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World Bank Institute (WBI) World Bank News (WorldBankNews) Chaîne de WorldBank. Intersection: web+WorldBank. News: WBI Launches EVOKE: A Crash Course in Changing the World | EVOKE, a new online game, is a ten-week crash course in changing the world. The goal is to help empower people all over the world, especially young people in Africa, to come up with creative solutions to urgent social problems.

EVOKE is free to play and open to anyone, anywhere. Players will gain 21st century skills needed to become social innovators who shape the future. The 'text book' for EVOKE is an online graphic novel. Set in the year 2020, the novel follows the efforts of a mysterious network of Africa’s best problem-solvers. Each week, as players unravel the mystery of the EVOKE network, they will form their own innovation networks: brainstorming creative solutions to real-world development challenges, learning more about what it takes to be a successful social innovator, and finding ways to make a difference in the world.

The game starts March 3, 2010 and ends on May 12, 2010. Watch the game trailer at: Blog & News Coverage about EVOKE. Building API: Stories from Data.WorldBa. Robert Hawkins Education - Team: World Bank. Robert Hawkins is a Senior Education Specialist with the World Bank Institute where he is managing the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Education component of the Education program and has recently taken over as task manager for the Africa Virtual University. The ICT for Education work assists developing countries to effectively use technology in their class rooms to improve teaching and learning – at both the secondary and tertiary levels.

Prior to joining the World Bank Institute, Robert spent four years working for the World Bank Africa region, promoting ICT connectivity, policy, and capacity building. Prior to coming to the Bank, Mr. Hawkins worked at the White House on NAFTA legislation and worked for the United States Information Agency in Seville, Spain.

He received his MA from the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS), with a concentration in economics and Latin American studies and his BA from the University of Notre Dame. Africa - African Virtual University. The World Bank began work on the African Virtual University (AVU), a satellite-based distance education program, in 1995. The program intends to provide Sub-Saharan African countries with university education in science and engineering, credit/continuing education programs, and remedial instruction. The program has three objectives: Train a large number of African scientists, technicians, engineers, business managers, and employees in Africa;Encourage the further development of scientists, technicians, engineers, business managers, and employees;Provide an academic environment in which African educational institutions, faculty, and students can participate in the worldwide community of learning, research, and knowledge dissemination.

To implement the operational phase, AVU has been transformed from being a project of the World Bank to an independent reputable inter-governmental organization based in Nairobi, Kenya with over 34 learning centers in 17 African countries. Maggie Verster: #icthed2010 We are now lis... What do Ushahidi, Worldbank,EVOKE have in c. They are the organizations where this week’s set of mentors honed their skills and experience! We are very excited to introduce to you a set of mentors with a rich array of talents and expertise.

This group has created a network of grass roots innovators, developed an application to support disaster relief and transparency, worked on every Intel microprocessor over the last decade and led the World Bank’s work in South Asia. Please welcome Anil Gupta, Erik Hersman, Joseph Nsengimana, and Praful Patel to the EVOKE network! Anil Gupta Anil is the Executive Vice Chair of the India National Innovation Foundation, and the founder of the Honey Bee Network. He is a member of the National Biodiversity Authority and the newly set up National Innovation Council, Chaired by adviser to Prime Minister. Erik Hersman Erik is also the founder of AfriGadget, a multi-author website that showcases stories of Africans solving everyday problems with little more than their creativity and ingenuity.

Ory Okolloh. Ory Okolloh in 2006 Ory Okolloh is a Kenyan activist, lawyer, and blogger. She currently holds the position of Director of Investments at Omidyar Network.[1] She was formerly the Policy Manager for Africa with Google. In 2006 she co-founded the parliamentary watchdog site Mzalendo (Swahili: "Patriot").[2] The site sought to increase government accountability by systematically recording bills, speeches, MPs, standing orders, etc.[2][3] When Kenya was engulfed in violence following a disputed presidential election in 2007, Okolloh helped create Ushahidi (Swahili: "Witness"), a website that collected and recorded eyewitness reports of violence using text messages and Google Maps.[4] The technology has since been adapted for other purposes (including monitoring elections and tracking pharmaceutical availability) and used in a number of other countries.

Notes[edit] External links[edit] World Bank Online Game Invites Youth to Solve Global Problems | The World Bank Institute, the learning arm of the World Bank, has launched an online computer game called EVOKE, designed to get young people involved in finding solutions to urgent problems like hunger, poverty and education. The winners of the 10-week game could be mentored by social innovators and business leaders and win a trip to a conference in Washington D.C. It is a computer game with worldwide implications - a crash course in changing the world and an urgent call for innovation. Each week until the middle of May, players are presented with a different world problem that needs to be resolved. Bob Hawkins, at the World Bank Institute in Washington, produced the game.

