Frigmaires Engineers
Frigmaires are leading paint making machines manufacturers and suppliers in India. Know more about Dry mix mortars, Paint mixers and other paint equipments from
Frigmaires Engineers - Lube Oil - Accueil. Twitter. Dry Mix Mortar Manufacturing Plant, paint making Machines Manufacturers in India. Variable speed dispersed in India. Frigmaires variable speed disperser is a highly versatile machine for the production of paints, inks, coatings, construction chemicals etc .
The main function of this machine is for breaking up of the aglomerates , wetting & dispersing of pigments in liquids. Due to the variable speed control the speed of the shaft can be varied at different stages of the mixing process thus saving power. Another advantage is in the hydraulic lifting and lowering arrangement wherein the height of the mixing shaft can be adjusted so as to obtain a uniform product circulation & perfect dispersion. A wide range of paints & inks can be produced on our dissolvers without the use of grinding media. Mixing vessels of different capacities with heating, cooling & vacuum arrangements are also available. 1) Mixing vessels. 2) Vacuum arrangement. 3) Electronic AC frequency drive to vary rpm from 0 - 3000. 4) Flame proof fittings. Emulsion plant manufacturers, Bitumen emulsion Plant. 80/100 Bitumen at a flow able temp of 100-120C is pumped into the Soap Tank.
Water, Emulsifiers, Chemicals and additives are fed into the Soap preparation tank at approx 40C.The flow is controlled using flowmeters, instruments and gauges. Both the Bitumen and prepared Soap are pumped together into the Colloid mill at a controlled rate which breaks the bitumen into fine particles and a bitumen emulsion is prepared. The Bitumen Emulsion is finally discharged into a storage tank or into barrels. Frigmaires Engineers. Calcium Base: Used for simple bearings, general purpose machinery and chassis lubrication for normal temperature applications.
At about 80 deg. C. water binding the oil and soap is lost so they separate and lubrication property is lost. Calcium based greases are water resistant and are low in cost. Soda Base: Used quite generally for ball and roller bearings. Exceptionally good for sealed for life bearings. Aluminum Base: Their characteristics are similar to calcium base greases - water resistance and normal temperature applications. Lithium Base: Having combination of exceptionally good “lubricity”, high temperature stability, with good water resistance. Extreme Pressure (EP): EP agents are added to conventional greases for use where unit pressures are high or where shock loads may be encountered.
Grease filling machine suppliers in India. Auto Induction Cap Sealer This auto induction cap sealer is designed as a single unit over a conveyor for hassle free mounting and sealing applications.
It is also known as automatic online induction cap sealer and is providing with mobile trolley for easy movement. It has digital sealing power indicator and front panel membrane control which is extremely user friendly. For maximum efficiency, it is integrated with various intelligent control circuits which are IGBT based and also has monitor circuit which is used to avoid malfunctioning of regarding various working parameters like line drop voltage, water and temperature. Further, to suit different applications, it is made available with various types of sealing head designs such as tunnel head, flat head and deep tunnel head. It has MS powder coated frame conveyor, which is 150mm wide and 12 feet long. Auto Lube Oil Filling Line This auto lube oil filling line is designed by using advance technology by our experience professionals. Lube Oil Blending Plant.
A typical blending plant comprsies of the following sections : Tank farm Blending area Storage, Filling And Packing Base oils from the tank farm are pumped into the blending vessels and mixed with additives at the required temprreature to obtain a homgeous mix.there are several methods to achieve and optimum blend depending on the product and plant requirments.
The blended product is then filtered and transferred to storage tanks from where it is taken to the filling station and packed in containers or barreles.the entire process can be carried out in a basic manually operated plant or auotmated plc controled plants The lube oils are manufactured to api or other required specifications. Alkyd resin plant in India. What are Emulsions Emulsions are solvent free binders used in the preparation of paints and coatings.
These are produced by the polymerization process where monomers are dispersed in an aqueous phase to get a uniform and stable emulsion. Brake Fluid Manufacturers. Antifreeze is a cryoprotectant used in internal combustion engines, and for many other heat transfer applications, such as HVAC chillers and solar water heaters.
The purpose of antifreeze is to prevent a rigid enclosure from undergoing physical stresses and catastrophic deformation due to the expansion that occurs when water turns to ice. Compounds are added to the water to reduce the freezing point of the mixture below the lowest temperature that the system is likely to be exposed to, and to inhibit corrosion in cooling systems, which often contain a range of electrochemically incompatible metals (aluminum, cast iron, copper, lead solder, etc.). The term colligative agent may better describe the benefits of these compounds in warm climates, since they not only achieve freezing point depression in the winter when mixed with water, they coincidentally achieve boiling point elevation of water. Ethylene glycol Propylene glycol Propylene Glycol oxidizes when exposed to air and heat. Wall putty plant, emulsion & putty plant suppliers in India.. Twin Shaft Disperser.