkans. The political settlement in the former Yugoslavia is unraveling.

Dysfunction in the Balkans

Concrete clickbait: next time you share a spomenik photo, think about what it means — The Calvert Journal. Put the Serbo-Croatian word spomenik into Google Images, and you'll find dozens of photos of large, seemingly abstract sculptures, of architectural scale, placed in fields, on mountains, and in woods.

Concrete clickbait: next time you share a spomenik photo, think about what it means — The Calvert Journal

These are photographs – each of them numbered, thusly – “Spomenik #1”, “Spomenik #2”, and so forth, with locations, but nothing else – by the Belgian photographer Jan Kempenaers. They have been published in a book – of course, called Spomenik – and exhibited around the world. Related Is it time to kick our addiction to ruin porn? Balkans in Europe Policy Blog. Since the dissolution of Yugoslavia, political and economic relations between the UK and the western Balkan countries have been framed by, and harmonised with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and its Common Security and Defence Policy. This might be about to change. Copyright Reuters. The Republic Srpska Referendum and the Bleak Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 20 years after the end of the war in 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is still marred by lack of political progress and stuck in the situation of stabile unresolvedness. Recurrent political crises are a sad reality, whith political leaders of the two entities and three nationalist parties continuously pushing to establish sovereignty of their geographic or imagined territories in the hope that this will secure them a permanent ruling position.

Quite often, they create turmoil to avert attention from more pressing social and economic problems resulting in challenging living conditions, particularly for elderly, children, unemployed and those in poor health. Copyright: Reuters. Fascists Reborn as Croatia's Founding Fathers. The Ustashe was led by Ante Pavelic, the wartime dictator whose picture was plastered on walls in Split in preparation for the rally. ''A majority of the Croats oppose this rehabilitation,'' said Viktor Ivancic, editor in chief of the opposition weekly, The Feral Tribune. ''But they are afraid. These neo-fascist groups, protected by the state, are ready to employ violence against their critics.'' Ustashe veterans receive larger pensions than old Partisan fighters, who waged a savage fight against the German and Croatian fascist armies. Former Ustashe soldiers are invited to state celebrations, like the annual army day, while Partisan fighters are ignored.

Croatia’s election is a warning about the return of nationalism to the Balkans​ Amid the alleys and ancient churches of Šibenik, Croatia, the late-summer tourists look quizzical as a tough old man harangues a meeting in the public square. “In 1945, people worked for free to build factories, roads, new houses. We wanted to build a better country then,” he says. “Find me five people prepared to do that now.” Projev Slobodana Miloševiće na Kosově poli, 1989. Život ve lži a kostlivci ve skříni. Co má společného Karadžič, prezident Republiky srbské v Bosně a Hercegovině (1992–1996), s Hansem Genscherem, který byl vicekancléřem a ministrem zahraničí ve čtyřech vládách Helmutha Kohla (až do roku 1992) a předtím ve třech vládách Helmuta Schmidta? No přece aktivní účast na rozpadu Jugoslávie. O této jejich účasti se buď šíří polopravdy a lži, anebo se mlčí o důležitých okolnostech (případně se mlčí zcela).

Také proto celé čtvrtstoletí po těchto událostech hledíme na bývalou Jugoslávii, Evropu i svět jakoby se zavázanýma očima. Don’t forget Jasenovac – Industry of Death 1941-1945. Balkán a vnitřní logika násilí. S texty pracovníka Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů Filipa Tesaře se čtenáři pravidelně setkávají v týdeníku A2 i v jiných médiích.

Hledání ve stylu ex-Jugo. Snímky autorů bývalé Jugoslávie bývají spojeny s bujarou muzikou, černým humorem a živočišnými typy, které v první větě zaklejí a zatají dech nad osudem. Ať už v tom cítíme rozředěné dědictví černé vlny jugoslávského filmu (1961–1971) nebo partyzánských eposů, k běžným klišé patří též filosofující hlupáci i sebedestruktivní extáze národního juchání. Při tom všem se pije, mluví o smrti a ze stěny putyky shlíží aspoň erotický kalendář.