"The entire game revolves around this graphic novel, this comic book which occur 10 years into the future," Hawkins explained. The game's story follows a mysterious network of Africa's best problem-solvers. The game was originally designed for university students in Africa. Weltbank sucht Lösungen für Afrika in Online-Game - pressetext.d. Wed, 03.03.2010 06:10 pte20100303004 Medien/Kommunikation, Kultur/Lifestyle "Urgent Evoke" soll Potenzial der Spieler erschließen Palo Alto (pte004/03.03.2010/06:10) - Hinter dem Social-Online-Game "Urgent Evoke" , das heute, Mittwoch, startet, steckt ein produktiverer Gedanke als im Internet bloß Monster zu jagen oder virtuelle Waffen zu erkämpfen.

Es adressiert die dringlichsten globalen Probleme und begibt sich mit dem Potenzial der Spieler auf die Suche nach Lösungen. Im Fokus stehen die Entwicklungsprobleme in Afrika, die mit Vorschlägen und konkreten Taten durch die Gaming-Community bekämpft werden sollen. Die Weltbank hat das Projekt mit 500.000 Dollar unterstützt und hofft, in den Ergebnissen innovative und kreative Ansätze für die reale Welt zu finden. In einem Zeitraum von zehn Wochen arbeiten die Urgent-Evoke-Spieler gemeinsam an zehn verschiedenen Szenarien und Problemstellungen, die Afrika und andere Erdteile in der realen Welt betreffen. (Ende) CeBIT: Beste Serious Games gekürt - pressetext.austria. Fri, 05.03.2010 13:40 pte20100305025 Medien/Kommunikation, Computer/Telekommunikation Spiele mit Lern- und Unterhaltungswert hierzulande noch Nischenthema Hannover (pte025/05.03.2010/13:40) - Im Rahmen der Hightech-Messe CeBIT werden heute, Freitag, die diesjährigen Gewinner des Serious Games Awards gekürt.

Der mit insgesamt 22.500 Euro dotierte Preis wird jährlich durch nordmedia und den Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware (BIU) verliehen. Während die Spiele hierzulande noch ein Nischenthema bilden, sind sie im angloamerikanischen Raum bereits etabliert. Knappes Budget häufig offensichtlich "Die Verbindung von Unterhaltung und Lernen motiviert den Nutzer, sich auch mit komplexeren gesellschaftlichen Themen auseinander zu setzen", meint BIU-Geschäftsführer Olaf Wolters gegenüber pressetext. "Serious Games haben neben dem Unterhaltungseffekt auch noch einen Lerneffekt", unterstreicht Wolters. Erfolgsprognosen schwierig (Ende) Evoke -The Social Network That Churns Virtual Game Theory Into ' If you were tasked with saving the world in 10 short weeks, where would you possibly begin. Well if you're a gamer or an optimist, you might consider kicking the tires of a new type of social network.

Evoke is a mash-up of the virtual and real worlds that is markedly different from any gaming enterprise that went before. Become your own super hero and solve the world's greatest challenges by evoking collaboration, creativity, entrepreneurship, resourcefulness ...and yes, even courage. Massive multiplayer online role playing games known as MMORG have gained popularity as a result of the success of "Farmville' and 'Mafia Wars" attracting tens of thousands of players on Facebook. "Second Life" is a 3D virtual world where users can socialize in an alternate universe of avatars and simulated life experiences.

Evoke differs from its predecessors by engaging its players to take what they learn in the gaming world and apply it toreal-life problem solving. Online game seeks to empower Africa. Jane McGonigal is trying to use an online game to help people in Africa solve real-world problems. "Urgent Evoke" is an online game that seeks to cure real-world problems Players earn points by responding to weekly challenges The game begins on Wednesday; it focuses on Africa, but anyone can play The World Bank Institute spends $500K on the game as an educational tool (CNN) -- Some people think of online gamers and see gaunt loners huddled in dark rooms, the sad blue glow of the computer screen on their faces as their lives pass them by. Game designer Jane McGonigal sees "superheroes" with untapped potential that can be used to fix vexing real-world problems. "Gamers are willing to work hard all the time if they're given the right work," she said.

