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Pandaform - Database to manage all forms a business needs. Canvas From Scratch: Advanced Drawing. In the previous article in this series, you learned about the canvas element, and the basics for drawing on it. In this article, I'm going to demonstrate some of the more advanced drawing functionality. Setting Up We'll use the same HTML template from the previous article; so open up your favorite editor and paste in the following code: This is nothing more than a basic HTML page with a canvas element and some JavaScript that runs after the DOM has loaded. Nothing crazy. Drawing Circles In the last article I showed you how to draw basic shapes and paths; in this section I'm going to show you how to take things a step further and draw circles.

There isn't a method in canvas that lets you draw a circle with a single line of code, like how fillRect works for rectangles. I'll explain how the arc method works shortly, but for now, let's draw a circle by adding the following code underneath the ctx variable: This will draw a circle positioned slightly away from the top left of the canvas: Best Free Website Analytics Tools. Web designers are often website owners. If you fall into this category, you have probably already realized the importance of knowing and understanding who is coming to your site and what they are doing while they’re there.

Whether you are running a blog or an e-commerce site, this information is vital. That’s why it’s key to have a good set of tools providing you with website analytics. There are lots of tools out there, all with different features and different prices. In this post, I’m showing you the best free analytics tools available. Clicky Clicky prides itself on providing real time analytics. Google Analytics Google Analytics is probably the most popular free analytics tool available. Reinvigorate Reinvigorate also provides real-time stat tracking and can alert you when a visitor performs a particular action on your site. Piwik Piwik is open source and is built with PHP and MySQL.

Yahoo! Yahoo! Stats Woopra FireStats GoingUp With an AJAX-rich interface, GoingUp! Mint. You Publish. Jnicklas/carrierwave - GitHub. Binarylogic/settingslogic - GitHub. Steak: because Cucumber is for vegetarians! I’m not going to tell you why you should write acceptance (or integration) tests, but you should. I used Cucumber for a while now and I love it, but I think writing my tests in a business-readable domain-specific language and translating them into Ruby using step definitions is a bit too much sometimes. And I’m not a vegetarian. Luckily, we have Steak by @cavalle: “Steak is like Cucumber but in plain Ruby.

Right now the stable version of Steak only works with Rails 2.x and RSpec 1.x, but there’s a Rails 3 branch where some work is being done to support Rails 3.x and RSpec 2.×. Installation OK, throw this into your Gemfile (I’m specifying the 0.4.0.a4 release here, that’s the most recent alpha release from the rails3 branch). Group :test do gem 'steak', '0.4.0.a4' gem 'capybara'end And install your bundle: $ bundle install Or — if you’re using Rails 2.x — put this in config/environment.rb (Just using the stable Rails 2 release of Steak here): config.gem 'steak'config.gem 'capybara' And run: Cucumber - Making BDD fun. RailsWizard - Simple Rails Templates courtesy of Intridea. Isotope. Ttf2eot on the web! Use this tool to convert a TrueType (TTF) font file into an OpenType (EOT) font file, for use with Internet Explorer for embedded fonts. After using this tool, you will be able to embed fonts on your web pages that can be seen on Internet Explorer 4 and higher, and all current modern web browsers that support embedded fonts via CSS3 (Firefox 3.5 and higher are among such browsers).

See the Restrictions that are in place for this web application. There are some known issues with the ttf2eot binary this application uses and certain TTF files won't work on IE when converted to EOT. If your font doesn't work on IE after conversion, try this other font converter instead. To keep this program from consuming too many resources on the server, the following restrictions are in place: This program will only accept a TTF file that is less than 2 MB (or 1024*1024*2 bytes). If you upload something between 2 and 5 MB this program will give you an error message.

Silverback — guerrilla usability testing. 40 Website Design Layout Tutorials that Yield Professional Results. When designing and developing a new website, it’s important to understand the fundamental techniques involved in web design, as well as targeted techniques for a given style. Each style has its own unique features, whether it’s grunge textures, sleek and glossy elements, colorful bokeh style banners, or clean web design, and different techniques are used to create each effect. We’ve collected up 40 website design layout tutorials (for Photoshop) that yield professional results and will teach you a variety of valuable techniques, whether you’re a beginning web designer or a seasoned professional.

