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Weight. This module adds a weight option to enabled node types.


Nodes with lower weight will float to the top of lists, while heavier items will sink. You might be interested in reading Comparison of Node Ordering Modules. This is useful for sorting non-chronological nodes like bios, e-commerce products, or whatever you would like. Nodes will be sorted first by stickiness, then by weight, then by creation date. With support for 7.x, the support for 5.x ends. Version 7.x-2.x is currently the recommended and supported release for Drupal 7. Issues As with all contributed modules, when considering submitting an issue: Read the documentation (two or three times is better).

Development version status The development versions (-dev, which rolls up at Noon and Midnight GMT) are where the newest stuff is, including any bug fixes and new features. Weight - Control node placement. Introduction The Weight module adds a weight option to enabled node types.

Weight - Control node placement

Nodes with lower weight will float to the top of lists, while heavier items will sink to the bottom of lists. This is useful for sorting non-chronological nodes like bios, e-commerce products, or whatever you would like and for ordering nodes on the front page. The "standard" Drupal sort order for nodes is by sticky, then by created date. Weight uses the node table's 'sticky' column to store weights as well as sticky information (so that feature is not lost). Inline Messages. #D7CX: I pledge that Inline Message will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released.

Inline Messages

The Inline Messages module allows you to move form messages (error/status/warning) from the top of the page to just above where your form appears. You can enable Inline Messages for your site, content editing or administration pages. Additionally you can also specify forms to include or exclude by id. It will also work for pages with multiple forms. Image Field Url Replacer. Fancy Insert. Fancy Insert provides a more user friendly interface for inserting images into specific positions within node content.

Fancy Insert

Fancy Insert converts the cck imagefield widget into a draggable floating box which is positioned above the text area. By clicking on an image, the image is inserted into the text area at the position of the cursor. This functionality is useful when creating content with many images and text. Dependencies for 6.x Recommended modules (but not required) for 6.x Jquery UI. Open Form Help Links In New Window. About The Open Form Help Links In New Window module makes all links in forms in the content area open in a new window or tab.

Open Form Help Links In New Window

It changes the behaviour of any link in the form, regardless of whether it links to an internal or external URI. It doesn't change the behaviour of other links on the page that are not in the form. It adds a small link-opens-in-new-window. Jform_label. Field Word Boundary. Field Word Boundary is a module that extends the settings for the Trimmed and Summary or trimmed formatters for long text fields.

Field Word Boundary

The normal trim behavior will trim the text to a maximum length, by it's nearest sentence or paragraph boundary. This module will allow us to trim by the nearest word boundary instead, and will add an optional ellipsis. If you're familiar with Views, you've probably used this settings in Views if you've printed a text field. Requirements Since the formatter settings isn't alterable by core, this module depends on the Field formatter settings module.

Alternatives If you don't want to use the Field formatter settings module, you should take a look at Smart Trim. Options Element. Enterprise Base. Provides various content administration enhancements and other elements required for Open Enterprise content apps.

Enterprise Base

It's purpose is to bring handy Open Enterprise UI improvements into any Drupal 7 site and to enable Open Enterprise content apps to be used on any Drupal 7 site. The main feature of this module is to provided some simple yet effective improvements to content admin workflows. The module adds a default admin view that is filtered by content types. This view can be overridden to show content type specific data, e.g. the date of an event. The module also adds two contextual links "+ Add [content type]" and "+ Administer [content type]" to any standard view that is filtered by content type. Installation There are a few ways you can quickly add this to a site: Traditional manual install by downloading the Enterprise Base module and dependencies from Drupal.orgOne click install via the LevelTen Apps Server. Issues There is a bug in views with AJAX enabled.

Sponsorship. Custom Formatters. The Custom Formatters module allows users to easily create custom CCK/Field Formatters without the need to write a custom module.

Custom Formatters

Custom Formatters can then be exported as CTools Exportables/Features or Drupal API Formatters. Custom Formatters was written and is maintained by Stuart Clark (deciphered). - - Important note Changes have been made to the PHP formatters Render Array integration to correctly support multi-field values, this changes the HTML wrappers of the formatter and may affect the theming of your site. Node form columns. Form Panel. Form Panel: Easily Rearrange Input Form Elements. Last updated January 23, 2010.

Form Panel: Easily Rearrange Input Form Elements

Created by Gribnif on December 22, 2008.Edited by matt.robinson1. Log in to edit this page. The Form Panel module provides two theme functions which, in turn, provide an easy way to put multiple input form elements on the same line. At the most basic level, it can turn this: First Name: [textfield] Last Name: [textfield] Address: [textfield] City: [textfield] State: [select list] into this: First Name: Last Name: [textfield] [textfield] Address: [textfield] City: State: [textfield] [select list] It can do this using either an HTML table or <div> tags.