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Urbanism. Biblioteca. Modern architecture in ancient Barcelona. Barcelona is on the Mediterranean Sea in the northeast corner of Spain, part of the Catalonia region (Catalunya) surrounded by the Pyrenees mountains.

Modern architecture in ancient Barcelona

The city is well known as a destination to see the monumental buildings by architect Antoni Gaudí, which include the Sagrada Família cathedral, the botanical garden of Parc Güell and the gorgeous Art Nouveau style residential buildings he designed in the city center: "La Pedrera" (Casa Milà) and Casa Batlló. The ancient architecture of this medieval city is a perfect backdrop for beautiful modern buildings that together make this city so unique as a destination for a grand tour of architecture in Europe. We traveled to Barcelona in 2006 and created this map to make plans to see many examples of modern architecture in Barcelona.

We found a rental apartment in the center of town to call our home for one week, which is certainly the best way to get the feeling of living in a city full time, while still being on vacation. Torre Calatrava. Dissecting Google's Advice on Designing for Performance - O'Reilly Answers. Even Google Is Not Always Right In the generally excellent Android Developers documentation site, we came across one article that stands out for containing some advice that, in some cases, harms more than it helps, and other advice that doesn't help enough to matter.

Dissecting Google's Advice on Designing for Performance - O'Reilly Answers

It's called Designing for Performance. Recently, the Designing for Performance article was improved by the addition of an exerpt from Josh Bloch's book Effective Java, 2nd. Ed., but then, nonetheless, goes on to provide some off-target advice. Performance is important, but so is clarity and avoiding idiosyncratic coding style, so here we will go point by point through the main topics of that article and provide in-depth guidance on how to achieve both clean code and a responsive, efficient application.