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The Pop Culture Travel Guide. Alltop - Top Travel News. A new members-only website to score hotel deals.'s home page. Luxury hotels don't like to advertise low rates: They think it cheapens their image. Sometimes you can get a deal at them via sites such as Priceline. And sites such as, have been selling vacations at members-only prices. Today, a new site joins the "private sale" club. It's called SniqueAway (the name is supposed to connote sleek, unique or something, but if you forget and type, you get there). You can only use the site, shown above, if you are a member or a friend of a member.

What you get, says Krauter, is the chance at 54%-70% off certain hotels' posted rates. And the hotels are destinations in themselves. Have any readers had experiences with this "private sale" concept? Hotel Industry News, Reviews, and Insider Info: Hotel Check-In. California Travel Girl.