She calls them "super-empowered, hopeful individuals," and includes herself among the bunch. McGonigal's latest online game, called "Urgent Evoke," launches on Wednesday. Play a game, get a job Responding to an 'Evoke' Potential for addiction. Evoke freeMMORPG. EVOKE is a ten-week crash course in changing the world. It is free to play and open to anyone, anywhere. The goal of the social network game is to help empower young people all over the world, and especially young people in Africa, to come up with creative solutions to our most urgent social problems. The game begins on March 3, 2010. Players can join the game at any time. On May 12th, 2010 the first season of the game will end, and successful participants will form the first graduating class of the EVOKE network. Players who successfully complete 10 game challenges will be able to claim their honors: Certified EVOKE Social Innovator – Class of 2010.

Top players will also earn online mentorships with experienced social innovators and business leaders from around the world, seed funding for new ventures, and travel scholarships to share their vision for the future at the EVOKE Summit in Washington DC. EVOKE is for all ages; recommended age 13 and up. Kotaku Evoke: The Game That Seeks to do Go. ARGNet: Saving the World, One EVOKE at a Time. Wouldn’t it be great if, during times of crisis, there was a way to access a network of experts ready and able to help avert the crisis? Starting March 3rd, the Evoke Network goes live and available for all your crisis-averting needs! EVOKE was developed by the World Bank Institute, the educational branch of the World Bank Group, and directed by Jane McGonigal, the creative mind behind Superstruct and World Without Oil (among many others) and most recently an invited speaker at TED2010.

The alternate reality game’s mission is to help the world help itself, by empowering young people to tackle the world’s toughest problems. In the first episode, the year is 2020 and Japan is facing a nation-wide famine. The Governor of Tokyo sends an “EVOKE” to the mysterious Alchemy, who then activates the Evoke Network by contacting individuals with the necessary skills and ideas needed to help Tokyo avert her food crisis, and teach her people how to avoid it in the future. The goal of the game? TheEscapist: Urgent Evoke Asks Players to Make the Worl. Is a alternate-reality game created by game designer Jane McGonigal that launches March 3.

It is a game designed to cause real social action in exchange for in-game benefits, with the top players being granted mentorships, internships, start-up money and scholarships. The game is designed specifically to empower people living in Africa (though anyone is allowed to play), where innovation and entrepreneurial action is trailing when compared to Western countries.

The game, which is funded by World Bank, will last for 10 weeks. Every Wednesday, a new challenge is presented within the in-game universe such as a water shortage or famine, and a message is sent out to players who do things in real life to help solve these issues. Proof of the completion of these tasks is posted by players in the form of pictures, videos, or blog entries that are then reviewed and graded by the community and awarded points based on their performance. So why a game? Source: CNN via GamePolitics. Parody and Design. As many of you would be aware, the World Bank is behind a new online game called Evoke. EVOKE trailer (a new online game) from Alchemy on Vimeo. What is interesting is that already — while there has been much publicity before the game, it officially started on March 3rd — a parody has been created. Invoke is described as an “ARG to save the World Bank”. It isn’t the first parody of an ARG or online game of course.

There was a similar one for I Love Bees called CAPitALLism; and more general fun ones like I Love Beer. But what I find interesting about these parodies is two things. 1) what it says about nature of the forms; 2) the design issues associated with them. The corrective of laughter and criticism to all existing straightforward genres, languages, styles, voices; to force men to experience beneath these categories a different and contradictory reality that is otherwise not captured in them (Bakhtin, 1981 [1930s], 59) Likewise, Michael Andersen (new owner of ARGNet), is. Touchgraph Ushahidi World bank. Crowdsourcing, een kleine geschiedenis. In 2008 en 2009 heeft TNO een aantal onderzoekjes gedaan naar het fenomeen ‘crowdsourcen’, het “uitbesteden van een functie of taak aan een breed publiek” (citaat Jeff Howe).

Voor de Alliantie Vitaal Bestuur (AVB) hebben we specifiek gekeken naar crowdsourcing-strategieën in de publieke sector. De resultaten van dat onderzoek zijn gevat in een rapport. Daar willen we het deze keer niet bij laten en dus gaan we onze bevindingen toelichten op Ambtenaar 2.0. Dat doen we in vier delen, te beginnen met blog no. 1, een verkenning van de roots van crowdsourcing. Deel 2 gaat over de casuïstiek, mooi woord, de voorbeelden dus. In deel drie een modelmatige benadering van crowdsourcing strategieën en tenslotte, in deel 4, een uitwerking van usecases in de public sector. Deel 1. Crowdsourcing (2006) is een nieuwe term voor een bekend fenomeen. Crowdsourcing bouwt ook voort op de Open Source Software-beweging die op zijn beurt ontsproot aan de academische cultuur van MIT in de jaren 80. Literatuur: The wealth of networks: how social ...