A couple of more posts on design and inspiration that you may like to bookmoark and read on later : Hope you find them helpful! Create a Clean and Colorful Layout in Photoshop Design Lab TV Style Layout Beautiful Music Streaming Design in Photoshop Blog/Portfolio Web Template Tutorial Awesome Portfolio Design Tutorial Corporate WordPress Style Layout Design a Sleek and Modern Hosting Layout Advertisement. 23 Most Incredible Photoshop Tutorials. Written by Brian Paired with yesterday’s 24 Perfect Vectors, I wanted to list off some incredible Photoshop tutorials I’ve found on the web that will help you utilize those resources. I’ve done my best to select a wide variety of tutorials from web graphics, to photo enhancement, to just plain incredible.

Remember, its not about the destination, instead its all about the journey. Don’t neglect a tutorial because you aren’t interested in the final product. Instead, follow each one, step by step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D Tentacles . . . . . . . The following has been funded by Training Connection Have you thought about getting professional Photoshop training on your next trip? Free Fonts Download - Download Free Fonts for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The Open Graph Protocol. Login. Mat’s blog (How to make your CSS *really* mobile-friendly) Proven to Increase Conversions and Sales. Payvment :: Social Network eCommerce. Sell on multiple platforms An embeddable, centrally managed storefront that works on Facebook, mobile, blogs (like WordPress and Joomla), and basically any site you choose. Increase flexibility on option sets and inventory More control over products with attributes (like color and size) and the ability to track separate inventory for those SKUs.

Configure shipping rules by geographic location Use your own shipping account for discounted rates and set up rules for accurate freight-pricing based on geographical locations. Learn More Sell e-goods Display and sell digital or virtual goods like software, audio, video, e-books and graphics on your storefront and deliver via a download link. LESS ? The Dynamic Stylesheet language. Thoughts on native and non-native mobile apps. Apple doesn’t deserve the crap they get. | GroupTabs The Blog. Building GroupTabs (launching on the 18 th ) has been a fun, challenging, and extremely interesting experience. After reading Dive Into HTML’s Geolocation chapter , we decided to focus on building a non-native app so that we could hit as many platforms as possible right out the gate.

Back in late April, we started building our non-native mobile app, relying on the geo.js projec t. Things looked great. Tests worked on iPhones, Android phones, and Blackberries. Jump forward to three weeks ago. The other reality? Safari on iOS, 3 or 4, is the best platform for building non-native mobile apps. Perhaps our experience is unique, and relying on geo.js (a great project that isn’t yet at 1.0) is the cause of some of our pains. Granted, we’re working with geolocation and a doing a lot of AJAX, but isn’t that point – to build native-like experiences?

Apple doesn’t deserve the crap they get about the App Store. So what’s the upshot of all of this, for our start-up? Device detection — Mobi v1.0 documentation. Overview The device detection library lives in the mobi.devices module. It consists of classifiers that can detect mobile phone devices. Two classifiers are currently implemented : MIT ClassifierWURFL Classifier The MIT Classifier is based on the original implementation of the mobi-service by MIT.

It contains a set of patterns to match against User Agent strings. The patterns are stored in a JSON file, exported from the database of the MIT mobi-service. The WURFL (Wireless Universal Resource File) project maintains “an XML configuration file which contains information about capabilities and features of many mobile devices”. In the default implementation of the classification mechanism an incoming User Agent string is checked against the MIT classifier. The simplest way to use the device detection/classification system is to use the WSGI middleware but you may also use the library directly in your application. Device dectection (Classifier) middleware Here an example of what it can do : Template engine (web) The following table lists the various web template engines discussed on Wikipedia and a brief rundown of their features. The content here is a work in progress. Engine (implementation) = engine nameLanguages = implementation language of the engine (not the template script language)License = Software license agreementPlatform = Computing platformVariables = script language power to use variablesFunctions = script language power to use functionsIncludes = script language power include external filesConditional inclusion = script language power to conditional includesLooping = script language power to do loops (for, while) or recursionEvaluation (language) = script language power to do "eval command" (to the implementation language)Assignment = set names and references to sub-templates (?)

For inclusion above[edit] References[edit] See also[edit] Backbone.js. jQuery Mobile: Demos and Documentation. Not_available.

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Graphic Design. Web Dev. Business. UX Design. Meetup Toronto. Apple. Omair. More. Inspiring. Mobile Dev. CMS.