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The Inexplicable Universe - History's Mysteries Part 1.


Wompwomp. Thc. Art. Food. Slingshot Zombiehammer with Skull Ejector. Spam=maps. R1uFZ.jpg (480×15770) Dude Eats Bacon | Dec 5. WITlo.jpg (1275×3601) 'Matrix'-style effortless learning? Vision scientists demonstrate innovative learning method. New research published December 8 in the journal Science suggests it may be possible to use brain technology to learn to play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve ball with little or no conscious effort.

It's the kind of thing seen in Hollywood's "Matrix" franchise. Experiments conducted at Boston University (BU) and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, recently demonstrated that through a person's visual cortex, researchers could use decoded functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to induce brain activity patterns to match a previously known target state and thereby improve performance on visual tasks. Think of a person watching a computer screen and having his or her brain patterns modified to match those of a high-performing athlete or modified to recuperate from an accident or disease. Though preliminary, researchers say such possibilities may exist in the future. The finding brings up an inevitable question. 30 Fantastic HDR Photographs by Javier Alvarez. Winter Breads from Casa de Cuisine: Chinese Steamed Bread - National Event Recipes. Have you ever gone into a Chinese restaurant and order steamed pork buns?

Have you ever gone into a dim sum eatery and munched on those little Chinese dumplings filled with the natural sweetness of lychee? In both of these cases the bread surrounding these delicacies was a steamed bread... as a matter-of-fact, it was this steamed bread. In a recent survey, it seems the number one type of ethnic restuarant for diners is Chinese. This is really no surprise as it seems everyone loves Chinese food, or at least what they consider Chinese food. Fact of the matter is, most Chinese food presented in America is nowhere near what Chinese food actually is. Unless you have studied the art of Chinese cuisine, of which there are a few regional genres, you might not be aware of Chinese breads. By-the-way, you can fill these before steaming them with BBQ pork to make your own steamed pork buns and make them smaller and fill them with lychee for dim sum lychee dumplings.



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