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Programacao. Tutorial. Jsp. Get Started Developing for Android with Eclipse - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement There’s a lot to get excited about in mobile application development today. With increasingly sophisticated hardware, tablet PCs and a variety of software platforms (Symbian OS, iOS, WebOS, Windows Phone 7…), the landscape for mobile developers is full of opportunities — and a little complex as well.

So much choice can be overwhelming when you just want to get started building mobile applications. Which platform should you choose? Why Develop for Android? Android is an open-source platform based on the Linux kernel, and is installed on thousands of devices2 from a wide range of manufacturers. Android’s free development tools make it possible for you to start writing software at little or no cost. Here are a few other advantages Android offers you as a developer: The Android SDK is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, so you don’t need to pay for new hardware to start writing applications.An SDK built on Java.

Enough with the talk — let’s get started developing for Android! Groovy and Grails - Java. Download. Groovy 1.8 is the latest maintenance release branch of the Groovy 1 major version. Groovy 1.8.9 Download zip: Binary Release | Source Release Download documentation: JavaDoc and zipped online documentation You can have a look at the JIRA release notes. For those who want to test the very latest versions of Groovy and live on the bleeding edge, you can use our snapshot builds. As soon as a build succeeds on our continuous integration server a snapshot is deployed to Codehaus' snapshot repository. All maintenance of the Groovy 1.5.X, 1.6.X and 1.7.X series has now stopped. If you wish to embed Groovy in your application, you may just prefer to point to your favourite maven repositories or the codehaus maven repository.

Groovy 2.X.Y and newer To use the InvokeDynamic version of the jars just append ':indy' for Gradle or <classifier>indy</classifier> for Maven. Groovy 1.6.X - 1.8.X Groovy 1.1.X - 1.5.X Groovy 1.0 Available in the Maven 1 and Maven 2 repositories. Simply open a new terminal and enter: Groovy. The Programmer&#039;s Weblog: Groovy Eclipse Ganymede Installation and Setup ...

This post is to show you how to install Groovy with Eclipse. To get the most recent groovy plugin for Eclipse, select help->software updates and add this website. select the Grails Eclipse Feature and the GroovyFeature. The Groovy TestNG Feature isn't compatible for Eclipse Ganymede You should download groovy from this website: Create a Groovy Project in Eclipse called, "GroovyHelloWorld".Add a lib directory and put all of the jar files you downloaded in the lib directory.

Set your build path to point to these jar file. Create a package called com.groovy.home and in that package create a class called HelloWorld.groovy. In the main method, type this code: println "test" You can select your right mouse button and select run->Groovy. If you see "test" print in your console, you have successfully installed Groovy. You should also install Tomcat so we can test things on a server. Go To Step 3.