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5 Petty Feuds That Shaped the Modern World. #2. Robert Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson Cause the Nixon Presidency Via If the nation ever needed a strong leader, it was after John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. The two most likely candidates for the role were Attorney General Robert F. Why do French intellectuals "know nothing about science"? Louis Theroux’s examination of the schooling system for American children with autism made for moving and captivating viewing last night.

Why do French intellectuals "know nothing about science"?

It would be fascinating to watch him do the same in France. Being autistic, or the parents of autistic children in France is an appalling experience. This BBC report makes astonishing reading: in France, autism is widely approached through psychoanalysis – sometimes of the whole family. Most of the rest of the world uses an evidence-based approach, treating autistic spectrum disorders by embracing the scientific appraisals of the condition and offering alternative approaches to education. This approach works: the UK, for instance, manages to get 17 times more autistic students into university than France.

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