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Innovative Techniques To Simplify Sign-Ups and Log-Ins - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement There are many ways to design sign-up and log-in forms.

Innovative Techniques To Simplify Sign-Ups and Log-Ins - Smashing Magazine

Most designers are familiar with the conventional ways. But understanding and applying a few innovative techniques could make your forms simpler and more efficient to fill out. In this article, we’d like to present a couple of new ideas that might be useful for your next designs. Please notice that before using these techniques, you should make sure that they make sense in the context in which you are going to use them. Simplifying Sign-Ups The purpose of every sign-up form is for users to complete it successfully and send it in. Ask for a User Name After The User Has Signed Up Sign-up forms typically ask users to create a name that is unique to the website. Require Users to Type Their Password Only Once Many sign-up forms ask users to type their password in two different fields.

In reality, though, this allows for greater error, because it forces users to type more. jQuery Plug-In for Masking Passwords1 Conclusion. JavaScript and the end of progressive enhancement. Progressive enhancement is the Right WayTM to do things in web development.

JavaScript and the end of progressive enhancement

It works like this: Write the HTML for your content, 100% semantically (i.e. only the necessary tags to explain the meaning of the content).Style the HTML using CSS. You may need to add hooks to your HTML in the form of classes and ids for the CSS to target.Add JavaScript enhancements to the interface, but only enhancements. Parallel to this, the functionality of the site/app is progressively enhanced: All navigation must happen via links and form submissions – don’t use JavaScript for navigation.Add JavaScript enhancements to navigation, overriding the links and form submissions, for example to avoid page reloads. But of course you knew that, because that’s how you roll. A history lesson Static pages Originally, most sites on the web were a collection of static HTML pages saved on a server. Server-side dynamism Client-side dynamism Shifting to the client No page reloads The end of progressive enhancement.

30 CSS3 Progress Bars 100% Free for Download. 12 plugins jQuery. ArtigosDavi Ferreira Confira uma lista de plugins jQuery, em sua maioria novidades, para acrescentar opções à sua caixa de ferramentas na hora de desenvolver uma interface web.

12 plugins jQuery

O grande diferencial do jQuery é sua enorme biblioteca de plugins. Na lista abaixo, veremos plugins que cobrem desde upload de arquivos, passando por uma galeria de imagens diferente e indo até um emulador de livro/revista (aquele esquema de folhear, bastante famoso em aplicativos flash). Procurei escolher plugins mais novos, desenvolvidos recentemente, mas nem todos seguem este padrão. Meu sonho é poder fazer, um dia, uma lista desse tipo apenas com plugins brasileiros. CLEditor No mundo dos editores rich text em javascript, o CKEditor (antigo FCK) e o TinyMCE são os mais famosos. jQuery file upload.