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Brazil Claims Its Credit Worthiness is Better than the US's ... Brazil's minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, said this Wednesday, June 15, that the risk of Brazil defaulting on its debts is lower than the United States'. "For the first time in history, Brazil's insolvency risk is lower than that of the United States," said Mantega, in an interview after having breakfast with president Dilma Rousseff and governors of states in the Northeast and North, at Palácio do Planalto, the presidential palace. Mantega referred to the assessed risk in the credit default swap market, a sort of insurance used by investors against the risk of insolvency. "Whoever is fearful that there might be a default gets the insurance (CDS)," he said. He highlighted that this type of operation currently concentrates over US$ 70 trillion. According to data disclosed by Mantega, presently, whenever you get insurance on the Brazilian debt, you pay less than on the United States debt.

"President Dilma was pleased with the fact that Brazil offers a lower risk than the US. ABr/MP. Why My Fellow Brazilian Expats Should Head Back Home to Brazil. When did Brazilians become so afraid of adapting? We constantly hear our fellow Brazilians living abroad talking about how much they miss home, but they also say it is impossible for them to go back and readapt to their old lives.

Brazilians living abroad say they are so accustomed to their new "foreign" lives that it is hard to picture living in the tropical regions of Latin America again. This includes young adults who received an education abroad. Yes, perhaps there is some truth in this way of thinking, but, forgive me for saying so, going back is just not that difficult. While living abroad, many of us have received training, mastered certain skills, and increased our overall knowledge.

A good number of Brazilian citizens living abroad carry with them a great amount of knowledge and expertise. Brazil was always (and will be always) very different from the United States. But the curious fact here is that, many years ago, we moved and we adapted. Women have better opportunities. Opinion: Brazil's Growing Importance to the South Florida ...

Source: Miami Herald The U.S. is taking its relationship with Brazil for granted, and that may hurt South Florida’s economy. South Florida has long been Brazil’s primary gateway to the U.S. marketplace. During the first 11 months of 2010, Florida’s merchandise trade with Brazil topped $14.4 billion, a 27 percent increase over 2009. Brazilian tourists spend more money in Florida than in any other state. Thirty-five percent of real-estate buyers in downtown Miami are Brazilians. However, in 2009, China became Brazil’s primary trading partner, surpassing the U.S. for the first time ever. The following year, China and Brazil signed several trade agreements boosting trade and energy co-operation. The growing importance of China to Brazil will change the traditional north-south flow of Brazilian trade and investment. Despite these challenges, the ties between South Florida and Brazil remain strong, and area businesses are well-positioned to capitalize on Brazil’s exploding market.

. • Your Visa. Brazil's Northeast Goes From 'Land of Laziness' to Next China. Amazon drought 'severe' in 2010, raising warming fears. 3 February 2011Last updated at 19:23 By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News Both droughts had a major impact on people living in the Amazon basin, as well as the forest Last year's drought in the Amazon raises concerns about the region's capacity to continue absorbing carbon dioxide, scientists say. Researchers report in the journal Science that the 2010 drought was more widespread than in 2005 - the last big one - with more trees probably lost. The 2005 drought had been termed a "one in a century" event. In drought years, the Amazon region changes from being a net absorber of carbon dioxide into a net emitter. The scientists, from the UK and Brazil, suggest this is further evidence of the Amazon's vulnerability to rising global temperatures.

They also suggest the days of the Amazon forest curbing the impact of rising greenhouse gas emissions may be coming to an end. Both droughts were associated with unusually warm seas in the Atlantic Ocean off the Brazilian coast. “Start Quote. Nordeste - Indústria da seca - Passeiweb. O fenômeno natural das secas no nordeste ensejou o surgimento de um fenômeno político denominado indústria da seca. Os grandes latifundiários nordestinos, valendo-se de seus aliados políticos, interferem nas decisões tomadas, em escala federal, estadual e municipal. Beneficiam-se dos investimentos realizados e dos créditos bancários concedidos. Não raro aplicam os financiamentos obtidos em outros setores que não o agrícola, e aproveitam-se da divulgação dramática das secas para não pagarem as dívidas contraídas.

