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15 Keyboard Shortcuts To Enhance Your PC Productivity. <h1 id="title">15 Keyboard Shortcuts To Enhance Your PC Productivity</h1><div id="author"><div id="name">Matt Silverman</div><div id="title">Associate Features Editor, Mashable</div><div id="bio"></div></div><div id="content"><p>If you fancy yourself a PC power user, you know how valuable it is to keep your hands on the keyboard. Constantly switching between typing and mousing can really slow you down when you're powering through that TPS report.

</p><p>Lucky for you, the wizards at&nbsp;<a href=" built some time-saving (if little-known) keyboard shortcuts into their operating systems over the years, with some really handy ones gracing Windows 7 and most modern Web browsers. </p><p>If you're aiming to speed up your workflow and impress your colleagues at the same time, check out these little gems. </p><p><strong>1. Move the cursor one word at a time</strong></p><p>Cut through large swaths of text with this handy trick. Casette-usb. How Secure Is My Password?


Retro tape player | Photography Center. Delete your Facebook account | Pics. Buddy by nasher111 - Image Resizer / Wallpaper Maker on Reshade. The Digital Rip Van Winkle, Part 3 -- "The Windows 7 / Windows XP Wireless Netwroking Bible"> Nine-Step Checklist -- The Windows 7 / Windows XP Wireless Home Networking Bible By Bruce Brown Bruce Brown is the creator of BugNet and the author of eight books, including Windows 2000 Secrets and The History of the Corporation WHAT A HOOT! Seriously. OK, it's 2010 and what's the MOST common networking scenario that people with new, whiz-bang Windows 7 PCs are likely to encounter? Well, considering that the majority of the Windows user base is still running three-plus-year old Windows XP, many many (as they say in Walla Walla) new Windows 7 users are likely to find themselves in a mixed Windows 7 / Windows XP network environment -- where the two versions of Windows are thrown together on the same peer-to-peer network for file and printer sharing.

OK, it's still 2010, and what's the most common networking complaint concerning Microsoft's new Windows 7? You hear some griping about the new Windows 7-only Homegroup networking feature, but that's really just normal noise on the line.