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Jalappeno. iSites – Create your app now. Publish to iPhone and Android. Reach Generation Wireless. Inkling: Another Digital Textbook Approacheth, But This Time, It Has Friends. Image via Wikipedia My iPad2 is on its way (yes, I’m giving the iPad another try), so I haven’t had a chance to test this, but the roster of investors and the product description are both compelling. What is it? Inkling, a new app from a group in San Francisco. Built by a former Apple educational products engineer, Inkling has attracted a lot of attention quickly. And if this seems a glowing review, please keep in mind a) I haven’t tried it, and b) I don’t know enough about the educational publishing space to see an obvious problem with their approach. Inkling investors include McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Sequoia Capital, Felicis Ventures, Kapor Capital, and Sherpalo Ventures.

Currently, the Inkling app gets mixed reviews, with many citing a lack of content as a downside. But Inkling’s investment friends are making people sit up and take notice. . . . a feature allows the student to “jump to” a specific page number if, say, the professor says to do so. Like this: Like Loading... Publicando no Kindle. Saiu há alguns dias no InvestorPlace um artigo muito interessante falando sobre os impactos no mercado de e-reader depois da chegada do iPad (valeu por ter nos informado André Phillip Franco).Antes de colocar a íntegra do artigo, alguns pontos interessantes : o iPad e o Kindle tem quase 80% do mercado tomando por base o universo pesquisado por eles (2800 usuários). A maioria dos usuários de Kindle, lê livros em seus equipamentos. Já os de iPad, se dividem entre livros, revistas, jornais e blogs.Só não comentaram sobre que a Apple não ganha nada com o Kindle. Já a Amazon pode ganhar muito com o iPad, pois seu software também é portável para este equipamento e, assim se ela não ganha no hardware, ganha no conteúdo.Abaixo o artigo da InvestorPlace : The e-Reader market has essentially become a two horse race between the Amazon Kindle and the Apple iPad, according to ChangeWave’s latest survey of more than 2,800 consumers.

Which of the following eBook Readers will you most likely buy? Kindle no Brasil! Tudo O Que Você Precisa Saber | Editora Plus.