Os grupos dominantes têm saído fortalecidos, enquanto é protelada a busca de soluções para os problemas sociais e de oferta de trabalho às populações pobres. Os trabalhadores sem terra (assalariados, parceiros, arrendatários, ocupantes) são os mais vulneráveis à seca, porque são os primeiros a serem despedidos ou a terem os acordos desfeitos. A questão da seca provocou diversas ações de governo. Não é possível se eliminar um fenômeno natural. Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste - SUDENE. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. A Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Sudene) é uma autarquia especial, administrativa e financeiramente autônoma, integrante do Sistema de Planejamento e de Orçamento Federal, criada pela Lei Complementar nº 125, de 3 de janeiro de 2007, com sede e foro na cidade do Recife, estado de Pernambuco, e vinculada ao Ministério da Integração Nacional.

A missão institucional da Sudene é de "promover o desenvolvimento includente e sustentável de sua área de atuação e a integração competitiva da base produtiva regional na economia nacional e internacional".1 Histórico[editar | editar código-fonte] A primeira tentativa de criação de um órgão de fomento ao desenvolvimento do nordeste do Brasil se deu com o Grupo de Trabalho para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (GTDN). Criada originalmente pela Lei 3.692, de 1959, a Sudene veio substituir o modelo dos dois órgãos precedentes a ela (GTDN e Codeno). Referências Portal da região Nordeste do Brasil. Juscelino Kubitschek - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Conhecido como JK, foi prefeito de Belo Horizonte (1940-1945), governador de Minas Gerais (1951-1955), e presidente do Brasil entre 1956 e 1961. Foi o primeiro presidente do Brasil a nascer no século XX. Foi o quinto político mineiro eleito para a presidência da república pelo voto direto.

Casado com Sarah Kubitschek, com quem teve a filha Márcia Kubitschek de Oliveira e adotaram a Maria Estela Kubitschek de Oliveira3 , foi o responsável pela construção de uma nova capital federal, Brasília, executando, assim, um antigo projeto, já previsto em três constituições brasileiras, da mudança da capital federal do Brasil para promover o desenvolvimento do interior do Brasil e a integração do país. Durante todo o seu mandato como presidente da República (1956-1961), o Brasil viveu um período de notável desenvolvimento econômico e relativa estabilidade política. Origem e educação[editar | editar código-fonte] Viagem a Paris[editar | editar código-fonte] Amazon tributary drops to record low in Brazil. 26 October 2010Last updated at 11:05 River levels are expected to rise in the next few weeks The worst drought in decades in the Amazon has seen a major river fall to its lowest level since records began in 1902, Brazilian officials say. The Rio Negro, which last year was at a high of nearly 30m (100ft), was measured at a depth of 13.63m, the government's geological service said.

Dozens of communities who rely on the river for work and transport have been stranded. The government has already announced some $13.5m (£8.6m) in emergency aid. Officials from the Brazilian Geological Service (CPRM) measured the Rio Negro at Manaus where it flows into the Amazon River and is at its deepest, indicating that locations further upriver could be nearly dry.

They say the river could fall lower in the coming days, as it will take time for rain in other parts of the Amazon to begin to affect water levels. Now not only the Rio Negro, but the Amazon and Solimoes rivers are at their lowest level in decades. Dry weather reveals archaeological 'cropmarks' in fields. 30 August 2010Last updated at 08:01 English Heritage said sites which have been invisible since the drought of 1976 reappeared this summer Hundreds of ancient sites have been discovered by aerial surveys, thanks to a dry start to the summer, English Heritage has said. The surveys show marks made when crops growing over buried features develop at a different rate from those nearby. The newly-discovered Roman and prehistoric settlements include a site near Bradford Abbas, Dorset. The Roman camp was revealed in June after three sides became visible in sun-parched fields of barley. The lightly-built defensive enclosure would have provided basic protection for Roman soldiers while on manoeuvres in the first century AD and is one of only four discovered in the south west of England, English Heritage said.

The dry conditions also allowed well-known sites to be photographed in greater detail. Bumper year English Heritage senior investigator Dave MacLeod said: "It's hard to remember a better year.