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Partagez vos actions positives. Explore. Change the World - About. Changetheworld is a California-based non-profit organization whose tools and activities are focused on easing and facilitating personal participation in local, national and/or global crisis and disaster relief. The mission of changetheworld is to inform, educate, support and empower citizens to contribute to activities of relief worldwide, as well as to strengthen need-based assistance through effective resource allocation and sustainability education. Our technology-based platform will establish a global community of well-intentioned and like-minded individuals and organizations and provide them with opportunities to: access information regarding needs from crisis and disaster relief projects worldwide; outline ways for the users to allocate their personal or corporate resources to effectively contribute to healthy, sustainable and equitable human and community development around those projects; and fund freight, transport and other forms of conveyance of resources to those in need.

The World's Largest Online Campaigning Platform · Causes. Home. La plateforme mondiale pour le changement. AllGreenup. AllGreenup team - indiegogo. Green Tips for a Cleaner Environment | Pages. Our Future Planet. Roots & Shoots. One Small Act. L'écosystème Imagination for People. Start your free Sustainable Business Network membership / Professional Networks Registration / The Guardian. Green_Business_Map.

WWF EcoGuru: Home. Newmanity - Le réseau qui change le monde. Calculate and offset your carbon footprint. Ways to Participate in Historic Global Transformation. One Community is here to create historic global change. We are interested in working with those who agree this is possible and want to help create it. This page covers the diversity of ways to participate. For simplicity we have divided the page into sections that briefly describe the ways to participate with links to the specific pages containing complete details. The sections included here are: Securing the PropertyWays Anyone Can HelpBecoming a One Community MemberTrade Professionals, Consultants, and PartnersLinks to Other Related Resources and Information Our number one priority right now is securing the property where One Community will be built.

As an open source project-launch blueprinting organization creating and demonstrating globally accessible and usable resources, we have a diversity of ways people can support world change just using the internet, making a tax deductible donation, by signing up for future work crews or other options, and more. I change sustainable. Nudge - duurzaam consumentenplatform. Pierre Rabhi. Initiateur du Mouvement Colibris, reconnu expert international pour la lutte contre la désertification, Pierre Rabhi est l’un des pionniers de l’agriculture écologique en France. Depuis 1981, il transmet son savoir-faire en Afrique en cherchant à redonner leur autonomie alimentaire aux plus démunis et à sauvegarder leur patrimoine nourricier.

Auteur, philosophe et conférencier, il appelle à "l'insurrection des consciences" pour fédérer ce que l'humanité a de meilleur et cesser de faire de notre planète-paradis un enfer de souffrances et de destructions. Devant l'échec de la condition générale de l'humanité et les dommages considérables infligés à la Nature, il nous invite à sortir du mythe de la croissance indéfinie, à réaliser l'importance vitale de notre terre nourricière et à inaugurer une nouvelle éthique de vie vers une "sobriété heureuse".

"De ses propres mains, Pierre Rabhi a transmis la Vie au sable du désert... One Planet Living. Home.