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Frederik Egger

VPN-Tunnel via PPTP und OpenVPN (Tarife) - Portunity Access. Einige Provider bieten bei einem Mietserver / Rootserver nur 1 IP-Adresse an, weitere IP-Adressen gibt es gar nicht oder nur sehr teuer.

VPN-Tunnel via PPTP und OpenVPN (Tarife) - Portunity Access

Ihre Vorteile: günstigere Alternative zu den Aufpreisen Ihres Providers Suchmaschinen-Optimierung (SEO) durch weiteren IP-Adressraum! IPv6-Adressen - auch bei Providern, die noch nicht so weit sind! Kunden, die von Ihrem Internetprovider nur eine "ge-nat-ete" IP-Adresse erhalten (z.B. bei WLANs, Mobilfunkanbietern): Einige Provider vergeben zwischenzeitlich gar keine "echte" IP-Adresse mehr, sondern nur noch aus den nach RFC 1918 als "private Netze" definierten Bereichen.

Vorteile bei gefilterten / zensierten Zugängen: In einigen Ländern werden aus politischen Gründen bestimmte Webseiten oder Dienste blockiert (z.B. Mit unserer Tunnellösung können solche Sperren und Blockaden ggfs. umgangen werden - solange der Tunnel nicht selbst auch blockiert wird. How to mount Google Drive on Linux. As I speak, more than 22,000 people signed up for a petition, desperately wanting to have an official native Linux client for Google Drive, and yet their voice is still being ignored by Google.

How to mount Google Drive on Linux

Perhaps when it comes to boosting their bottom line, Linux desktop market is not a priority for Google. They can ignore Linux desktop market all they want, but they cannot ignore the power of FOSS. Faced with the frustration, the open-source community responded, producing unofficial Google Drive clients such as Grive or SyncDrive. These clients are file synchronization tools which sync files and folders between local file system and remote Google Drive. As such, you cannot mount Google Drive using these tools. If you want to mount Google Drive on Linux, you can try google-drive-ocamlfuse, which is a FUSE-based file system backed by Google Drive. In this tutorial, I will describe how to mount Google Drive on Linux with google-drive-ocamlfuse. Get the audio from a Youtube video with one command.  By now most (if not all of you) have dabbled a little bit with Linux.

Get the audio from a Youtube video with one command. 

Although it might look geeky and complicated at first glance, once you dip your toes into the great lake of open source it becomes a very refreshing computing experience. How do I mean ? Well : I challenge you to the following : Take a Windows Machine OR a Mac and, within 2 minutes FIND and INSTALL a free application that allows you to download a Youtube video and extract the audio to MP3.

If you started off your search in Google (or in the Mac App store for that matter) you are starting to realize it is not that easy. There is a ton of ‘supposed’ freeware out there that, after installing it gives you either an app that does not completely work (unless you pay for it) or is just too complicated. How to Set Up The Ampache Streaming Music Server In Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Page 2 - Page 2.

Transcoding settings Arguably transcoding is simultaneously the most powerful and most frustrating feature of an ampache install but please bare with me because you'll be thankfull you got it to work.

How to Set Up The Ampache Streaming Music Server In Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Page 2 - Page 2

I'm going to explain a little about transcoding then I'm going to give MY version of the configuration file lines as they are in my file and the commands you need to run to install the additional transcoding software that's required. The way transcoding works is that ampache takes the original file, which could be in any format, and feeds it to a transcoding program such as avconv, which needs to be installed separately, along with a selection of program arguments depending on how the transcoding needs to be done and into what format the final file needs to be.

The transcoding program then attempts to convert the file from one format to the next using the appropriate codec which also needs to be separately installed. You may note the strange encode_args_ogg line. Transcoding software. How to change a user's role? SAVEVIDEO.ME:Clipfish und andere herunterladen. Mattsches/jplayerm3udemo. iPhone 5 CSS media query.

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