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Techniques for Different People in Basic Life Support. When providing care for different people, different techniques are used to ensure each person’s wellbeing since everyone has different health conditions as well.

Techniques for Different People in Basic Life Support

The same happens in providing first aid care during emergencies. Where Basic Life Support Can Take You. As human beings, we value life by helping whatever we can, especially during emergencies.

Where Basic Life Support Can Take You

Know More About Saving Lives Through CPR. CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency life-saving procedure that is executed when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

Know More About Saving Lives Through CPR

It is usually performed after a person suffers from electric shock, drowning, or heart attack. CPR is a very effective technique used by paramedics, and you can also use this technique as long as you undergo proper training. Knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation can help you save someone’s life. Preparing for School: Ensuring the Safety of Students. School days are coming, which makes parents anxious for their children because of the pandemic.

Preparing for School: Ensuring the Safety of Students

While some countries say that they are free of the virus and others recorded a considerable decrease in the infected cases, the virus is not completely gone yet. Let Us Save Lives. First aid training is not something to be taken lightly.

Let Us Save Lives

If possible, it is best that every one of us knows how to apply first aid because accidents happen anytime and anywhere. There is no telling that you cannot experience or witness any accidents throughout your whole life. First Aid Tips on Choking. When a person is choking, that means his or her airway is partly or fully blocked resulting in not being able to breathe.

First Aid Tips on Choking

This is the same for kids beyond 1 year old and adults but is different for babies. Now, what do you do when someone chokes in front of you? Most people would be scared, sometimes not being able to move. Others would ask for help. The Fundamentals of First Aid. When there is an accident in front of us, we often do not know what to do.

The Fundamentals of First Aid

We ask for help and call an ambulance but they may not arrive on time. Your Life Matters to Us. There is no way for us to know what could happen next.

Your Life Matters to Us

Accidents are always unexpected; they are just there, lurking in a corner waiting to happen. It could happen to you, to your loved ones, and to anyone no matter the fame or fortune one has. Thus, it is always best to keep an open mind and be ready for anything that may possibly happen. We are talking about your safety. First Aid Kit Essentials – A Checklist for Your Home. Every home needs a first aid kit filled with the essential things to treat minor injuries or illnesses.

First Aid Kit Essentials – A Checklist for Your Home

It’s most especially important to have a fully stocked kit during the coronavirus pandemic. Friendly Training is giving you this checklist to help you check on the things you have and the things you need to replenish in your kit. Supplies One Needs to Protect Against COVD-19Keen and careful hygiene as well as social distancing can help slow down the spread of the coronavirus as scientists and researchers look for a cure. Ensure that your kits have the following:Hand sanitizer/alcoholAntibacterial wipes/sprayFace masksSupplies One Needs for a Basic First Aid KitEven when we’re at home doing the simplest of things, it’s possible that we’ll get into less serious incidents, like falling down the steps or cutting a finger. CPR: Do I Need to Be Recertified? The card that you receive at your CPR training expires every two years.

CPR: Do I Need to Be Recertified?

Whether you’re a layperson in need of a refresher on CPR training in Central, Illinois, or a healthcare professional who needs to renew their medical license, it’s important to keep your certification updated. Is it required for a layperson to get their card renewed? Laypersons such as students, babysitters, or thoughtful citizens don’t need to apply for recertification. Responding to Allergy Attacks. When a person develops hypersensitivity to a certain substance, it often results in allergic reactions. A few things that may cause those reactions may include bee stings, certain foods, dog or cat hair, or a specific drug ingredient. If you see someone is having an allergic attack, do the following: Keep the patient calm and ask if they have an epinephrine autoinjector with themHave the patient lie on their back and keep their feet elevatedLoosen the person’s clothing, so they’re able to breatheAvoid giving them any food, medicine, or beverageWait for 5 to 15 minutes for the EpiPen to take effect.

If the allergic reaction does not settle down, a second epinephrine dose may be required Contact the nearest emergency service provider for further help if the condition will not improve. Wound Care: Cuts and Scrapes. Our blood is important to our bodies, so when you see someone bleeding due to a cut or a scrape, make sure to prevent as much blood from leaking out as possible. When faced with an emergency similar to this, try to find a clean cloth or bandage and do the following procedure: Put gentle pressure on the wound for 20 to 30 minutes.Clean the wound by pouring clean water over it. Please avoid using soap on the wound directly.Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound, for example, Neosporin.Finish it up by dressing the wound with a clean bandage. The body will usually patch up small cuts and scrapes immediately after it has been tended to, but with deeper wounds, you may require professional medical attention.

How an AED Helps the Heart. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight and portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. This electric shock can stop an irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia and thus allow a normal rhythm to resume after a sudden cardiac arrest. AEDs make it possible for people to respond to a medical emergency where defibrillation is required and where heart malfunction is involved.

Since AEDs are portable, they can be manipulated or operated by nonmedical people. This is where our AED training in Southern, Illinois comes in handy. When AED pads are placed on a person’s chest, the AED then analyses whether that person’s heart is in a cardiac arrhythmia. Importance of First Aid Training. First aid training has been a popular drill that is learned not only by medical professionals but also by young students and non-medical workers. Knowing how to administer first aid gives you an edge over others in terms of skills, knowledge, and being reactive to sudden mishaps and emergencies. Since we are all susceptible to illness, injury, and trauma, it is essential to learn how to face the causes that bring about these results. The Difference between CPR and AED.

Many people can be misinformed about the difference between CPR and AED training, however, these two can be taught in the same course or class as they cover the same goal—to respond to emergencies. Friendly Training is your reliable training center where you can learn First Aid Training and other life-saving techniques. We also offer CPR Training in Central, Illinois intending to teach the proper ways of performing CPR to revive a person’s heartbeat. It involves chest compressions, manually pumping the blood to a person’s vital organs and oxygenating their blood by giving breaths through the patient’s mouth. On the other hand, AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator—a machine that helps restart the patient’s brain and heart functioning.

Our AED training in Southern, Illinois teaches our students to operate the AED machine and ways to evaluate emergent situations. What to Do during Life-Threatening Situations. Workplace Safety: Life-Saving Skills to Learn. A typical employee spends at least eight hours in the office. And in that period, a lot can happen. For one, health emergencies can occur unexpectedly. CPR: A Life Skill You Should Learn. What You Need to Know About AEDs. What to Consider When Taking CPR Training.

What to Expect at First Aid Training? First Aid training could be the most significant course you’ll ever take. The Importance of CPR Training in the Workplace. Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Having someone around with the proper knowledge of how to provide immediate CPR can save lives, improve workplace safety, and increase worker confidence. Whether the workplace is located on a construction site, in a factory or in a traditional office, every organization has employees who will benefit from First Aid training.

These are just some of the reasons why companies should invest time and money in providing employees with CPR training in Central, Illinois. It is not a matter of “if”, but “when” the situation will occur. First aid training for your employees is essential for workplace safety. Provides a safe working environment. At Friendly Training, we provide CPR and AED training in Southern, Illinois to companies and individuals. CPR vs AED: What’s the Difference? Reasons to Get CPR Training Now. The sad truth about humans is that we are fragile. Thankfully, we are aware of how fragile we are. As such, we have learned how to take care of ourselves and others.