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9 Excellent Tools for Design Mockups. So you've just taken some killer photos with your new DSLR, or you captured a great video with your iPhone — what's next? While it feels natural to just post media quickly to your Facebook Page, sometimes great photos or video need their own home in the form of a personal website. But on the other hand, it's not easy to make a website layout that complements rich media. In order to make a great website, professional web designers take advantage of mockup tools to analyze layout, design and functionality.

Taking advantage of these applications (some of which are 100% free) is a wise move — especially if you're interested in creating a professional website for your photography or video. We've rounded up nine applications that can help you get the most out of designing your web layout. 1. The application comes with a huge collection of drop-in components and reusable libraries, and an easy drag-and-drop interface. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. inPresso Screens. Le Top des ressources SEO gratuites proposées par Google. Google a quand même fait des efforts de communication sur ce qu'il entend par bon référencement sur son moteur de recherche. Et pour faciliter la tâche aux webmasters, il crée de plus en plus de pages d'aide et de tutoriels à même d'encourager les webmasters et autres référenceurs à respecter ses règles SEO. Ce sont ces ressources SEO qui vont vous être présentées ici et dont vous allez certainement en faire bon usage afin d'améliorer votre référencement web.

Guide de démarrage Google Le guide de démarrage Google regroupe tous les conseils d'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche prodigués par Google. Il fournit de nombreux conseils SEO mettant en avant les bonnes pratiques en terme d'optimisation interne pour faciliter l'exploration, l'indexation et une meilleure compréhension de vos contenus par les moteurs de recherche. Consignes aux webmasters La page des consignes aux webmasters est un bon complément du guide de démarrage ci-dessus mentionné.

Création et soumission de Sitemaps. The Ultimate Social Media Photo Sizing Cheat Sheet « Social Ape Marketing. Fonts. Nouvelles polices. Site Templates. Screenfly by QuirkTools — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions. 15 Useful Online HTML Editors for Web Developers. Online HTML editors makes it easy and fast to create HTML markup directly on a website or without installing an HTML editor. Creating HTML markup is the most essential part of publishing content online. For programmers, HTML is rather simple, and easy to learn, but for everyone else it is a programming language and takes focus away from the real task at hand; creating valuable content.

HTML rarely works well alone and some CSS styling need to be applied to make web pages look great. In modern publishing solution, like e.g. WordPress, all of the layout and styling complexities are managed by the active theme and styling is well separated from the page content. A few examples of this could be WordPress blog themes, WordPress magazine themes or even e-commerce themes.

If, however, you need to dive into the CSS code and do some tweaking you may find it useful to have a few online CSS tools and generators available to e.g. choose colors, create columns and grids, style buttons and so on. 9 Apps to Help You Create HTML5 Animations Without Coding. Apps 9 Apps to Help You Create HTML5 Animations Without Coding This post is written in partnership with PrintRunner, an online printing company that offers label printing services.

We all love HTML5 and the stunning animations article shows us its true potential. I am sure that after viewing so many beautiful and creative animations you thought at least once to create your own, because let’s face it, HTML5 is practical, lightweight and mobile friendly, everything you need in order to succeed in today’s web. So, for those of you thinking about creating a professional animation or application using pure HTML5 and CSS3 here are some options. Like I said earlier, you don’t need to know any programming language because the apps will do everything for you. Adobe Edge Even Adobe who owns Flash technologies realized that HTML5 is the way to go in the years to come. Tumult Hype Create one of a kind animations using HTML5 and CSS3. Hippo Studios Sencha MotionComposer Purple Visual Studio DisaPainted.