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Mini. What happens when advertisers try to control your mind. Understanding the key variables in Viral Marketing | For ... A short study of this web site reveals that a hugely important factor for success in startup companies is finding ways to acquire customers at a low cost. In the Business Models section, we looked at the perfect business model: Viral customer acquisition with good monetization. However viral growth turns out to be an elusive goal, and only a very small number of companies actually achieve true viral growth. In 2005, I invested in a company called Tabblo (acquired by HP in 2007), and had the good fortune to work with an outstanding entrepreneur, Antonio Rodriguez.

Tabblo did manage to achieve good viral growth, but around the same time YouTube was launched and managed to achieve explosive viral growth. In the process of looking at these two companies, we learnt several important things about virality. This post digs deeper into what it takes to achieve viral growth, and examines the key variables that drive viral growth. The Viral Coefficient (K) What this tell us is very interesting: 10 mind-blowing mobile infographics. Social Media Gets Professional. Fourteen Social Media Disasters: Learning from the mistakes ... Social media can work wonders for your brand, but it can also spell disaster. A colleague recently asked me for a list of examples of where the wrong post or tweet has damaged a brand’s reputation.

I had a few examples on the top of my head, but thought I would do some extra research on the side to see what else I could find. After some research, I produced a deck titled “Social Media 101: Social Media Disasters”. I’ve loaded the deck to Slideshare and have embedded it here: Examples of bad social media can be tracked back to a focus on social media governance by companies. Lack of real-time monitoringNot responding to customer concernsLack of corporate social media policiesEmployees not trained in company policiesLack of professional Social Media managersToo much focus on self-promotion (lack of relationship building)Lack of due diligence before launching social campaigns We can all learn from these mistakes.

Rebecca Black e o Marketing de Resultado nas Redes Sociais. Quem já teve oportunidade de ir a uma de minhas palestras sabe que sou um fã de carteirinha de Stefhany Absoluta (veja seu novo sucesso!) , aquela mesmo do Cross Fox, uma das primeiras web celebridades da cena musical em nosso país. Hoje seu canal no Youtube conta com mais de 13 milhões de acesso e, de certa forma, coroa nossa cultura popular e demonstra na prática um pouco do padrão de consumo web de nosso país. Somente para comparação, o astro Luan Santana, que no ano passado foi quem mais vendeu música nos pais segundo a Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Disco com 232 mil cd´s, têm mais de 60 milhões de acessos a seus vídeos.

Nas últimas semanas, um novo fenômeno tomou conta do universo digital. É a simpática e irritante garotinha de 13 anos, Rebecca Black, dona do hit Friday que em pouco mais de um mês superou os 60 milhões de views. Lembro que a comunicação muitas vezes é um estimulo e é o receptor da mensagem que vai definir se o produto é bom ou não.